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By Niki Raapana

January 25, 2006

Here's how communitarian rulings create a new quality of life:

"Adams offered an illuminating example of the questions arising from the interaction between European institutions on the one hand and society at large on the other. Only keen observers of communitarian matters are aware that the European Court of Justice has been an active policy maker, in a role similar to that played by the U.S. Supreme Court after World War II. By enforcing on individual countries, sectors and firms the laws approved at the level of the European Community (now Union), the Court has profoundly affected long-standing national practices.

In the exemplary case chosen by Adams, the German beer market, regulated since the Middle Ages by strict purity laws, was suddenly thrown open to producers following looser practices. As typical of judicial decisions, the Court was not concerned with the question of what rules ensured the production of the best beer (provided no harm to consumers would ensue, of course); it merely weighed different legal principles against one another. The Court thus decided that the principle of free movement of goods and services in Europe trumped local German norms, because these de facto created a protected market for German producers." The Euro: A New Currency for a New Millennium By Daniela Gobetti.

None of this is new. The European Commission tells us their Communitarian Court of Justice has established communitarian environmental case law precedent since 1957. Legal permission from the locally elected officials for enforcing new laws in rebuilt sustainable communities is almost always granted. It's the rare Smart Growth Plan in the United States that wasn't unanimously passed by states, counties and municipalities. Communitarian environmental law was the first major breakthrough back in the 1970s. By the 1990s every state in the U.S. had jumped on the bandwagon.

Communitarian environmental laws are supreme to any national law or individual right that conflicts with the collective rights of the member states included in supranational organizations. Regional justice centers have replaced City Halls and County Courts. Administrative Hearing and Review Boards replaced constitutional courts altogether. (Try to use the Bill of Rights to get your driver's license back from the DMV.) Revised zoning violations and public nuisance abatements are used by government and NGO partners to assume control over private land. Eminent domain has been expanded to include "best use" policies. All American cities, towns, and rural areas have the exact same new Community Development agencies; they enforce all the exact same new communitarian laws.

United Nations Local Agenda 21 was adopted just before Clinton took office. The U.N. sponsored Bruntland Commission defined the new way to explain the principles of a communitarian system; communitarian law came to be defined as "sustainable development." It mimicked Marxism's motto of "each according to their need, each according to their ability." UN Sustainable Development means to protect all resources for future generations and make everyone in the present quit making anything useful or productive that comes out of the earth. The whole theory is based on the idea that humans kill the planet by using its resources. [Must see video: Liberty or Sustainable Development]

Communitarians promote a thing called human rights, a theory of justice which is totally the opposite of individual rights. Individual rights are what the U.S. Bill of Rights was established to protect. Human Rights covers every aspect of human suffering and death. Unlike clear laws that protect individual liberty, Human Rights can only be enforced by a supreme global communitarian legal system. What Americans really don't understand is that ultimately, Human Rights includes the Marxist mandates for confiscation and "equal" distribution of private property and goods. In the logic of the globalists, individual rights to protect yourself, your property, and the freedom to choose ones' own life path, are ancient, outdated barriers to global peace and justice. Does it matter to Americans (or Iraqis) if individual rights are being criminalized under communitarian laws?

Community Development agencies partnered with Community Policing in almost every American community. Many towns have a whole lot more COPS on the beat now. The new cops prevent crime before it happens and their new job includes helping rebuild livable communities. This is why new COPS walk right in people's private homes all the time without knocking or wasting time getting a legal search warrant. Modern cops are part of action teams who write innovative communitarian laws. Modern COPS can require our citizens show ID (Hiibel v. State of Nevada). Communitarian COPS visit nosey neighbors and gather "anecdotal information" that may indicate who's a "problem."

In the communitarianized U.S., former KGB spies and Mossad assassins train cops to use high-powered technology. Some COPS are military snipers. Cops wear bullet proof vests all the time now. New COPS have fifty nifty new gadgets hanging all over their uniforms (while our troops in Iraq send home for 12 gauge shotguns). And, in a major shift in American public policy regulations, communitarian COPS sit on "citizen" committees. New cops help rewrite local zoning regulations to incorporate communitarian laws. Actually, the COPS help suggest the problems. Then they suggest new ways to get around the individual rights of the problem people, rights which are too strongly guaranteed by a binding legal contract called the U.S. Constitution. They write the exact same laws in every community in America to address the exact same locally identified, citizen suggested problems. They call it holistic, local, grass roots, "participatory democracy" in action.

