By Karen Schoen, Neil
Rice and Roy Callahan
December 27, 2013
The New Frontier of Evil in Florida
Let’s use Taylor County, Florida as an example for Regionalism, although it could be all 67 counties in the State. Or any county in any state.
Tucked away in a beautiful setting in northern Florida is Taylor County. Generations of good people are now being attacked by the United Nations Sustainable Development a/k/a/ Agenda21.
It was like dropping a bomb on an unsuspecting quiet community that trusted their county administrator and board of commissioners, along with the city manager. Sustainable development is the infrastructure and indoctrination program for transforming America from:
a democratic Republic free person society whereby the individuals
vote and tell their representative what to do allowing the individual
to control their own life,
• into a member of the fascist-communist order
whereby the government controls life and tells the people what to
Taylor County is home to one of the largest land owners in the state of Florida, Foley Timber and Land, having almost 600,000 acres. One of the owners, Howard Leach, a former U.N. ambassador lives in California, and has been doing Sustainable Development projects there for over a decade. By the way his projects are failing miserably.
Howard Leach, along with Bo Taff, his CEO (in Taylor county), Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State, Robert Day, a Los Angles investor and Ken Langore, co-founder of Home Depot, decided to do a comprehensive plan for all the citizens of Taylor County and named it the "2060 Vision Plan." This plan was their vision. The people of Taylor County were left out.
the approval of Taylor County commissioners and our county administrator,
the plan was put in action with minimal citizen input. Foley Timber
and Land hired VHB Miller Sellen, sustainable development planners
out of Orlando, Fl. and formed a Public-Private-Partnership (PPP)
between Foley and Taylor County. A PPP is a corporation whereby the
public (taxpayers)
pays the bills while the private corporation keeps the rewards or
profit. PPPs eliminate competition and are often awarded NO BID contracts.
Please take note of Taylor County "2060 Vision Map.” This
is for the entire county, showing you where and how you will live.
It shows rural villages, rural settlements, which the United Nations
refer to as “Human Settlements".
If so, look for the terminology like: sustainable, livable communities, smart growth, public-private-partnerships, regional, consensus building, bicycle path, walkable communities. These policies force people to change their behavior and way of life. How does it work? Well let’s say you don’t like to walk in the 95 degree Florida heat. If your new settlement has minimal roads, you will be forced to walk. Your behavior is changed.
Now we are set up for "Regionalism.” Please take note of the map of Florida*, on the next page showing the counties in 9 different areas of regionalism sections with their own names.
Notice on this map the Regions cross the state line into Georgia.
of Florida’s 67 counties 32 have a population of less than 75,000.
The counties
also make up Florida’s Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern.
These counties are ripe for a Fed takeover due to President Obama’s
Executive Order 13575 which re-engineers rural counties demanding
section 8 (government subsidized) housing be included in the plans.
Currently Boca, Delray and Wellington have to include section 8 housing
in their plans.
comes from the communist Soviet Union also called the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republic (USSR). Those of us that have read true history
know that the USSR ended in the starvation and death of millions and
dissolution of the USSR. Regionalism eliminates borders so the individual
will not have allegiance
to their home town, community, state or county. Humans will live in
a region controlled by unelected people. Regionalism denies the right
of representative government by denying the vote of the people giving
the power to make rules and regulations to unelected bureaucrats also
called administrators. Regionalism can be traced to 1945 and the United
Nations, which was founded by communists with money from the Rockefeller
Foundation. Regionalism eliminates borders and countries like the
European Union, a failing program. Currently the US pays 22% + of
the UN budget to a group of people trying to eliminate America. (How
much money has the US given to the UN since its inception? Trillions,
why do we still have poverty, hunger and disease?)
The US Constitution is ignored. Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution: The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a republican form of Government; meaning States and the people have a vote in choosing representatives to carry their policies to the Federal government. Regionalism eliminates that choice.
