By Kelleigh Nelson
October 17, 2016
In 1994, Sally Miller stated that she had had an affair with then-governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas in 1983. She also stated that she had been asked not to reveal the affair by a former Democratic party staffer in 1992 who told her that "[t]hey knew that I went jogging by myself, and he couldn't guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs.”
Beauty Queen
Sally Miller is the former 1958 Miss Arkansas and Little Rock radio talk show host. She was a top-10 finalist in the 1958 Miss America pageant. Fulfilling a childhood dream, she even traveled the length of The Great Wall of China on foot in 1990.
She has written her life story in her book, The Beauty Queen. From the back cover of Sally’s book, she stated, “The Beauty Queen is a complicated adventure through the shame of incest, sexual abuse, dominance and control; of once-in-a-lifetime experiences, and a living death. But, never fear. There are many funny stories, a few naughty revelations, and more than enough "shock" to keep your attention.”
Sally hadn’t intended to put her affair with Bill Clinton into her book, until last fall when she found she was being followed, spied on, and harassed again by Hillary. The intimate details of what Bill told Sally during their three months together gives us a picture of who really runs the show in the Clinton marriage.
The book is dedicated to her father, the one parent who truly loved her.
My Conversation with Sally
The American Mirror did an interview with Sally, and unlike many others who claimed dalliances with Clinton, Sally comes across as one hundred percent clear, with not a hint of deception in her body language or in her tone throughout the interview.
Here is the full interview
Talking to this lovely woman was like talking to an old friend. Sally had a miserable childhood with a dominant and sexually abusive mother, and a weak but loving father who unfortunately kowtowed to her mother’s wishes. Her mother had always criticized Sally and told her she was flat chested and ugly, yet this beautiful woman went on to be a top 10 finalist in the Miss America pageant. During the pageant, the associated press voted her the best legs, and from the above picture, most folks would agree with them!
About two months after the Miss America pageant, Sally’s mother received a telegram requesting her daughter fly to New York City and audition for the first female host for the Today Show. Sally so wanted to study voice in New York City, and this would have been a perfect opportunity for her. The telegram was sent by Dave Garroway, an American television personality. He was the founding host and anchor of NBC's Today Show from 1952 to 1961. Sally’s father thought it was a great opportunity for his daughter, but her mother put the kibosh on her trip. And guess who was chosen by Garroway a year later…none other than Barbara Walter.
Sally Meets Bill
A CNN anchor reported that at least 14 women have come forward and dropped the bomb that they had affairs, or were assaulted by Bill Clinton. The anchor said, “After what we’ve seen with Bill Cosby and with old accusations, there are about 14 women who are said to have made claims at one time or another. [Link]
Sally Miller’s name appears with a list of other women who Bill Clinton allegedly had sexual trysts with while married to Hillary Clinton. She claims to have had an affair with Bill that lasted three months. However, unlike what many of the other women have said, Sally tells a different story completely, and it rings totally true.
When Sally was going through a divorce, her lawyer, State Senator, Mutt Gibson, said the first thing was to get her away from Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The legislature was in session, so he helped Sally get hired as a senate aid. The second day she was there, she met Bill Clinton, and Bill asked her, “Do I know you?”
Bill was raised between Hope and Hot Springs, Arkansas, and the Miss America pageant was in Hot Springs. Sally commented that everyone knows everyone as well as their business. As Miss Arkansas, her face was readily recognizable.
There were any number of nightly parties held by lobbyists, and many of the legislators went to these parties. She and Bill attended some of these parties, danced together and had several friendly conversations.
Sally said that many men felt “entitled,” and at one party she attended, the former Governor of Arkansas, Dale Bumpers, was holding court. He was there for favors from the ladies, and when Sally was finally ushered into his room to meet him, she realized what was going on and quickly exited.
