Dr. Laurie Roth
January 4, 2013
No sooner had Obama signed the Fiscal cliff -- drama queen deal for sound bite consumption, then we heard him saying from his Hawaii vacation, “the rich don’t pay enough taxes.” Obama must have already broken the Guinness world book of records for the most vacations taken by any President.
Obama is the classic ‘cocaine’ addict, suckling at our money and freedoms like a desperate vampire. Whatever country he is really from, he is creating a bloody mess everywhere he goes here.
There will never be enough for Obama and the progressives to take. The GOP spectacle of frightened ‘wanna be’ conservatives got absolutely nothing in the alleged negotiations of the fiscal cliff battle. Where are the cut backs reflecting fiscal sanity or any compromise? There weren’t any. For the GOP to allow any tax increase 200-400- or 1,000,000 didn’t matter, because Obama got everything he wanted and plans to ask for more, more and more. The media will coddle Obama’s money/cocaine addiction and demands, while demonizing the evil GOP. The evil GOP would dare make the country go into withdrawals and get off the dangerous spending and money drugs.
How is it that Boehner was re elected after the endless compromises and kiss ups to Obama? The only real leadership he has actually demonstrated was to call the Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid a bad name that would have gotten my kids mouths washed out with soap and expelled from school. The name was nasty but was in response to Reid saying to media and the world that Speaker Boehner ran the House as a dictator. At least the name wasn’t more 50 yard line kiss up.
In my view, Boehner wouldn’t run a child’s train set well, but dictator??? Perhaps it is the old adage, “it takes one to know one.” That word seems to fit for Reid, Obama and Pelosi as they slaughter every way they can -- Constitutional law, rules, traditions. The people, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Bible and law are simply in the way.
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They hope with tons of movement and bright distractions away from what is really going on, the people and GOP won’t notice in time all the bold attacks -- taxation, schemes to gut our 2nd amendment rights, and push to crush our energy systems, jobs and economy.
The GOP in the House and Senate must draw bold lines in the sand and do every possible tactic available to protect our 2nd amendment rights, crush and defund the UN Constitutional health care bill and stop the bold theft of money by raising and raising taxes. Especially in these precarious times! Who cares how popular or unpopular you are in the media. DO THE RIGHT THING AND STAND.
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