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Dr. Laurie Roth Ph.D. Are we experiencing today in America 1938 all over again? Are we stuck in such a pathological need to avoid war and keep the peace that we have lost our ability to even define evil for more than a few weekends? Fix it! Call Oprah! They are just Mommies and Daddies! We are Islamaphobes and have created our enemies! Capitalist pigs cause everything don't they? Have we completely forgotten the painful and vivid lessons of history when Hitler showed Britain and France a thing or to? Pre WWII the leaders just talked and negotiated with him. As world war two morphed into existence, the need to negotiate and avoid war at all costs was clear. You could see France, England and others pacifistic to the core and barely able to face the depth of evil that Hitler and the Nazis brought! Remember, how popular Neville Chamberlain was, almost rock star status in Britain. When he returned from negotiating with Hitler we shall never forget his classic words�.."Peace in our time." Hitler could be reasoned with, worked with and made into a peace partner. Of course, it didn't take too many months before Hitler started attacking more countries. Regardless of his lying talk, positioning and manipulation, he was continuing through all the fancy and publicized talks mass murder and domination much like the spirit of Islamic radicals today!!! They plan on our naivity, negotiative spirit, stalls, media alliances, committees and false guilt. They have also studied history and our personalities!!! They know our therapist's numbers. They probably are some of your therapists! Even with the many opportunities to smash Hitler, pre WWII due to his international violations such as, when he sent his military into the Rhineland, which violated not one but two international treaties, France and Britain did not act. Hitler broke International law and no one cared. They only could focus on being burned out from WW 1 and looking the other way. Thomas Sowell www.tsowell.com talks of a dynamic in his recent article 'Morally Paralyzed", where he describes the inaction of France in the 1930s as they stood by and watched Hitler building up an army around them, later using it to attack them. Moral Paralysis was described by Thomas as the fall out of the French losing a million soldiers in the First World War. It cast a spirit of pacifism over the country, its institutions and decision-making process. Hitler was a master speaker and PR manipulator, saying what the democracies wanted to hear, much like Iran's evil leader today! Dr. Jerri Corsi, who has written several books on Iran, outlining the very real threat to the world has stated many times on my radio show, the world must not allow a nuclear Iran. Nuclear weapons controlled by Iran would definitely end up in terrorist hands, attacking Israel and us.
Amid all the distractions, confusions, blurriness due to politics,
let us not forget what evil and danger looks like!!! Islamic Fundamentalism
has been attacking us and our interests in pursuit of world domination
since the 70s. How long will it take us to REALLY define it and stop
worrying about careful politeness? How long until we declare war against
Islamic fundamentalism, its spiritual leaders, Profs, teachers, promoters,
fundraisers and heads of state? � 2007 Dr. Laurie Roth - All Rights Reserved Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in Counseling and held a small private practice for many years. She earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. In the late 90's, Laurie hosted and produced a successful PBS television show called "CD Highway" that aired nationally on 130 TV stations. Tune in to The Roth Show, Weeknights from 7:00 to 10:00 pm PAC and find out for yourself! You can listen live on cable radio network (live on the internet) channel 6 or visit The Roth Show web site and click on "where to listen" www.therothshow.com Call the Roth Show at: 1-866-388-9093 E-Mail: Drljroth@aol.com
with the many opportunities to smash Hitler, pre WWII due to his international
violations such as, when he sent his military into the Rhineland, which
violated not one but two international treaties, France and Britain did
not act.