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By David Ruben
March 25, 2013

How the war between good & evil is waged in the battlefield of the mind

We all have to make a conscious choice at some point in our life to ether wake up, or stay asleep. Wake up, and everything instantly starts to change. But if stay asleep and refuse to distinguish between what we are actually feeling and why we are feeling it, the end effect is total misery.

We experience the consequences of a reality in a life wrongly lived. There is a powerful scene in the Matrix movie when the hero Neo, confronts Morpheus who is trying to fully awaken Neo to the contrast of real world vs. the artificial, but Neo having lived his entire life in a virtual version of reality resists seeing the truth…

Morpheus: Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Neo: No.
Morpheus: Why not?
Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I am not in control of my life.

For those who grow up in the world of the Matrix, their experience is one created through the Matrix connected body, thus to the experiencer, their virtual body is perceived to be their actual body. Matrix dwellers floating in the womb of denial, not only do not know that their world is false, but most likely do not want to know that their entire experience is artificially imposed upon them. It is real to them therefore it must be real. Similarly, people who live in a thought Matrix, like those in the movie version, have no other source of experience other than ideas and feeling produced in, and by the cultural Matrix into which they were born. Consequently, those asleep in a mental Matrix have no authentic beliefs at all, no ideas other than those produced in them by an external source.

For many people, it easier to live in an illusory world that makes them feel good, than face the harsh, liberating truth. Some may secretly hate reality and thus prefer to live in denial, illusion, and lies. Why do people either love or hate reality? It has to do with an anomaly in the soul: some people have an inborn need for power and glory, a need to be the center, to play god and have the illusion of being god in everything instead of “seeing God in everything”. So, the question we must explore is: Can we be literally free from the power of all illusions? YES! Even though each of us has an inner life made up of our private thoughts and feelings fed by data downloaded from our environment, we also have a God centered consciousness, connected to a real God who gives us to know the difference between an original idea, and an inauthentic delusion or downloaded or programmed belief. It all depends upon our intent, what we want, or do not want to see.

Like people in the actual world living in denial, people in the Matrix accept false beliefs and a linear understanding of causality provided from a false system constructed through, and sustained by the masters and architects of denial. All those in denial choose to stay there in order to believe they are in control of their reality so they can believe they are in control of their lives. But, all they have are false, inauthentic and delusional beliefs about everything. They refuse to recognize the inauthentic nature of their relationship with their “identity sources” whose contents are affecting, and sustaining their virtual experiences. As hard as it to believe, many people do not have any idea whether the world is real or an illusion. Trapped in a thought Matrix, there is no objective world. Egocentrically delusional people experience a magical, phenomenal world.

To live in a thought Matrix where they are the imagined architects, they must reject all enlightenment that would reveal the true source of that which is the basis of all actual reality. And why is this so? Because in the construct of the human mind there will always be two possible realities of free choice. One is for those who love the truth, and the other for those who do not. Billions of people believe there is a God that is the actual architect of what could be for each of us the paradise of His reality. And, there are those that do not believe, those who either knowingly or unwittingly are involved with a very real, palpable evil. Choosing what is right isn’t easy. I don’t believe being a truly good person is meant to be. Leftists trapped on the dark side of reality are compelled to make wrong choices, to be forever counterintuitive... until they realize that they are wrong.

Billions of people believe there is a God that is the actual architect of what could be for each of us the paradise of His reality. And, there are those that do not believe, those who either knowingly or unwittingly are involved with a very real, palpable evil. Choosing what is right isn’t easy. I don’t believe being a truly good person is meant to be. Leftists trapped on the dark side of reality are compelled to make wrong choices, to be forever counterintuitive... until they realize that they are wrong.

I understand why many people turn away from truth to escape into sensually satisfying illusions, distractions and indulgences rather than live in a difficult world fraught with challenge and moral choices. Surely you see the tide of bizarre and immoral influences in your everyday life, on the TV news, on the internet, in innumerable forms… What you are observing are the movements of the enemy. This is the battlefield of the mind, where lives are lost and given, where those with vision see good and evil clashing with undetected weapons of thought and feeling, truth and righteousness, verses lies and deception on a scale unimagined, and unsuspected by the masses.

At this very moment, the most important challenge of human existence is to begin discerning the difference between reality and illusion. The enemies of consciousness understand how to use what you believe to be real, to shape your destiny and entire life. The transformational power of mass mind control or “thought reform” has been studied and discussed for decades, and continuing studies by social psychologists and other behavioral scientists have clarified our understanding of its components and overall impact. Scientifically defined, reality is that which is true independent of our beliefs or knowledge (or lack thereof). Unfortunately, illusion or appearance is the window through which most people experience reality. How clearly we see through this window is determined not only by the limitations of our thoughts and perceptions, but also by the innate ability of each person’s desire to cleanse the window of our mental/emotional programming, denial, and delusion so as to see the truth. Surely you have questioned: what is "it" that makes us who and what we are? What is realty? Is it memory, knowledge, experience, or a combination of all these? Surly you have asked yourself the question: Why am I the way I am? Doesn’t the answer have everything to do with your perception of reality?

Think for a moment about your life and how the events you’ve experienced have shaped and reshaped your mind, thoughts, perspectives, and behavior. I remember being told as a child that the moon was made of cheese. All I could think of was millions of mice living on the moon. Do I still believe what my imagination concluded at the age of six? Well, if I did, would you think me a little crazy? Yet, so many people continue to be directed by what they have been knowingly, or unknowing programmed to believe. Is reality so difficult to discern? Perhaps the answer is found in the degree to which you want to see reality.

Science describes an illusion as a distortion of perception. The enemies of our mind understand how each of the human senses can be deceived. Our enemies greatest weapon, is their ability to design and shape our perceived reality - so that people live their whole lives in a sort of dream, like those who support abortion, deluded by a delusional belief that an unborn child is just a mass of unlivable cells.

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Most people at some level, and most so-called "liberals" live in a mental/emotional reality which is integrated into the persons "real" experiences through a process of the mind becoming immersed, and lost in external projections to the point that the person experiencing the delusional reality becomes programmed by the ideas of the propagandist which they accept and believe to be totally real. This is what I will describe as denial. Once in denial, unnoticed and externally projected thought substance insidiously shape our views as external stimulus is down-loaded from our environment. Observing those on the left, we can see how THEY have become mental and emotional puppets unknowingly moved by the undetected hand of anyone, or anything that has access to their mind and emotions. They are inauthentic, parasitic people living morally meaningless lives, attached like ticks to the host, sucking what they can until the host perishes. This is why we on the right feel such disgust for those parasitically living on our backs!

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© 2013 David Ruben - All Rights Reserved

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David Ruben is Senior Executive Producer, and Team Leader at the creative boiler room for the Audio Taskforce at Talk Radio Network (the 2nd largest distributor of Talk programming in America). Over the past 4 years David has won 3 LA Comedy Awards in the voice/production category. David has produced some of the most successful nationally syndicated radio personalities such as Michael Savage, The Jerry Doyle Show and The Rusty Humphries Show to name just a few.




We are at war. The battlefield is your mind. There is one objective: Gain access to, convert, and control your thinking.


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