Other CAFTA, the EU & Communitarian Law
By Niki Raapana September 26, 2006 NewsWithViews.com The biggest threat to the United States of America in the 21st century is dialectical terrorism. Dialectical terrorists believe that conflicts between opposites are part of a natural human progression to spiritual and cultural perfection. They all share the common belief that they are ordained by God to force the world to progress dialectically, and they claim their dialectical ideology is the most reasonable and logical way to think. They tell Americans if they don't understand it's only because they're too stupid and un-reasonable. "It is this theory, sir, which furnishes to the opponents of the American System the intellectual means of their opposition.... Boasting of their imaginary superiority in science and knowledge, these disciples of Smith and Say are treating every defender of common sense like an empiric whose mental power and literary acquirements are not strong enough to conceive the sublime doctrine of their masters." (Friedrich List quoted by Freeman, 1992) Dialectics is not a dialect of a spoken language. It's an ancient philosophy of circular, academic arguments between scholars who pose arguments for and against extremely different opinions, ideas, theories, and religions. The Hegelian dialectic is a specific world view that all conflicts are good if they lead mankind to spiritual perfection. Perfection to a Hegelian is expressed by an ultimate form of world government, called communitarianism (or the Third Way, Wave, etc.). The War on Terror and WWIII are the perfect example of a final dialectical solution. War and terrorism are the only dialectical solutions to terrorist acts against civilians by terrorists trained in dialectical terrorism. Make no mistake about the ultimate goal of terrorism. The final, crowning, dialectical solution to all violent, global conflict is communitarian global governance. Dialectical idealism and materialism are the ideologies that support the Bush and Blair idea for "exporting" freedom to backward Muslim nations. It's the formula for calling on the U.N. to "mediate." The goal of dialectical terrorism is world government. This is why we will continue to see a growing media call to have the "peaceful" U.N. troops resolve conflicts. The unelected body of U.N. representatives are heralded as the only peaceful way to promote freedom. Now this whole line of thinking doesn't make a lot of sense to Americans, most of whom do not accept the U.N. as the highest authority in the U.S. But that doesn't matter a hoot to dialectical thinkers. The logic of dialectical philosophy has remained above the reach of the common man since the beginning of recorded human history. For the past century, dialectical thinkers have rewritten American history (and the entire Middle Ages!) to support their theory of dialectical social evolution. Acording to academic elites, "All historical thinking is dialectical, and opposition books residually pressupose the point of view they are undermining." (Cantor, page 164) There are two levels of dialectical reasoning. The elite, top level students, teachers, and practitioners completely understand the final synthesis of dialectical ideologies. Lower-level philosophical education does not include the synthesis. This ommission is the defining line between freedom and slavery. Modern public education (which excludes the synthesis) furthers the separation of citizens into classes. The elites, many by virtue of themselves or their ancestors adopting the principles for achieving a final dialectical solution, put themselves in the ruling class. They are guaranteed freedom, wealth, immunity, power, and often glory. Everyone else is condemned to a life of studpidity as one of the vulgar masses. Elite academics call academic books produced for average commoners and mass markets, "high vulgarity" (Cantor 1991). Dialectical terrorism is an elitist theory which puts into practice continual ideological and religious conflicts and resolutions (that lead into new conflicts and new resolutions). Elitist academics assure us this is the pre-destined, inevitable path to human perfection. The more extreme and violent the physical conflicts become, the more powerful a tool the opponents are in the hands of the supra-national elitists. Elitism could be defined as: rule by a small minority of special people who base their global solutions on dialectical reasoning. The deadliest attacks on individual citizens of the United States come directly from the elected and appointed partisan elites (and dupes) who maintain the false dialectical conflicts between the left and the right and the U.S. and the Arab countries. How many of them understand the communitarian synthesis they promote? What makes the Hegelian dialectic such an elitist theory is the fact that nobody knows what it is; not even overeducated academics can understand the theory. It's supposed to be so perfect that nobody will ever challenge it nor attempt to dispute it. I think it's been left undisputed, not because it's so perfect, but rather because it's so confusing. How many common born people understand the dialectical theory behind all planned global conflicts? How many Americans educated in public schools were taught the Hegelian principles for imperialism and communism? How many know that the 21st century political resolution between the two ideas is called communitarianism? I was recently informed by a German academic in Frankfurt that there may only be 24 academics in the entire world who understand the Hegelian dialectic (and that the founder of American Hegelian Communitarianism is not one of them). Dialectical terrorism leading to communitarianism is the formula behind every