Additional Titles









"Men in Black" The Cult of The Judges





PART 1 of 2


By Jon Christian Ryter
December 20, 2008

The upward price spiral in the housing market in the United States hit its peak in the spring of 2006. Buyers all over the United States struggled with financing options as they wondered if they could afford the mortgage payments on their new half million to million dollar home. But, as long as mortgage companies provided mortgage money and Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac guaranteed the loans it made sense to buy homes they could not afford.

Most buyers who wanted into homes they couldn't afford were obligated to take the toxic mortgages offered by giant corporate home builders simply because their incomes couldn't justify a fixed-rate mortgage from a traditional mortgage bank. Buyers with acceptable credit scores seeking overpriced homes easily found exotic adjustable rate mortgages [ARM] from a traditional banks that were guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Buyers with exceptionable credit scores found fixed-rate financing with extended terms that stretched their traditional 30-year mortgage out for 50 years.

Most homeowners knew they would not live long enough to pay off their mortgages, but in the 21st century, that didn't matter. They loved their new status symbol homes in the new status symbol subdivisions. When they sold their overpriced dream homes, the mortgage brokers assured them, they would profit immensely since the prices of homes everywhere would continue to skyrocket for at least the next decade. So, even if they paid more than they could afford on the front end, when they sold, they would benefit from the real estate boom windfall on the back end. Buyers were assured that when they sold their status symbol homes, the nest egg from the appreciation alone would provide them with a tidy down payment on their next home.

Mortgage-owners in 2008 discovered that the mortgage hawkers' predictions of immense profits in a perpetual home seller's market were just so much "who-shot-john." US home prices are falling faster than a steel anvil testing gravity—and almost as fast as they fell during the Great Depression when close to 50% of all homes in the United States were in default. Today, only about 4% of US homeowners are delinquent. However, in one California community, Mountain Home, roughly 90% of the homes are "under water," which places those homes in jeopardy. Underwater is a term applied when the outstanding balance on the mortgage exceeds the net worth of the dwelling.

Ninety-five percent of today's delinquencies are from consumers who bought toxic mortgages that let them get into homes they simply couldn't afford. Some of them were low-credit score buyers opting into the housing market through HUD-guaranteed mortgages to those with good credit scores who simply overbought because they were allowed to overbuy. Regardless of the reason, we have a housing disaster in the United States equal to that in the Great Depression when roughly 25% of the American people found themselves homeless.

From sheer numbers alone, the drop in home values today far exceeds the rate of decline in 1932. Home values dropped 10.5% in 1932. The latest Standard & Poor national home-price index shows a price slump of 14.1% during the first quarter, 2008. Adjusted for inflation, its an 18% drop. This is the worst decline in home values in two decades. In raw numbers, more homes went into foreclosure during the first quarter of this year than in the entire decade-long depression between 1929-39.

The Housing Crash of 2008 was the consolidated handiwork of greedy home builders, greedy mortgage lenders, greedy commercial banks, and greedy realtors who made gullible consumers believe the housing boom was in perpetual motion when it was not. And, of course, greedy politicians using the job base of the United States to fuel the growth of the global economy solely to benefit the money barons, the lords of industry and the merchant princes who want to trade the product-saturated consumers in the United States and the other industrialized nations of the world for the human capital of the third world which has nothing and needs everything—especially our jobs.

Cementing the Great American Dream into the marketing package at the community level were greedy county tax appraisers who turned a blind eye to the inflated home valuations since taxes are based not on the price you paid for your home 20 or 30 years ago, but the current value of the dwelling in the housing market—even though you have no intention of selling. It was the legal rape of the taxpayer by local governments who are allowed, by law, to increase your property taxes because some idiot paid too much for a home down the street.

The Housing Boom of 2000 was concocted by greedy national politicians who opened the backdoor of the nation for the exodus of millions of US jobs from 1994 to 2000 under NAFTA. Our elected leaders needed to make the economy look healthy when it was not. Although consumer spending grew at a near 4% rate in 1997-98, Real Gross Private Domestic Investment [GPDI] and Real Gross Domestic Product [GDP] (the goods producing sectors of the economy) were already showing signs of a fracture. The USDA's Economic Research Service forecast a slight downward trend in the GDP in 2000, beginning in 1999 when the Chinese trade deficit erased $100 billion from our GDP.

To keep the economy healthy, and create "mom and pop" jobs to replace corporate industrial jobs lost to the jobs drain as more US manufacturers closed more US plants and moved their factories and jobs offshore, government had to spur job creation in the private sector by loosening credit to spur economic growth. As commercial banks extended more consumer credit and encouraged people to spend rather than save, Congress enacted the Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer protection Act [BAPCPA] which was signed into law by President George W. Bush on April 20, 2005.

BAPCPA "rectified" nonexistent consumer abuses by protecting America's lenders and merchant princes from potential debt default by the US consumers they were deliberately going to overload with credit in order to keep the economy afloat—and keep the Fed solvent. Congress insisted that BAPCPA was necessary because US bankruptcy laws had lost their power to shame. Filing bankruptcy, congressional leaders said, was no longer viewed as a stigma. For that reason, they insisted, bankruptcy laws needed to be updated to keep consumers from using bankruptcy as a "debt eraser." Banks and other lending institutions which contribute millions of dollars to the campaign war chests of politicians on both sides of the aisle lobbied Congress for over a decade to toughen bankruptcy laws. They wrote the law they wanted passed, and in 2005, Congress enacted it.

