William Owens, Jr.
February 26, 2010
In Washington D.C., the seat of power should represent “We the People” but it no longer does. Instead, every vile thing has found habitat in our nation’s capital. As if by intent, regardless of political party, there is an agenda to utterly destroy what “We the People” stands for. As the Constitution states, we, the American people, has “derived her powers from the “Laws of Nature” and of Natures God and by it has secured for themselves and their posterity Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
What makes America beautiful?
Is it the mountains? Though they grace our skies from coast to coast and provide some of the most breathtaking images the eye has seen…no.
Is it the coastal lands? Without question, we gain a refreshing and tranquil experience as we walk along these peaceful locations, but these are not the source of America’s beauty.
Is it the rich deposits of resources that have allowed us to enjoy unprecedented wealth? No.
Is it the fact that our comforts make us the envy of the world? No
I could continue this imaginary discourse and take you to all the marvels America has to offer, yet I would end each description with “No“ to the question, “What makes America beautiful?”.
Before I cut to the chase and tell you what makes America beautiful, let me flatly tell you that it’s neither liberty or freedom. As well, the let me also state that the key component that makes America Beautiful also can destroy her beauty.
What, indeed, does make America beautiful?
Her people.
From the early pilgrims who traveled from distant lands with Bible in hand, to those who properly seek entrance to our free land--and contribute to it-- the beauty of America rests with her people. From the traditions that bring families together to celebrate the birth of a child, to those that celebrate the home going of another…it’s her people. America’s people will cook some of the food you eat for dinner tonight, which was inspired by an American who brought this treasure to this country. My grandmother’s beauty rested in the fact that she was always ready to share a piece of fried chicken and a Coke with someone.
The beauty of our country ultimately rests with her people.
It was “her people” that our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote, “We the People” as the first three words of the United States Constitution.
It was “her people” that our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote, “ONE people to dissolve political bands …that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
America’s beauty is found in the DNA of her people and the God of those people who believed then, and “We the People” who believe now. Had our pilgrims not brought the God of the Bible to America, we would not have that beauty in America today, because it is God who beautifies, not the people in and of themselves.
In Washington D.C., the seat of power should represent “We the People” but it no longer does. Instead, every vile thing has found habitat in our nation’s capital. As if by intent, regardless of political party, there is an agenda to utterly destroy what “We the People” stands for. As the Constitution states, we, the American people, has “derived her powers from the “Laws of Nature” and of Natures God and by it has secured for themselves and their posterity Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
I soberly ask you, how much longer can our government continue to encroach upon the rights of “We the People”?
“We the People” have secured these rights so “We the People” must protect these rights.
Liberty and freedom are more than mere words. They did not simply appear; they were birthed through the blood of those who wanted the right that God gave them by birth.
Today, “We the People” have never faced what we face, and many do not know whether or not liberty and freedom matters. Let me emphatically state that, yes, it matters. As I travel with my extended family on the Tea Party Express buses, and hear the concerns of Americans from coast to coast, I assure you that liberty, freedom and the Constitution matter.
“We the People” must continue to forge ahead in our beliefs because the same propensity that man had to form our republic exists within the hearts of men to strip it from us. My point is that the beauty of the people of America can quickly become ugly when the inclination to control and usurp authority of “We the People” becomes the objective, and that is precisely what is occurring today in our government.
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Who knows the time of our birth or even the time of our death? Even so who could foresee the birth of America? Likewise will she abide forever? No one knows the answers to these questions. However, this one thing I do know: I, along with millions more Americans, are going to live every day of our lives without fear, and, by the grace of God, as beautifully as “We the People” can, no matter what, as long as our existence on this earth permits us to!
And that’s what has made, and will preserve, America's beauty: the grace of God, coupled with the resiliency of “We the People.”
William Owens is the Author of: Obama: Why Black America Should Have Doubts
� 2010 William Owens, Jr. - All Rights Reserved
William Owens is a husband of twenty-four years to Selena Owens, and also a father of their four young adult children. He is President and co-founder of the Multi-cultural Conservative Coalition, a non-partisan conservative coalition comprised of people of various ethnicities and cultures who espouse conservative and patriotic ideologies, and translate those beliefs within society through a variety of platforms.
He is the author of seven books including, Divine Protocol-The Order of God’s Kingdom, Warriors Arise – Spiritual Life, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual Maturity, and the controversial work, Bastards in the Pulpit. His latest, Obama: Why Black America Should Have Doubts is Owens’ first politically themed work and is experiencing great success in this hour of political transformation in America.
William Owens is also founder of iTouch Publishers, celebrating sixteen years of publishing relevant messages through books and newspapers to specialized markets since 1994. His wife, Selena, is also an author. To date, they have published a combined seventeen titles, and will be releasing their national newspaper, Christian Life News, A Christian Worldview Publication on the West Coast prior to year’s end.
He is a sought after speaker both within and also outside the Christian arena, and is a speaker and political activist touring with The Tea Party Express for the second time throughout America.