NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
November 3, 2015
© 2015
Trump vows to stop the hundreds of thousands of deaths of war veterans at the hands of Washington politicians
Literally hundreds of thousands of military veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system passed-away before bureaucrats finally processed their applications for life-saving healthcare, according to a report by the Office of the Inspector General at the Veteran's Administration in Washington, D.C.
the midst of a heated presidential campaign cycle, most of the Republican
Party and all of the Democratic Party candidates have basically ignored
the accusations
of gross negligence and even criminal activity within a system that
is supposed to care for men and women who fought for their nation. For
example, Hillary Clinton claims to be a progressive who cares about
the American people, but she finds talking about "a war on women
more important than helping men and women who actually fought in a real
war, according to former U.S. Marine Sid Franes, who later served as
a police officer. Franes believes the only candidate he believes is
sincere about helping veterans is Donald
The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing healthcare enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past. The inspector general said due to inadequacies in the quality of the data, the number of records did not represent all veterans pursuing their benefits in VA healthcare.
In addition, the agency's system for documenting whether a veteran was still alive or had died contributed to errors that included compensation being paid to veterans who already died and records claiming they had visited doctors when it was impossible since they were deceased.
The report reveals a "culture of mismanagement " within the VA's healthcare system, including a lack of oversight of records, computer problems within the records system, and a working system for identifying those veterans who dead. The inspector general that "the office responsible for enrollment has not effectively managed its business processes to ensure the consistent creation and maintenance of essential data."
The report said an internal VA investigation in 2010 found staffers had hidden veterans' applications in their desks so they could process them at a later time, but human resources later recommended the staffers responsible not be disciplined.
During an enormous rally on Saturday for the man known by many as “The Donald” in Norfolk, Virginia, Trump told his supporters: “We’re going to take care of those wounded warriors and we’re going to take care of our vets better than anybody. [My] plan will ensure our veterans get the care they need, wherever and whenever they need it.”
Trump was referring to the only comprehensive plan addressing what should be one of the biggest scandals in the Obama administration. On his campaign website – – his campaign team, including Gerri McDaniel, known to her colleagues as Geek Girl, posted a policy paper that if implemented would make life easier and longer for the men and women who politicians use as stage props, but never seem to care about their welfare, according to former U.S. Marine non-commissioned officer Sid Franes.
“Obama and his Democrat colleagues have as much affection for military personnel as they do for local police officers and sheriffs. I’ve seen their ‘love’ for warriors and cops and you can keep it. We are cannon fodder for their political schemes,” said Franes, who after eight years in the military resigned and became a police officer.
During the Virginia rally held on Saturday in front of the USS Wisconsin, Trump said, “I don’t want to get rid of it, I want to supplement it.” Yet he said he would fire “the corrupt and incompetent VA executives who let our veterans down.”
The GOP candidate, who is being denigrated by both the Democrat and Republican establishments, also blasted the VA for its lack of obstetric help for women, asserting, “The fact that many VA hospitals don’t permanently staff OB-GYN doctors shows an utter lack of respect for the growing number of female veterans.”
Trump also vowed, “We’re going to replace [the current medical facilities) with more effective ones to get our veterans working, which is what they want to do. We’re going to transform the VA to meet the needs of the current veterans. Exposing and addressing the VA’s inefficiencies and shortcomings will be rewarded, not punished. We’re going to find out why it’s going bad and we’re going to fix it.”
"Polls of GOP rank and file show Trump is the presidential favorite. Trump and Ben Carson combined get 50% or more support. Establishment candidates should get out of the race. The people do not want them. All they can do is screw things up. Republicans should get behind Trump, demolish the wicked witch of the left and make America great again," said the man the Washington Post called the Gun Dean, John Snyder.
A recent Ipsos/Reuters online poll shows Trump at 29% and Ben Carson at 27% for a 56% total. An Economist/You Gov poll shows Trump at 32% and Carson at 18% for a 50% total. An IBD/TIPP poll shows Trump at 28% and Carson at 23% for a 51% total.
According to an AP-GfK poll, Republican registered voters say they prefer an outsider candidate to an insider by a 77% to 22% margin.
"The message is clear: Republicans want a change, a big change. They think successful New York businessman Trump can reinvigorate United States manufacturing, restore economic dominance and promote domestic job growth," declared Snyder, who sits on the board of advisors for the National Association of Chiefs of Police, as well as the American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens.
"GOP leaders should get the message. Let them drop the petty infighting and attack the promoters of gun control, abortion, international weakness and military indecisiveness in the Democrat party," said the former editor for the National Rifle Association (NRA) magazines.
Wake up, it's our last chance to save American Veterans. Please, make this article to go VIRAL. Send it to everyone you know.
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