When the bill was debated, liberal economists argued before Congress that if the recommended changes in the bankruptcy laws were implemented interest rates would drop and so would retail prices (since consumers would no longer be able to bankrupt themselves out of debt). The reverse happened. Interest rates on 30-year mortgages that fell steadily from 13.74% in 1980 to 5.34% between January, 1980 to January, 2005 rose to 6.26% by January, 2007. By summer it reached 7%. This act was one of the catalysts that triggered the Housing Crash since escalating interest rates trigger ARM adjustments. Here's how Hybrid Adjustable rate mortgages [HARM] work. Options are set over a period of 2, 5, or 7 years. Hybrids generally offered the homeowner four payment options. At least a few of the buyers of these exotic mortgages would pay off the mortgages early by offering the buyer the option to make their mortgage payments every three weeks instead of every 4.3 weeks. This option allowed the homeowner to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 22 years.

However, most who bought an exotic mortgages signed on to them because they offered a reduced house payment for the first 2, 5 or 7 years. The toxic element in this type of hybrid ARM let the buyer pay only a percentage of the interest for the option period with the unpaid portion of the interest tagged onto the back-end of the note. The homeowner was "income-qualified" based on those partial payments rather than what the mortgage payment would eventually be when the homeowner was obligated to make full payments.

Because of the Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer protection Act, interest rates escalated and ARMS adjusted upward, driving up mortgage payments on homeowners whose financial circumstances had not improved, putting them in jeopardy of losing their new dream home.

From 1994 to 2000, personal spending in the United States—fed by a complicit media which constantly assured the American people that the good luck bucket would never run dry—escalated dramatically, creating exciting, new small business ventures for laid-off factory workers. Between 1999 and 2000, as the job exodus continued, employment grew by 2.6 million workers. With a booming home construction industry fueling the economy, another 2.5 million jobs were added in 2000. It seemed there was no end to American ingenuity. Congress and the transnational industrialists were able to export almost 15 million jobs since 1995 and still maintain the world's most robust economy.

During the mid-1990s, community activist and State Senator Barack Hussein Obama and the US Congressional Black Caucus spiked the Great American Dream by using the racist tactics employed by civil rights activist Jesse Jackson to force community banks to finance subprime mortgages for minorities with histories of not paying their bills. Obama, like Jackson, threatened to accuse the banks of racism for excluding minorities from consideration for home mortgages. Newly elected to the Illinois State Senate, Obama—whose US citizenship was never vetted by the Illinois Election Commission to determine if he was actually a US citizen and therefore eligible to serve in the State legislature—appealed to incoming Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines to guarantee the loans for working class blacks to buy homes, regardless of their credit scores. Many of the "incomes" guaranteed by Fannie Mae were actually welfare checks.

With the "lending door" open to home buyers with low credit scores because the economy needed the jobs created by the demand for new homes, underwriting subprime mortgages became the new "profit darling" of the investment banking industry, further weakening the financial underpinnings of a nation already fractured by a decade-long job exodus.

The NAFTA jobs drain was largely concealed behind a counterfeit facade of prosperity in the United States. Inevitably, the fractures could no longer be concealed as the trade gap spiraled from 2002 to 2007. US exports fell like a rock in a river, and imports rose like a helium-filled balloon. Economists blamed the economic malady on "...a strong US dollar and slow growth in world markets." The transnational industrialists, bankers, and the merchant princes were profiting so exorbitantly from the transfer of the world's work force from the industrialized nations to the human capital-rich emerging nations that few noticed, or cared, that the collapse of the financial underpinnings of the industrialized economies was just around the corner.

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In the minds of the global economists, US labor was resilient-enough to recover. However, adding jobs in the service-sector while continuing to lose jobs in the goods-producing sector was an omen of ill that should have warned the economists that American consumers were no longer investing in the US economy—even when they bought US--branded goods made elsewhere. They were investing in China's economy, in Mexico's economy, in Indonesia's economy, in India's economy and in the economies of those nations where America's jobs were sent from 1995 to 2007, speeding up the erosion of the financial foundation of the United States, and explaining why the $800 billion bailout of the US banking industry did nothing to restore the ability of US consumers to utilize credit to grow the economy of the United States. For part two click below.

Click here for part -----> 2,

� 2008 Jon C. Ryter - All Rights Reserved

[Read Jon C. Ryter's book, "Whatever Happened to America?" It's out of print and supply is limited.]

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Jon Christian Ryter is the pseudonym of a former newspaper reporter with the Parkersburg, WV Sentinel. He authored a syndicated newspaper column, Answers From The Bible, from the mid-1970s until 1985. Answers From The Bible was read weekly in many suburban markets in the United States.

Today, Jon is an advertising executive with the Washington Times. His website, has helped him establish a network of mid-to senior-level Washington insiders who now provide him with a steady stream of material for use both in his books and in the investigative reports that are found on his website.










Today, roughly 90% of all of the homeowners in Mountain House, California woke up one day last month and realized the value of their homes were in freefall, averaging about $122 thousand less than the balance of their mortgages.