By Ron Edwards
June 12, 2015
I have accurately stated on many pages from The Edwards Notebook Syndicated radio commentary that the federal government has gone rouge and is now an enemy of “We the People.” Unfortunately, not father time, or the government itself has revealed any events or details to prove my theory to be based upon pure folly, by any means. One could readily focus on the governments iron willed focus upon keeping our republic in a constant state of potential mortal danger by refusing to properly seal and protect our borders.
Or how about the government’s unwillingness to adopt proven economic principles that would enable business activity to ramp up create more opportunities? In fact, certain government so-called economic policies including establishing the highest corporate tax rate on earth, along with draconian EPA regulations have convinced the leaders of forty nine corporations to move their headquarters out of the good ole U.S. of A. It has been calculated that American corporations would invest upwards of nineteen trillion dollars into the United States economy, if only the greedy and wasteful government could get out of the way. For example, the removal of the overbearing layers of regulations.
But unfortunately, the goal of the federal government is no longer to govern on behalf of the best interest of the American people. It is mainly geared toward making life as difficult for American born sovereign citizens as possible. While at taxpayer expense is providing everything imaginable for illegal immigrants and American hating so-called muslim refugees. It has been estimated that there are well over thirty million illegal immigrants living off of tax dollars gleaned from working American tax payers.
Allied nations like New Zealand and Australia have expressed an increasing level of anxiety over the United States suffering under the Obama regime. From day one of his presidency, Mr. Obama has kept America on course for an economic collapse or a possible military defeat at the hands of anyone who wants to take her on in conflict. Both Australia and New Zealand are under increasing pressure from China to ditch the United States as their military ally.
The Obama administration methodically demoralized the United States military through social experimentation. For the most part, it entailed promoting unnatural lifestyle choices and open discrimination against Christians and Christian related activities. Also the Obama presidency has been on a relentless mission to dramatically reduce the size and power of the one time, most powerful military in the world. So now, enemy nations like China, Russia and the legions of muslim terrorists just waiting to do damage to the United States.
Under Obama’s watch, America has so distanced herself from her founding principles that no concerted effort has been discussed or probably even thought of concerning what can be done to help the abused Christians throughout the Middle East and beyond. Christians have systematically been raped, murdered, beaded, tortured and their churches burned to a crisp by muslims who hate them for existing as non-muslims.
But as deviant as those developments are concerning the federal government, the refugee resettlement program ranks near the top, amongst the government’s many acts of disregard for American interest. For years, the federal government at taxpayer expense has been bringing in so-called refugees from Syria and Somalia. But during more recent years, the resettlement program has become an even wider door for policy for terrorist who want to come in to our republic, set up shop and wait for a chosen time to wreak havoc.
It used to be that refuges and legal immigrants were for the most part pro American and simply wanted to assimilate into American society. They also wanted to partake of the great opportunities our onetime mostly free market economy once provided. But in more recent times, things have gone awry. Not only has the federal government gone rouge and turned against our constitutional republic standards, but the feds are now flooding this country with known enemy muslims from Syria who will slit your throat if given the opportunity.
Tens of thousands of muslims from Somalia have been and continue to be brought into America. At the same time, the real victims of Middle East and African brutality, the Christians have been left to rely completely on God for any relief from the grief of unwarranted brutality. To date, the state of Minnesota alone is plagued with over 100,000 Somalian muslims who hate American society and are hoping to establish sharia law in our nation. Places like Dearbornistan, MI and near Fort Worth, Texas are teeming with hate filled muslims, including those from Somalia being flooded into this country by the United Nations and the State Department and heavily subsidized by our tax dollars.
According to reliable sources, 350 subcontractors are paid 850.00 dollars for every settled Somalian muslim. Even progressive leaning Christian and Catholic organizations are foolishly in support of the government effort to bring in muslims who would wipe out Christianity and Catholicism in a heartbeat. Such short sighted lack of wisdom sheds a huge light on the state of the organized church today. Despite the dire nature of the invading muslims into our country, I am optimistic that the small window of opportunity to save and restore this nation will soon be fully utilized.
With God’s grace the tyrannical grip now besetting America will be removed and those who are focused on our destruction shall be defeated.
Wake up America.
Please join me on my new talk show every Saturday @ 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM EST on Philadelphia’s AM 1360 WNJC Radio and everywhere Also, AM 1360 WNJC is the newest affiliate outlet of The Edwards Notebook Syndicated commentary weekday afternoons @ 4:57 PM EST
© 2015 Ron Edwards - All Rights Reserved
Ron Edwards, producer and host of The Edwards Notebook, a syndicated radio commentary, is a talented and gifted commentator with over two decades of experience. Ron Edwards is a well versed journalist with a fiery delivery of information, thought provoking conversation, and humor. The Edwards Notebook delivers a wealth of knowledge in an entertaining and educational format. Ron Edwards brings to the airwaves unapologetic truth sure to keep his listening audience tuned in every time. He is respected by friends and foe alike for is consistency of conviction and originality in commentary.
Ron Edwards has served for over 25 years as a news anchor in several Midwest markets including Cleveland and Detroit. He has been a guest of television, radio, and has had numerous articles written about him throughout the United States including, The Detroit News, Headway Magazine, Houston and The Call and Post, Cleveland. Ron Edwards broadcasting history includes news anchor in major markets, such as WJMO, WCPN, and WGAR, Cleveland and WWJ, WJR and WDTK, Metro Detroit.
The Edwards Notebook can be heard on many radio stations throughout the U.S., daily on Constitutional Patriot Radio and coming in October, Ron Edwards will host his own show with Constitutional Patriot Radio. The Edwards Notebook airs on WDTK FM 92.7 and AM 1400 on Fridays at 7:30 AM EST, Saturdays at 9:30 AM EST, WWII 720 AM, Harrisburg, PA, The Rick Swier Show on WWPR AM 1490, Talk Sun Coast Radio in Florida. Ron Edwards also guest hosts "The Freedom's Journal" every Wednesday 11:00 AM on Urban Family Talk and the American Family Radio Network. He is also a weekly contributor with Fairfax Free Citizen, an online newspaper, Ron Edwards is also a highly sought after reoccurring guest on the top rated talk show "Let It Rip" on Fox2 TV, Detroit.
Ron Edwards is a recurring guest host for the syndicated "Bob Dutko Show" which airs on the Crawford Broadcasting Network. Ron Edwards tours the United States to address this republic on where we are as a nation and to illuminate the path on where we go from here.
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