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By Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
May 3, 2008

During its recent national convention in Kansas City, one of the nation's largest political parties -- The Constitution Party -- gave the presidential nod to celebrated Christian pastor, top syndicated radio talk show host and syndicated columnist Chuck Baldwin.

Upon accepting the nomination, Rev. Baldwin told party members and the news media that his presidency would result in the ending of illegal immigration and abortion. He also discussed his plans to streamline of the federal government, the tapping of oil reserves in Alaska, and a quick withdrawal from Iraq.

Rev. Baldwin's stiffest competition for the Constitution Party presidential nomination came from former US Ambassador to the United Nations and Assistant Secretary of State during the Reagan Administration.

Many of the delegates found themselves in a position to nominate a true patriot, instead of the old two-party system in which most of the time voters find themselves voting for the lesser of two or three candidates, said political strategist Mike Baker. Baker told that it was a tough choice for delegates to make.

"Both men are good conservatives, good Christians, and great leaders," said Baker.

According to the Constitution Party faithful, it was a surprise that Baldwin won by such a large magin -- 384 delegate votes for Baldwin, while Keyes garnered only 126 votes.

"While Alan Keyes enjoys celebrity status within the conservative movement -- including the hosting of his own MSNBC television program -- Baldwin was successful in getting the party's nomination and support," said former NYPD detective and US Marine intelligence officer Sidney Francis, himself an African-American who supported Keyes.

"But the party has spoken and they've decided that Baldwin would make a better nominee at a time when fewer Americans trust the two major political parties," added Det. Francis.

"Chuck is the real deal," said Constitution Paryy Chairman Jim Clymer. "

"The party's immediate tasks," Clymer added, "are raising money and gaining ballot access in each state. The party currently is qualified to be on the ballots of 21 states.
Clymer expects the eventual total to top 40 and including Kansas and Missouri.

However, not everyone is happy that Pastor Chuck won the nomination over Dr. Keyes. "They just rejected the most qualified man to be president," said Tom Hoefling of Lohrville, Iowa, Keyes' national political director. "Chuck Baldwin will have no impact on this election whatsoever."

A proven intellectual and scholar, Baldwin brings with him the credentials of a staunch conservative activist and has -- and continues to be -- a true scholar. "While not an attorney, Baldwin is a well-respected and tough debater who fears no opponent and -- unlike the GOP and Democrat Party presidential nominees -- he isn't gunshy when debating so-called intellectuals," said one supporter

Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida.

In 1985 the church was recognized by President Ronald Reagan for its unusual growth and influence. For more than eight years, Dr. Baldwin has been the host of a lively, hard-hitting radio talk show called, "Chuck Baldwin Live," a daily call-in show in which Dr. Baldwin addresses current event topics from a conservative Christian point of view.

The show has been highly successful in helping to elect conservatives to local, state and national offices. "Chuck Baldwin Live" has been regarded as perhaps the most influential voice in the Florida Panhandle for conservative, Christian principles.

Thousands of concerned citizens have been informed and inspired to social and political activism as a direct result of this radio talk show. Chuck's guest list reads like a "Who's Who" from both the local and national scene. Currently, "Chuck Baldwin Live...From Crossroad Baptist Church," airs on multiple stations throughout Florida and Alabama. This broadcast is a live recording of Pastor Baldwin's Sunday sermons.

From 1980-1984 Dr. Baldwin served as Pensacola Chairman, and then State Chairman of the Florida Moral Majority. Through these efforts many successful rallies and conferences were conducted. (One rally drew nearly 2,000 people during a driving rain storm.) Pro-family legislation was enacted, and Christians were educated as to moral-political information and involvement. Also, thousands of new conservative voters were generated.

Chuck has authored two books. The first is entitled "Subjects Seldom Spoken On" which contains eleven sermons not normally addressed.

The second, "This Is The Life," is a verse-by-verse exposition of the Epistles of John. Numerous theological booklets have also been written by Dr. Baldwin, including the popular, "Let's Look at Legalism."


Through his radio program Dr. Baldwin has edited and produced "The Freedom Documents." This volume contains over fifty of the most important and influential documents of American history. No where else that we know of can you find these great, historic documents under one title. Chuck also writes daily editorials that are sent to thousands of subscribers electronically. These editorial opinions are carried by several newspapers, newsletters, and Internet web sites around the country.

As if he weren't busy enough, Chuck Baldwin is a prolific writer/columnist whose articles and political commentaries are carried by a host of Internet sites, newspapers, and news magazines. His columns have appeared in such national publications as Insight magazine. His articles are featured regularly on Internet news sites such as World Net Daily, Covenant News, News With Views, Alan Keyes' Renew America, Gulf1, Web Today and a host of others. His columns also appear regularly in newspapers such as the Greenville, South Carolina Times Examiner and The Independent Florida Sun.

Besides hosting his own show, Chuck frequently appears on virtually every local media outlet in the Pensacola, Florida area including television, radio, and newspapers. He has also appeared on national television networks, including CNN and MSNBC. ABC television news once filmed his radio broadcast for a feature story.

He has appeared on prime time national news shows such as Scarborough Country on MSNBC, Anderson Cooper on CNN, and Erica Hill on CNN Headline News. He has also appeared on the German Radio Network, and the British Broadcasting Corporation's television network. Chuck was also featured in national magazines and newspapers such as Esquire, The Miami Herald, and The Washington Times.

On May 2, 2004, Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Michael Peroutka asked Dr. Baldwin to join him as his Vice Presidential running mate for the 2004 general election. The Constitution Party officially selected Michael Peroutka as its Presidential candidate and Dr. Chuck Baldwin as its Vice Presidential candidate at its national convention in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania on June 25th and 26th, 2004.

Chuck Baldwin has preached in churches all over the United States and overseas. He has spoken at several notable events including being the keynote speaker at the 50th anniversary of D-Day celebration at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida.

Dr. Baldwin has been proclaimed an honorary member of both the Pensacola City Council and the Women for Responsible Legislation. He has appeared before the Tiger Bay Club as well as several civic organizations. He has also been the guest of honor at a meeting of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. He was also awarded the Bronze Medal of Patriotism by the Sons of the American Revolution.

Twice, Dr. Baldwin was proclaimed "Minister Of The Day" in the Florida House of Representatives. Recently, this distinction was awarded him by the Florida State Senate. Also, Pastor Baldwin has had audiences with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, Sr. and Governors Bob Martinez, Fob James, Jr. and Jeb Bush. He has also been officially recognized by the Escambia County Florida Sheriffs Department as an Honorary Deputy Sheriff.

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Dr. Baldwin is a member of the Board of Directors for Gospel Radio Latin America (G.R.L.A.) in Ft. Worth, Texas, and on the Board of Regional Vice Presidents for Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Florida. He received the "National Medal of Patriotism" award from the American Police Hall of Fame and is a volunteer chaplain at the State Prison in Century, Florida. He is also listed in "Who's Who of the Gulf Coast."

To learn more about his radio talk show please visit his web site. When responding, please include your name, city and state.


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