Other NWV Senate Passes Unborn Victims of Violence Act Book Banned In America While Troops Die For Freedom
By Investigative Reporter, John Taft Posted
1:12 AM Eastern NewsWithViews.com GRANTS PASS, Oregon - The fraternal order of the Elks in Grants Pass has allowed itself to be debased and used as a political weapon to deny an applicant membership into the organization. False accusations, political subterfuge, and blackballing have been brought to this normally fair, and community minded organization. The Elks bylaws state. "The Order of Elks questions no person's religion, nor bars him/her because of race or creed. It is not concerned with political affiliations. It is nondenominational." What went wrong and allowed the Grants Pass Elks lodge to abandon its constitution and principles? No one in authority at the Elks spoke out against this illegal violation of the organization's principles and the applicant's rights. The Elks' secretary wrote the applicant that he regretted the denial of membership. Witness Says: Sheriff and Deputies Intimidate Elk's Membership Vote
Snook said, "I wasn't actively trying to become a member, but was encouraged to do so by a number of individuals including a couple of Josephine County former public officials." When asked if he would reapply he said, "I do not intend to reapply to a club that would practice open blatant discrimination. If the Elks are what they claim to be then they need to do a formal investigation of this matter, and make a public statement and apology." Observer Absolutely Defamed In violation of the Elks' constitution and principles that have made it a great organization, Daniel took this self-serving petty means to defame the Observer and have Snook barred from membership. Daniel makes the accusation that the Observer is anti-government. The Observer is not antigovernment, it fully supports the US Constitution. It is opposed to bad government and demands accountability from all public employees. When Snook found out that Daniel was behind his denial of membership in the Elks, he called him on the phone. Daniel didn't deny the accusations. In fact, he added he did it because of John Taft. Snook reminded Daniel his name was not John Taft. Sheriff's Critic Barred from Elk's Membership
If the Elks are not interested in politics as their rules claim in determining membership and their motto is "THE FAULTS OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WE WRITE UPON THE SAND, THEIR VIRTUES UPON THE TABLETS OF LOVE AND MEMORY," then there was no legitimate or ethical reason to have barred Edward Snook from membership in the Elks. The reasons to bar Snook were therefore, political, vengeful, and unethical. The National Elks Administrators would do well to investigate this case of alleged corruption in the Grants Pass Elks, which appears to have been manipulated by one man with an agenda. � 2004 John Taft - All Rights Reserved Ed Snook (541) 474-7885 Sign
Up For Free E-Mail Alerts John Taft former president of Josephine County, OR. Taxpayers Association is presently an investigative reporter for the US-Oregon Observer and NewsWithViews.com. John has many years of broadcasting, news writing and reporting experience. He also has written a popular conservative newsletter for a taxpayers organization to inform the public on taxing issues. John can be reached at joconewsline@hotmail.com
"The Josephine County Sheriff David H. Daniel has felt the heat from many Observer articles during the past six years since he has held the position of sheriff. During this time he has built up a consuming grudge against Snook..."