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By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
February 28, 2015
© 2015

President Barack Obama's minions at the all-too-powerful Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is set to have its five-member commission -- three Democrats and two Republicans -- to make a historic decision that will impact just about every American. They are seeking complete control of the Internet, considered to be the last bastion of freedom in America, according to reports and statements by opponents of this act of lawlessness.

According to Internet experts this decision may very well hurt the American citizens who use the worldwide web it will do little to stop hackers who are capable of creating havoc with the nation's cyber system.

Not only are the American people being given slogans and promises by the Obama administration -- the people who claim they run the most transparent White House in history -- about this latest government intrusion into the private sector, but the FCC has refused to allow anyone, including members of the Obama-loving news media, say opponents of Net Neutrality, the name given to the proposed secret regulations. The five commissioners were all appointed by President Obama and are all apparently onboard for secrecy.

"The fact that Obama is calling his takeover of the public’s Internet system "Net Neutrality" shows we better be worried -- very worried. This is the man who looked us in the eyes and said his healthcare program wouldn't increase insurance premiums and 'if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.' And he got away with that huge lie," said a former director of cyber security, Sid Franes.

"Imagine if a white, conservative president tried to take over the web how much outcry there would be from the politicians and the left-wing news media," Franes added.

Obama's latest power grab may be even more insidious than Obamacare since it is a takeover of the Internet by fiat without any Congressional input: there's no bill, no voting and no passing a law to be signed by the President. In fact, most American aren't even aware that the FCC will make its decision on Thursday, Feb. 26, 2015. On that day, for all intents and purposes, the Internet will already belong to Barack Obama, a man who remains a mystery to many who refuse to buy into the myths created by the news media.

What little Americans know about Net Neutrality is enough to cause panic. The plan is said to give the FCC the power to regulate what Internet providers (IPs) charge for wireless, broadband Internet access, or for Internet-phone service packages.

Because this plan isn't being processed through the House of Representatives and the Senate and if not open to partisan debate, Net Neutrality gives the FCC and the Executive Branch unrestrained power to decide how IPs manage their.

In fact, Republican Senator John Thune at the Senate Republicans leadership press conference, that February 26 could go down in history as the day the FCC took 'carte blanche authority,' and imposed massive government regulations over the Internet with a partisan vote on a 332-page secret plan.

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“In the end, when you compare what the American public is being told about President Obama’s plan to regulate the Internet with the actual text of that plan, these and other discrepancies become apparent. That makes it all the more important for the FCC to let the American public see the plan before the FCC makes it the law. We should be able to have an open, transparent debate about the President’s plan,” according to conservative activist and journalist Judi McLeod.

"Obama is the most incompetent, lying and untrustworthy, not to mention questionable ethics and suspicious dereliction of character ever to hold high office," she stated. "The news of the day is already being filtered by mainstream media in the tank with Obama. Brian Williams is not the only liar who anchors a major television network. He’s just the only one who’s been caught."

Efforts to interview members of the FCC met with negative results.

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Because this plan isn't being processed through the House of Representatives and the Senate and if not open to partisan debate, Net Neutrality gives the FCC and the Executive Branch unrestrained power to decide how IPs manage their.