NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
July 20, 2015
© 2015
United Nations' Security Council announced on Saturday that a vote is
scheduled for Monday a resolution that will approve or unapproved the
Iranian nuclear deal known as the "Joint Comprehensive Plan of
Action" (JCPOA). The U.N. announcement on Saturday has angered
U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle since they haven't even started
to review the proposed
agreement nor debated on its contents, according
to several news outlets.
Senate Republicans -- and some Democrats -- argued that the administration is about to give more credibility to an the international body by having the United Nations approve the already divisive Iranian nuclear pact that lawmakers have not yet reviewed nor have they set a date for a full-floor vote to authorize it.
Doing otherwise, Sen. John Thune, R-South Dakota, in a statement said, would strongly suggest that “the president holds the opinion of the United Nations in higher esteem than the American people.” One police official is quick to remind Americans about the corruption within the United Nations such as the "Oil for Food" scandal in Iraq. Lieutenant Philip Mensley claims police officers are concerned with the Iranian deal due to the threat of a so-called suitcase ending up in the hands of a terrorist cell supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
But what's seen as Obama's arrogant and stubborn attitude is actually uniting Republicans,such as conservative presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Democrats such as Sen. Robert Menendez, D-New Jersey, both of whom are wary about the deal they believe gives Iran everything and the U.S. nothing but promises from known deceivers and a government that believes Americans are infidels who need killing. Sen. Cruz is threatening to defund State Department programs unless the administration prevents the U.N. Security Council from voting on the resolution on the nuclear deal, which is scheduled for Monday.
Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz told Israeli news outlets, "There is an enormous difference between a deal that merely delays Iran’s development of a nuclear arsenal for a one year period and a deal that prevents Iran from ever developing a nuclear arsenal. Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel and many other critics of this deal describe it as merely a delay, while the Obama administration seems to be suggesting by its rhetoric that the deal will prevent Iran from ever obtaining a nuclear weapon."
Wendy Sherman, the undersecretary of State for political affairs, told reporters that the White House was under pressure from the other six countries involved in the talks -- Russia, China, Great Britain, France and Germany -- to get the U.N. approval as soon as possible. However, what she failed to note is the fact that the Russians and Chinese are anxious to make trade deals with Iran including selling the radical Muslims weapons systems and aircraft.
“It would have been a little difficult when all of the members of the P5+1 wanted to go to the United Nations to get an endorsement of this… for us to say, ‘well excuse me, the world, you should wait for the United States Congress,’” she told reporters at a State Department briefing. But political strategist Mike Baker said, "It always seems liberal presidents and lawmakers have a tendency to place the interests of other countries above the interests of American citizens which explains a lot of what we've seen with this White House."
Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, has circulated the draft for a U.N. resolution that would end international sanctions on Iran once the International Atomic Energy Agency verifies its compliance with a deal curbing its nuclear program. But a bi-partisan letter was sent from a Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a ranking Democrat on that committee to President Barack Obama on Thursday saying their committee must review the Iranian deal before it's brought to the U.N.
Knowing the track record of the U.N. -- including alleged widespread corruption -- few terrorism and national security analysts have faith in what's been called "The Beast on the East River." But for the Obama White House that may prove to be the answer he needs to either convince lawmakers or just bypass them in order to preserve his victory in achieving a nuclear deal with a terrorism-supporting nation.
Upon hearing the latest news about the controversial deal between the Iranian and the Western nations -- U.S., Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China -- Maryland's U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, a ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, warned President Obama that he should not go to the U.N. with a request that it lift the sanctions on Iran before both houses of the U.S. Congress can take action.
The Iranian agreement is already causing ill feelings within the U.S. military, intelligence and diplomatic communities, and it's starting to worry law enforcement officials, as well. The scenario of a terrorist cell -- in this case, one backed by Iran -- possessing a small nuclear device, or a improvised explosive device (IED) containing radiological material, warrants concern within the ranks of federal, state and local law enforcement officials who are charged with protecting the homeland.
Cardin said the administration should not present a proposal to draft a new U.N. resolution affecting international sanctions until lawmakers have a chance to review the nuclear deal, which was unveiled this week. “Acting on it at this stage is a confusing message to an independent review by Congress over these next 60 days. So I think it would be far better to have that vote after the 60-day review, assuming that the agreement is not effectively rejected by Congress,” Cardin said in a statement on Thursday. “If the United States is signing onto the United Nations program and later on we’re not part of it, what we’ll do is inconsistent with the U.N. resolution, so it would be better not to have action on the U.N. resolution,” he argued.
For Republican lawmakers, the move is a dangerous subjugation of U.S. sovereignty and an insult to Congress’s oversight role. A number of noted Americans -- such as Frank Gaffney, Admiral James Lyons, and Prof, Alan Dershowitz, who plan to hold a rally against the Iranian deal in New York City on July 22 -- claim that President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry are attempting to "sell the Iran deal as something other than a catastrophe for [sic] America international peace and security." President Obama and John Kerry are now invoking the United Nations. The Obama administration raced straight from Vienna to the Security Council, stated StopIranRally.org.
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