NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
May 18, 2015
© 2015
As the presidential election cycle begins to heat up, the son of one president and brother of another, Jeb Bush, on Monday and Tuesday lectured voters on their need to show respect for illegal aliens, according several news sources including media watchdog Accuracy in Media.
former governor of Florida has always appeared soft on border security
and illegal immigration, political analysts had predicted that Jeb Bush
-- who claims to be a conservative, but is portrayed by conservatives
as a RINO (Republican in name only) -- would attempt to flip-flop on
the issue. Surprisingly
that did not happen with him going further clarifying his view and a
subject that encompasses other issues.
Among those issues are crime, terrorism, and drug trafficking. "You cannot talk about immigration, legal or illegal, without discussing border security, background checks and screening out terrorists and felons attempting to enter the United States," said former narcotics enforcement officer Janice Pinckney-Jones. "Defenders of illegal aliens will always say there was crime in the U.S. before the surge in illegal aliens. But I ask them 'why should we add more killers, rapists and miscreants?'" Pinckney-Jones explained.
Gov. Bush while appearing on news shows or giving speeches has said that the United States has reached a point where the federal government -- all three branches -- must make lawful and proper immigration easier to accomplish than the current system of "revolving door" illegal immigration. According to several studies in the public and private sectors, the average illegal alien apprehended by police or federal immigration officers has been arrested and deported about three times.
While a number of Republicans may agree with fixing the system the way Bush wants to fix it, they find some of his other ideas mirror those of the liberal-left Democrats such as illegal aliens being allowed to attend U.S. universities for less tuition than American citizens' children.
Bush is quoted as saying: "I just think there's a point past which we're over the line. I do understand and respect people's sentiments and frustrations about this broken [immigration] system. And I totally understand why people are upset when [President Barack] Obama, with a stroke of a pen through executive action, takes unconstitutional actions."
While polls show Americans oppose much of what's being given to illegal aliens -- such as in-state tuition -- a Republican legislature led by Florida's Speaker of the House, Will Weatherford, passed the college giveaway and the governor signed it under law. "It didn't happen under my watch, but I supported that. Because if you've been here for an extended period of time, you have no nexus to the country of your parents, what are we supposed to do? Marginalize these people forever?" asked Bush.
While Obama is well aware that America's social programs are strained to a breaking point with welfare, Social Security and Medicare costing Americans billions of dollars, legalizing millions of unskilled and uneducated workers will be detrimental to the country. Some believe Jeb Bush is also aware of it as well.
Illegal alien murderer of former 'Top Model' contest protected by Obama
Exchanges of letters between a U.S. Senate lawmaker and an official from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reveals that President Barack Obama's executive ordered immigration policy was instrumental in protecting a criminal alien gang member. Sadly, that gang member allegedly murdered four Americans, including a former participant on the television series”America's Next Top Model," according to news reports on Wednesday.
In fact, spokespeople for President Obama admitted that an illegal aliens and known gang member, who was allowed to remain in the United States thanks to the recent executive actions, killed four people in a southern state including a woman pursuing a career as a fashion model.
The suspect in that quadruple-murder case, Mexican-national Emmanuel Jesus Rangel-Hernandez, received permission to remain in the U.S. after his request to stay in the U.S. as part of Obama's controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, according a letter sent to the Senate by DHS's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Leon Rodriguez.
"Lord knows we have enough killers, rapists, robbers and burglars who are citizens. Why are we so keen on importing more of them? This administration's deceit knows no bounds. They lie to the American people and they have the most of the news media helping the Obama White House get over on citizens," said former narcotics agent and security specialist Lester McIntyre. "This one illegal alien took the lives of four people. He took everything they had and everything they would ever have had," he said.
Rodriquez conceded in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, that Rangel-Hernandez's application had received his DHS agency's approval, despite the murder suspect's name being listed as a known Latino street-gang member in the federal crime database. "Based on the standard procedures and protocols in place at the time, the DACA request and related employment authorization should not have been approved," said Rodriguez, in his letter to Chairman Grassley, who is questioning the downside of what's commonly called "Obama's amnesty program" by opponents of the president's unilateral actions on behalf of lawbreakers.
Rangel-Hernandez, originally from Mexico, is charged by the federal prosecutors in North Carolina with the vicious murders of four people, including former "America's Next Top Model" contestant Mirjana Puhar. "This... confirms what we have feared -- that USCIS is not doing a thorough job reviewing the individuals who it allows to stay in this country under the president's deferred action program" Grassley said in his written statement.
"It's no secret that USCIS staff is under intense pressure to approve every DACA application that comes across their desk. And based on this information, it's clear that adequate protocols are not in place to protect public safety. The fact is that this tragedy could have been avoided if the agency had a zero-tolerance policy with regard to criminal aliens and gang members," Grassley claimed.
Rodriguez, in his letter to Senator Grassley, claimed his department had "no indication" that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents knew that Rangel-Hernandez a member of a dangerous crime gang. However, he did concede that a separate database showed the suspected killer he was indeed a gang member. Rodriquez said that his USCIS agents would be provided new training.
"How much training does it take to perform a database check? To hell with the database, how about full criminal background checks? We have more than 12 million illegal aliens -- a number I suspect is fraudulent. How are we supposed to vet 12 million people? How will Obama vet the five million illegals in the DACA program?" asked former New York police officer Iris Aquino, herself a Hispanic U.S. citizen. "It's the same old story: Obama takes action, it blows up in his face, he feigns shock and then his administration attacks those who are outraged with the results of his stubbornness," she added.
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