religious, political, social, and legal conflict in the world today. Dialectical Terrorists are people who design and promote dialectical conflicts. The same academic, elitist theory that fueled imperialism, Hitler's Nazi Socialism, Marx's theory of communism (and Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Pol Pot, Mao and Castro) and WWI and WWII is used today to justify WWIII (the Bush-Republican's War on Terror)and the Democratic "opposition." The Greens and the Libertarians use the same theory. The end result of all U.S. partisan conflicts is the same, no matter who "wins" the elections. All primary parties play dialectical head games that will lead America into a vague new supra-state governed by a dialectical legal and social order. The 21st century is not unique. For most of recorded human history some part of the world lived under the threat of domination by a bigger ruler. Empires and nations came and went. Theories came and stayed. Today the world is under attack from the biggest theoretical empire ever created, the imperial community government of the United Nations. The world is experiencing the manifestation of an ancient political theory called statism. Statism relies entirely on the concept of elitism. It requires a class of people with "superior" bloodlines who are "naturally" the best equipped to rule over the majority of uneducated, ill-bred, common people. With complex theoretical and philosohpical roots that stretch back over two millenia, the practice of upper-class rule is well established in the history of Western Civilization. Both Eastern and Western empires breed their emerging ruling class into perfection. The brightest children are identified, educated and trained to become state change agents and facilitators. Their progeny are raised to carry on the family/religious belief that they are born better suited to govern. Required to protect the family wealth and further their position (through marriage if necessary), each succeeding generation of elites is expected to uphold the aristocratic, religious, academic, financial, or military traditions of their fathers. Expanding the role of the elites is often marketed as the best way to bring order and civilization to heathens. Professional elites teach the moral and civic value of submission and compliance to imperial law. European and early American colonial society included barons, lords, knights, sirs, dukes and of course many major and minor kings and queens. The imperial military was well adorned with titles, and there were also ruling church officals, many of whom were more powerful than the monarch sitting on the throne. With their bestowed titles came the associated land grants and benefits {like castles, farms, forests, and the power to charge rents and levy taxes). Not all empires remained content with expanding their "protectorate" locally, some imperials decided that whoever stepped on far away, foreign lands not claimed by another empire, could claim it for their monarch or church. By the seventeenth century it was a mad dash around the world with imperialist and church representatives claiming everything they touched. It was open season on large portions of Africa, the Middle East, the Americas, Asia, and across the Pacific, into the 20th century. In the 18th century the imperial governments most interested in the Americas were the British, Dutch, Prussian, French, Spanish, Portugese, and Russian. Their specific mantras varied, but each imperial court (and its attendant families) was fairly convinced they were ordained by God to rule over the imperial subjects placed under their "care." The religious and financial advisers closest to the throne became the most powerful elites in the kingdom. The empires of the world were global "free" traders. As imperial rulers became increasingly aware of the vast unconquered areas across the planet, many decided to get in on the action by funding great expeditions and conquests. Often bringing a church member, eighteenth century imperialists cloaked their naked agression behind the dialectical ideology of exporting Christian civilization to the heathens. The imperialist's merchant seamen would first try to establish some sort of trade relations with the local indigenous populations. Depending on their mission (spice, fur, whales, gold, or colonialization), the next step was often to begin saving souls, assess the strength of the local resistance, test the soil, map the harbors, catalogue the natural resources, and categorize the local people into low-level managers, servants, and slaves. The most ferocious local resisters were usually murdered for non-compliance; sometimes this meant the entire tribe. The British Imperial system (fifty nations including sixteen colonies, now called a Commonwealth) breeds cadres of aristocrats who are destined to manage their expanding global empire, on which "the sun never sets." According to the American colonials, the British imperialist system was fundamentally flawed. If the issue of elitism was not important to the constitutional framers, why would the United States Constitution bother to forbid the U.S. from granting Titles of Nobility (Article One, Section 9)? If the issue of state churches were also not important, would the first of the first Ten Amendments "allow for no law respecting an establishment of religion?" When "Americanized" German merchants returned to Germany and began incorporating American economics into their local political affairs (which were dominated by British merchants), the founders of dialectical materialism called them "Yankee Apes." * When Friedrich List published the "National System of Political Economy" in 1841, the founders of dialectical materialism called him a "phillistine." When Fredric