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By Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
June 27, 2008

Following the recent law in Britain prohibiting the use of the words mom ('mum') and dad in public schools, the politically-correct forces in Europe once again succeeded -- this time having fathers removed from their children's classrooms.

According to reports coming out of Edinburgh, Scotland, children in public schools are prohibited from making Father's Day cards and related gifts as was customary in the past.

The rationale given by school administrators for their action is their wish to avoid embarrassing school children who live with single mothers or lesbian partners. According to conservative political strategist Michael Baker, who for years predicted such political-correctness, this new school policy was secretly adopted by the public school system without the input of students' parents.

"The school administrators think it's perfectly okay to be sneaky and dishonest in the name of being 'sensitive' towards a small minority of students who are being raised in homes where no male father-figure exists," says Baker, who also predicted that California and Britain would ban the use of the terms mom, dad, mother and father in the hopes of not offending gay households, single mothers and their children. Baker's prediction became true quicker that was expected.

Scottish public school officials never informed parents about their new policy. Information regarding the shift in school policy only emerged after a large number of fathers failed to receive their traditional cards and handmade gifts. Once the public became aware of the anti-Father's Day policy, family rights campaigners became more vocal as they looked into the matter and then condemned the policy as being “absurd” and bordering on insanity

While parents and conservatives argued that the school system is marginalizing fathers, public school administrators defended their actions by saying teachers need to react to “the changing pattern of family life.”

Critics of the political-correctness orthodoxy believe this trend of banning certain language in public is leading towards rampant censorship.

"Liberal-left judges are adept at finding ways to circumvent their nations' constitutions in order to achieve their desired goals in social engineering and socialism," said Mike Baker.

"If Americans believe they are protected against this nonsense by the US Constitution, they better wake up," said New Jersey school administrator Jane Marton.

"All the proponents of the politically-correct orthodoxy need is to find a few activist judges and they can change the rules at will. Look at California: Teachers and administrators can no longer use the words "mom," "dad," "mother," or "father." Read term "Moms" and "Dads" now banned in California public schools.

Tina Woolnough, 45, whose son Felix attends Edinburgh’s Blackhall primary school, told the London Telegraph that several teachers there had not allowed children to make Father's Day cards this year.

Mrs. Woolnough, a member of the school’s parent-teacher council, said, “This is something I know they do on a class-by-class basis at my son Felix’s school. Some classes send Father’s Day cards and some do not. The teachers are aware of the family circumstances of the children in each class and if a child hasn’t got a father living at home, the teacher will avoid getting the children to make a card.”

But according to other parents, public school children are not given such an option in Scotland.

"Slowly, school hierarchies are denying school children their historic traditions. It began with religious holidays such as Easter and then Christmas. Now they are looking to push gender politics under the guise of sensitivity. What better holiday to target than Father's Day?" asks Baker.

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"Why are they doing this? Because they know they can get away with it with little or no opposition from the Christian community. No matter how bad the public schools get, they know that people are not going to complain much and still continue to send their children to public schools" added Baker. Do sheep complain while they're being sheered? Where are the men? Are they reading girlie magazines, buying Viagra or to busy to pay attention?

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Scottish public school officials never informed parents about their new policy. Information regarding the shift in school policy only emerged after a large number of fathers failed to receive their traditional cards and handmade gifts.