COPS are trained to stalk and patrol targeted neighborhoods. More and more neighborhoods in the U.S. are ghost towns at night. It's creepy to drive through neighborhoods where the only cars are cops who play cat and mouse games. COPS keep computer logs of patrons at local watering hubs, and the statistics on Americans who've been arrested by them for DUIs is astounding. Our President has openly admitted to have ordered illegal surveillance on private citizens. This is communitarian "law" in action. Communitarian data-gathering requirements are now part of every state driver's licensing agency. Our private information is being cross-referenced with data gathered from our family members, work associates, and our friendly, patriotic neighbors. Our private communications, via phone and our personal and work computers, on and off the internet, are all being monitored in the name of community security. Does it matter that the justification for this is communitarianism?

Now you must ask yourself. Can this possibly be true? This is a big revelation. It's much too important to come from a nobody. Something so fantastic would never be left to the small-time, rank-and-file, American home based researcher. Grassroots is only a good word when it applies to community plans, not to opposition research. This should be a New York Times or a Washington Post story. Who the hell is the ACL? I wish I could list off all my degrees and Ph.ds, but the fact is we have no credentials, none, what-so-ever. We're just two freedom loving American women who asked the wrong questions at the right time. You've gotta figure that if this article were factual and verifiable, obviously, somebody much more credible would have broke the story a long time ago. But they didn't, did they? "CAFTA eliminates the U.S. Constitution!" was never headline news, was it? And now, maybe you're just a little curious.

Once you verify our sources and confirm the existence of communitarian law, you've got to ask yourself the only thing that matters anymore. Why? Why didn't your schools or your elected officials or your TV news stations or your newspapers publicly explain U.S. integration into a communitarian juridical system? The U.S. has been integrating communitarian legal principles for several decades, and what's obvious to us is, the last thing the plotters want is for you to identify how they're doing it.

What would happen if Americans began identifying communitarian laws and programs AS communitarian? What happens when our citizens question the authority of communitarian law in the United States? Would it make any difference if Americans were able to recognise and therefore legally disobey communitarian laws and programs? And, not that it will ever happen, but could it have any affect on the elections this November if U.S. voters were pre-informed of the proposed Andean Parliment? I can't help but wonder about the depth and layers to this entire Hegelian ruse. Sponsored by Republicans who support "free trade," CAFTA passed with just enough votes to get it through. Only a thorough understanding of the Hegelian dialectic explains why our most committed communitarian senators and representatives vote against it. Click below for part one.

Click here for part -----> 1


2, Why We Oppose Cafta by the Oakland Institute.
3, The Creation of a Communitarian System of International Law
4, pdf-Harmonization and harmonizing measures in criminal law, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.
5, Court Buttresses Eminent Domain: Local Governments Cleared to Take Private Property if Projects Promise Growth
6, Integration to the EU and Economic Transformation: State and Its Role on the Example of the Export-Promoting Policy by Marek Csabay
7, Presentation by Dr Jan Mazak, President of the Slovak Constitutional Court 21.10.2004.
8, University of Oradea Faculty of Law and Jurisprudence
9, From Aquamont to Berlaymont: On the Integration-Friendly Features of the Slovak Constitution by RADOSLAV PROCH�ZKA
13, Historical Archives Service of the European Commission "ARCHISplus (French ARChives HIStoriques) is the Historical Archives of the European Commission's database which contains references to files of European institutions from their beginnings to today. It is extracted from an internal database, Archis, and includes those references only which are helpful to access historical files open to the public according to communitarian regulations pertaining to their archives (30 years rule)."

� 2006 Niki Raapana- All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Niki Raapana was trained in government document research at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Raised by a career Army NCO, she traveled the U.S. most of her life. Her dad taught her it is every American's job to defend the rights of people who are unable to defend themselves.

After her landlord complained that the city was out to steal his land, Niki agreed to study Seattle's development plans for him in March 1999. In September 1999 she found out the city planned to do a lot more than steal Hugh's land. She identified the Communitarian Network's connection to the plans in March 2000.

Niki filed many public disclosure requests for Hugh Sisley and in the fall of 2001 the City of Seattle ceased actions against his properties based on Niki's research. By 2002 she had provided 2500 documents for Dawson et. al. v. The City of Seattle et. al, a 4th Amendment lawsuit currently under consideration before the Ninth District Court of Appeals.

Niki co-founded the Anti-Communitarian League with her (then) teenage daughter Nordica, in April, 2001.









Communitarian environmental laws are supreme to any national law or individual right that conflicts with the collective rights of the member states included in supranational organizations. Regional justice centers have replaced City Halls and County Courts.