Bastiat wrote his anti-socialist "Letters to the Youth of France," the founders of dialectical materialism called him a "French toad." And when Nordica Friedrich and I first wrote about the dialectical communitarian synthesis, American officials dismissed us as "tin-foil hats." Listen again to Herr List: It is this theory, sir, which furnishes to the opponents of the American System the intellectual means of their opposition.... Boasting of their imaginary superiority in science and knowledge, these disciples of Smith and Say are treating every defender of common sense like an empiric whose mental power and literary acquirements are not strong enough to conceive the sublime doctrine of their masters. (Friedrich List quoted by Freeman, 1992) I'm beginning to see elitism as another illogical, mystical manifestation of dialectical breeding programs. But come on, nobody cares what I think. I'm nothing more than poor-white-trash whose parents came from the "wrong side of the tracks." (They were German Lutherans in a German Catholic community in rural Wisconsin.) Neither of our parents came from college educated families; our parent's parents and grandparents were horse and spud farmers, cafe owners, factory and state workers, janitors, policemen, and tailors. My vulgar German immigrant ancestors did not trust or like snobby people who thought they were better or smarter than the average working man. If anyone ever made the mistake of calling my father "Sir," they were quickly and sternly told, "Don't call me Sir, I work for a living." He was an career Army NCO who told us kids the local sewage plant was "the officer's swimming pool." We were a typical large, poor U.S. Army family ordered to hold our heads high, because, "We might not have much, but we make damn sure everyone else can keep what they have." I grew up in an America that still believed in the infinite possibility of individual achievements, with the law to support it. Our system of government was the foundation for my return to school in 1982, after nearly ten years of "ruining my life" by working in nightclubs and partying every night. And by that I don't mean the grants or the loans. It was We the regular People of these United States, my working-class owners and customers at the Boatel Bar in Fairbanks, Alaska. It was Sep', Everett, Jon, Jerry and the rest who encouraged and supported my plans to get my GED and go to college. Many Americans still believe a higher education guarantees the recipient more opportunities for a better life. They don't necessarily understand that the "better life" is more and more often achieved at the expense of someone else's quality of life. I think my dad always instinctively understood that part of the Marxist dialectic. In 2002 I was invited to meet with a Ph.D. Crime Mapping consultant to discuss my anti-communitarian research on the COMPASS database. I called my dad beforehand and asked him if I should be wary of the meeting. He told me that he wouldn't trust anyone who had a college education. I was way too curious to reject an opportunity to discuss COMPASS, so I went anyway (taking necessary precautions). What a blow to learn the exact same premises that justified a ruling elite for the past 2000 years are still in use today. There is an argument that there must be a trained, aristocratic minority that rules the majority. This argument isn't debated in front of the majority they plan to rule. It was the first (and only) time I was made privy to the personal thought processes and the detailed planning that went into the dialectical communitarian solutions. Professor Granados didn't want to discuss my theory of opposition to the foundation for communitarian solutions. He spent the entire time explaining to me why the new programs and laws are justified, inevitable, and likely to eventually be modified by American pragmatism. It's an ancient, academic discussion, and it continues into the present moment.
* Redefining words is an acceptable academic norm. I went ahead and expanded this term to mean anti-communitarian researchers. The kind and dignified editor at News With Views didn't like the "ape" part of my self-description, so that's why I'm called a "Proud Yankee" instead of a "Proud Yankee Ape." Notes: Cantor,
Norman F. (1991) "Inventing the Middle Ages, the Lives, Works, and Ideas
of the Great Medivalists of the Twentith Century." (William Morrow and
Company, New York). {This book was an amazing accidental find at the local
fair last month. I was going to read it "for fun" and had NO idea what
was in it. Cantor has given me much to digest. Not only does he personally
know major elite professors who "invented" history, he worked for one
professor (Joe Strayer) who was in the service of the CIA in the 1950s,
and on page 249 he flat out says President Wilson's "fundamental dogma
was that centralizing power in the hands of an educated and professional
elite was the salvation of the country."} � 2006 Niki Raapana- All Rights
Reserved E-Mails are used strictly for
NWVs alerts, not for sale
Niki Raapana is the co-founder of the Anti-Communitarian League (ACL), an online research center for studying outside the box. Niki
is also the recent author of the non-fiction biography, 2020. Unlike the
ACL website (which is a massive endeavor) 2020 introduces the global community
government in 100-pages using laymen's terms for average readers. Price:
$20.00, includes S&H. Send check or money order to: Nordica Friedrich-2020,
P.O. Box 231941, Anchorage, Alaska, 99523 or order online using PayPal
at the ACL: http://nord.twu.net/acl
The imperial military was well adorned with titles, and there were also ruling church officals, many of whom were more powerful than the monarch sitting on the throne.