Attorney Michael Peroutka
September 10, 2014
Does it drive you crazy when you hear politicians and talking heads refer to America as a “democracy”? If it does, I sympathize with you. And so do the founders.
Here’s what James Madison, our fourth President and the man they call the “Father of the Constitution,” had to say about democracies:
Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths…
So, despite what you have repeatedly heard, the purpose and the premise of the Constitution of these united States is the establishment of a Christian Republic under God, NOT a democracy.
Now there are many evil persons (and many of their ignorant followers) who want us to be a democracy.
They would prefer that the whims and fancies of the majority, manipulated by the media and by elitist power brokers, become the law of the land. Under such a system, neither our lives nor our private possessions are safe.
But, in a Christian Republic governed by a Constitution which is rooted in Biblical law, all life and property are safe.
Why? Well in a Christian Republic law rules – not the majority.
Now do you see why the politicians and the talking heads keep calling us a “democracy”?
They want you to believe that we are one.
And that should drive you crazy.
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Michael Anthony Peroutka Esq. is a former Presidential candidate and co-founder of Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) an educational outreach of his law firm that presents the founders “American View” of law and government. IOTC has produced thousands of graduates in all 50 states with a full understanding of the Biblical principles on which those founding documents are based.
Michael is a graduate of Loyola College and the University of Baltimore School of Law.
Twitter: @theamericanview
Website: Constitution IOTC