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According to numerous readers of the award-winning conservative Internet news and commentary web site, NewsWithViews.com, readers are being lied to: a popular web browser, Google Chrome, falsely tells NWV readers that "malware" exists on the web site. When you Google our previous news article "Giuliani supporting Trump in NY primary despite GOP attempts to derail campaign" then click on the link, the following warning pops up "Warning — visiting this web site may harm your computer!" You may want to consider using an alternate search engine for the time being such as 'StartPage.com, Yahoo.com, and there are plenty others, Etc. This is allegedly seen with news stories that address political and social issues from a conservative or libertarian perspective especially positive stories and comments that are favorable to GOP front-runner Donald Trump , according to several writers and the editor at NWV, Paul Walter.
One of NWV's most popular columnists, Kelleigh Nelson, who frequently writes on political issues, had problems with readers not being able to access her opinion pieces appearing on NWV. Kelleigh is 101% pro Trump. “A number of my readers [had] emailed me that when they tried to access my archived articles, a malware warning would always pop up. All of them were using Google Chrome when this happened,” said Nelson. “I immediately alerted Paul Walter, Senior Editor of NewsWithViews.com, and he did a malware check. Nothing showed as being malware within any of my archived articles.” Ms. Nelson believes that "Google Chrome covertly putting these malware warnings on every article they politically disagree with, and she believes that NewsWithViews.com is not the only target. There are other websites being targeted, including The Marshall Report, and The Conservative Tree House. “If you want the truth in these and other articles, then use any other search engine and the articles and websites will come up, just not with Google Chrome,” said Kelleigh Nelson. NWV's editor, Paul Walter, conducted his own investigation and confirmed that the “malware alerts” were the product of only one web browser: Google Chrome. All of the complaints regarding “malware alerts” were generated by readers who were Chrome browser users. Those readers using the other popular Internet browsers were not experiencing this suspected form of censorship. When NWV editor Paul Walter received complaints from both readers and some columnists about the suspected malware hoax, he contacted his web hosting company in Los Angeles and N.J. for a complete examination of the NewsWithViews.com web site and its dedicated server. The company reported "conducting full scans and exams of NWV and found no evidence of there being any type of malware or anything harmful within the system." NWV was given a clean-bill-of-health by the hosting company and yet, the complaints kept pouring in from all over the country about the malwere problem that didn't exist. Walter said, "I'm almost 100% certain that you won't be able to find this news article on the Google search engine." "A Lawsuit is being considered which will get NWV national media attention and millions of new hits. It may be the silver lining in this dark cloud, sort of like David against Goliath." added Walter The Conservative Base’s webmaster, Ben Thole, also conducted virus scans and the like and also found there were no problems with the web site or the server. Thole is an experienced web site designer and webmaster who has worked for the Republican Party, celebrities and companies that require first-rate Internet coverage. NewsWithViews.com columnist, Ron Ewart, President of the National Association of Rural Landowners, when he discovered the activities of Google, launched his own action against the media giant. “Few Silicon Valley companies have ever embraced a political party as passionately as Google has. Its executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, has been described as a "kind of guru" to President Obama's campaign manager, and Google employees emerged as the No. 2 donor to the Democratic National Committee in the last election,” stated Ewart. Ewart also mentioned during the telephone interview with a NWV reporter that the Google Chrome Malware Alerts suddenly appeared on conservative articles right after Donald Trump, during a televised rally with 20-thousand cheering supporters, held up an article from the NewsWithViews.com website that verified his assertion about media bias and the NWV website received an astounding 1,000,000 hits in just one day.
Efforts by NWV to contact Google and discuss these serious allegations met with negative results. The person who only gave the name “Heather” said the Google browser is not involved in politics. However, Ron Ewart wrote a thorough letter to the Google executives Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, which he plans to publish on NewsWithViews.com. “I hope conservatives will start to take action,” said Ewart. “The whole political system is corrupted and people must awaken and take action before ‘malware alerts’ will be the least of their problems,” he added. If you can't get on NWV website, follow these simple instructions. MOZILLA FIREFOX Browser Click on the 3
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Efforts by NWV to contact Google and discuss these serious allegations met with negative results. The person who only gave the name “Heather” said the Google browser is not involved in politics.