Bill and Sally Meet Again
Ten years later Sally was going thru the second divorce, and she met Bill again under different circumstances…
Sally’s father was a railroad steam engineer, and there was an 819-steam engine that needed major overhauling to be made operational, so Sally made it her job to get it up and going, and she did.
It was 1983, and Bill was Governor of Arkansas. Sally went to his office in the capitol to present her plans for the steam engine. Bill’s secretary told her he was on the golf course, but said Bill would call her, and they’d talk about the rail historical society and her proposal. Sally still has the exact proposal…and Bill did call her.
Bill told her he was at the country club, but offered to stop at her house, which he did. He looked at the proposal…and said he would take it home. That was the beginning of their three-month relationship. The two of them got reacquainted, had a great time as friends and lovers, and then broke up because she was running for mayor on the Republican ticket.
Sally told me that Bill could curse like a sailor, and the last thing he said to her when he walked out the door was “F**k you.” He told her that she didn’t know sh*t about politics, that the democrats already “know the winner and it ain’t you, and the democrat will win because she’s stupid and will take orders.”
She lost the race.
Three Months Together
Sally said they liked each other, they had fun together, they laughed and talked, and he did coke, and they sang and played the piano. She said that Bill made her feel good about herself.
Bill loved to fool around and would pick up Sally’s silky see-through Peignoir off the bed, put it on, and toot his saxophone around the bedroom, admiring himself in the mirror. She had no idea he would be president. He was just having fun and was laughing, and they never had money, so he wasn’t worried about handmade suits or fancy cufflinks; he was just happy to have a suit that fit.
Miller also doesn’t believe the rape charges against Bill. She says he doesn’t need to rape anyone because he’s such a charmer, and he was way too passive in bed. She feels that Juanita Broaddick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey have changed their stories, and she believes they’re opportunists. “It wasn’t Bill that was dangerous, it was his wife, Hillary.”
Sally doesn’t believe that Dolly Kyle was with Bill for 40 years and Gennifer Flowers was with him for 12 years, and no one calls him Billy as these women have done. A reporter did, however, overhear the gruesome threat leveled against Gennifer by Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton had stated, “The great story here, were anybody willing to find it and write about it, and explain it, is this vast rightwing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president. Yes, it’s a conspiracy theory that Bill is a cheating dog.” Here’s the video from 1998.
Right Hillary, you allegedly like women more than men (See this YouTube Video), and you expected your husband to go along with that and not seek female companionship…
The Real Hillary According to Bill
On Sally’s Facebook page, she states, “The most sobering remarks ever shared by Bill Clinton came after I told him about visiting Easter Seal the day before and singing songs with a group of children with disabilities. More serious than I had ever seen him, Bill repeated a frightening promise Hillary made during her pregnancy.”
“He described Hillary being viciously angry, doubling both her fists, beating on her stomach, and yelling, ‘If this f**king thing inside me is a brainless Mongoloid or a Thalidomide Freak, or has any other deformity, you can be damn sure I’ll have the f**kin retard killed. I will not let some piece of pathetic, dribbling shit ruin my life, is that clear?!’”
And she recounts in her book what Bill told her about Hillary.
After we married, I saw the real Hillary. She’s just a damn selfish bitch who likes women; she doesn’t even want to compromise and be bi-sexual. All I hear is how much she despises penises; she thinks they are f**kin ugly, like snakes.
The only time Hillary gets aroused or agrees to play sexy is after she snorts coke. But, even then, she’s frigid. Hillary goes absolutely ape-s**t crazy—I mean screams, hits, and cusses if I touch her breasts! Right after we started fooling around, she warned me to stay away from her tits, telling me, “If you want to nurse, go home to your momma!”
I almost wet my pants, laughing, when Bill said, “To Hillary, great sex is sitting on the toilet, looking at photos of naked women, and masturbating. I kid you not; I’ve caught her multiple times looking at a Playboy magazine with her hand down her pants.”
