Dr. Laurie Roth
April 23, 2010
Gee, did Obama forget his bold promises about not raising taxes? What a shock folks but just like Obama likes to explore new types of abortion to fund he also is finding new taxes to sneak into our lives. Some attempts aren’t even sneaky. They just arrogantly slam through the front door and make Obama, yet again an obvious and arrogant liar about not raising taxes.
The Dems budget plan is playing the ‘reduce the deficit game’ and their most released plan released this week says they plan to take last years deficit of 1.4 trillion and shrink it down to $545 billion by 2015. Naturally, since Obama and the Democrats are currently in a spending orgy of trillions with stimulus bills and Health plans they will have to raise taxes everywhere. I imagine if possible, other than find new types of abortions to fund, they will try and raise people from the dead to tax them. Heck, why not? Dead people already vote, we might as well tax them also.
So, the Senate is promising to cut the deficit by two thirds and do that within the next five years. This will flatten at least 30 million people with tax increases, averaging around $3,700 by 2012.
Obama promised no new tax increases for anyone except the very rich. Democrats typically demonize and persecute the rich anyway. However, as usual, Obama is packed full of lies regarding budgets and tax intentions.
Now, not only are there massive taxes in the Obama care health plan but now there is talk in the Obama administration for a national VAT tax, where the Government taxes the value at each stage of production of various products.
We already have hidden and bold frontal assaults with taxation in the obamacare plan. This is already increasing insurance rates dramatically, causing lines for care, more doctors and hospitals are turning away Medicare patients, and causing enrollments to go way down in medical schools for Doctors and nurses. This is already a 2.6 trillion dollar nightmare of forced and rationed health care service over the next 10 years that we start paying up front for before we experience the long lines for rotten, controlled and slow care. This legalized scheme is just unrolling and already causing nightmares even in the ‘anticipation’ phase.
The next money suckage machine will be the face lifted and manipulated ‘cap and trade’ bill that will come to save the environment and world. There might have to be an international tax for that one. Perhaps we will have enough money left for a hot dog.
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I doubt Obama will try and cram through a VAT tax on everyone before the mid term elections but watch out what he will try just after. However, I think the messiah is not quite getting the mood and direction that the tsunami is flowing. I do believe when the patriotic water surge, will flow right through the white House and congress this fall. Many liberal, career bodies will flow right out to sea. Obama will be neutered and hopefully be brought down a few thousand notches.
We are going to have a lot of undoing to do after the mid terms and year 4. Let’s build some very large wrecking balls shall we?
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