Sally commented that, “No one gives a damn about Bill anymore. Hillary is the one, and she should have kept him in line, but she went after Bill’s women because Bill was her ticket to success, and she needed him.”
Chelsea, The Only Clinton Child
Bill told Sally that Hillary was a lesbian when Sally inquired why Hillary was so cold. He told her that Hillary had had several abortions, but according to political analysts, if they wanted to move up in politics, they had to have a child, and thus, Chelsea was born.
Bill had said he was going to leave Hillary if she didn’t have a baby. He thought he could change her, and she would be a normal wife, but he finally saw her for what she really was.
It is Sally’s belief that Hillary married Bill to get her where she wanted to be. She figured she could control him, but he wanted female companionship and a traditional family. He threatened to leave her, and that’s when she finally became pregnant.
was the only normal thing in Chelsea’s life, raised basically by
Bill and state troopers. Sally comments that Hillary had retained her
maiden name of Rodham because she felt she was more important than Bill,
but out of necessity changed her name to Hillary Rodham Clinton, and finally
to Hillary Clinton when Bill ran for president. Hillary had nothing to
do with raising Chelsea, and the staff seldom saw them as Bill, Hillary
and Chelsea. Hillary was busy promoting herself the entire time. Her goal
was the limelight and power.
Sally said that Bill had redeeming features, but Hillary had an ugly disposition and ugly legs, and probably hates women who have nice legs. Perhaps that’s why the huge assortment of pantsuits!
Back when he and Sally were having an affair, Sally didn’t think it would ever be possible for Bill to become president. She knew that Hillary wanted Bill’s mother as far away from the White House as possible, because Bill’s mother was considered “easy,” she went out and danced and kicked up her heels and so forth. Bill’s brother, Rodger, had the nerve to end up in prison because he did drugs.
Threats and Intimidation
Sally Miller noted that Hillary doesn’t care that she described her affair with Bill, as it’s “old news.” But she’s certain Hillary doesn’t want it known how she paid professionals to frighten, stalk, and threaten her… with the goal of “finishing her off!”
This beauty queen described how she’s been under attack from the Clintons – who are infamous for their intimidation tactics – since the 1990s. She was physically threatened by a Clinton campaign operative, and is worried that they will stop at nothing to silence her during the 2016 campaign.
Dennis reported, “It’s been well established, but underreported
by American media, that Hillary Clinton unleashed her operatives, including
Tucker, to threaten Miller beginning in 1992.
The recording of Trump speaking in a bawdy, insensitive way about his sexual exploits with women was surreptitiously and illegally recorded a dozen years ago. It is now being seized upon by the same leftist media that whitewashes the entire history of Bill Clinton's sexual assaults against women as well as Hillary's long history of extreme profanity and cursing at everyone around her, not to mention the threats to Bill’s paramours.
Over the last week, many members of the Republican establishment have seized upon the eleven year old tape to denounce Trump yet again, ridiculously proclaiming they hold the moral high ground in America only because they've never yet been caught hiring prostitutes or sodomizing little boys. Does anyone really believe these power-hungry thugs haven’t been in the sewer?
There's never been any question whatsoever about whether Trump is an insider or outsider. The all-out attack on Trump by the leftist media, democrats and the republican establishment now confirm that the political elite are terrified of Donald Trump and will do anything to stop him.
Hillary is hellbent to become the first female president of the United States, and she will do anything to attain that power, including using her operatives and connections to destroy Mr. Trump’s reputation.
The media is totally owned by Hillary Clinton, and they do her bidding, covering for her at every turn. They will never tell the truth about how corrupt and dangerous Hillary Clinton truly is, not only to Bill’s former paramours, but to our nation and the world as a whole. Sally refers to Hillary as “satan in drag,” and it is a fitting description.
Sally’s book, “The Beauty Queen, is the story of her life, her loves, her losses, her joys, her affair with Bill Clinton, and her utter fear of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
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© 2016 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group.