1965, the National League of Cities (NLC) and the National Association
of Counties
(NACo) created the National Association of Regional Council (NARC)
which proclaims in their documents to be the Voice of Regionalism.
J. Walter Tejada is the elected directed of the NARC. Following the
directives of the UN, his job is to bring regionalism to the United
States. All 11 regional councils in Florida belong to this organization.
It's Communism! giving no voice to the people!
The Johannesburg Implementation Plan lays out the orders explaining
how to use NGO’s, regional councils and unelected bureaucrats
to promote their sustainability plans by training local officials.
As one planner, Andrea Duany, states: "stop all these community meetings and put the plan in place, because FASCISM works." Duany’s statement enforces the fact that these plans are fascism. Fascism means that the government tells the people and all industry what to do, what to produce and what to charge, eliminating free choice.
Environmental Groups play a major role in the United Nations Sustainable Development a/k/a Agenda21. All groups are connected directly or indirectly and follow the rules of the United Nations putting nature above man. Florida Forever (largest land acquisition organization in the country) owns 28% of Florida. Think of that, it’s almost 1/3 of the state. Whatever is in the hands of conservationists is NOT taxable so the people must pay extra taxes for these programs.
Some of the groups connected to the United Nations are: The Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, 1000 Friends of Florida, World Heritage, Audubon Society, "Fish and Wildlife, EPA, DEP, HUD, FDOT, DOI and all the Water Management Districts. Land acquisitions, permanent easements, Blueways, Greenways, use these Vision Plans are an everyday occurrence in Florida.
Their programs include evasive environmental regulations which force a variety of controls on humans in the forms of wetlands, wildlands, rezoning, easements, endangered species, water nutrients, energy, food in the form of Codex .
No one objects to sensible environmental programs but overpowering programs designed to eliminate private property by groups connected to and following the UN are unacceptable as well as unconstitutional.
Rick Scott is CEO of the Acquisition and Restoration Council (ARC),
and works with Florida Forever among others. Governor Scott and his
cabinet endorsed the Florida Wildlife Corridor, from the tip of Florida
to the Georgia "State Line. 720,000 acres of land will be lost
land and lost revenue. Please take note of the Florida Wildlife Corridor
map. This corridor is to run up the eastern coast of the United States
to Maine.
On this map you will see the light green (720,000 acres) representing
the current
corridor already off limits to humans. The dark green expands the
corridor’s vision to connect through the entire east coast by
future land acquisitions. When completed almost 80% of Florida land
will be off limits to humans.
Following the UN Bio Diversity map below you can see that all land
corridors eventually will connect and will be off limits for humans.
land use has resulted in the loss and fragmentation of once extensive
ecological corridors, increasing the conservation importance of remaining
functional linkages. In Florida these important corridors include
the lands linking Ocala National Forest in Marionand Lake Counties
to Osceola National Forest which borders the Okefenokee Swamp National
Wildlife Refuge in south Georgia; a extensive corridor in the panhandle
linking the Apalachicola National Forest to Eglin Air Force Base and
Blackwater River State Forest; lands linking Everglades
National Park to lands north of the Caloosahatchee River provide an
important dispersal corridor for the Florida panther; and lands linking
the dry prairies of Avon Park Air Force Range and Kissimmee Prairie
State Preserve in Highlands and Okeechobee Counties with lands adjacent
to the St. Johns River in Volusia County. The Florida Ecological Greenways
Network identifies these corridors as ‘critical linkages.’
was the first state in America to establish a comprehensive statewide
plan for ecological Greenways and this serves as a critical component
of the FGTC system plan. The Florida Wildlife Corridor. Florida Park
Service is on of the largest in the country with 160 parks spanning
700,000 acres and nearly 1,500 miles of land and water trails, and
ten critical linkages have been identified as high priorities for
conservation. Florida ecological Greenways Network is now 25.62 million
acres +.
Our Children are being taught to be controlled without question in
schools across the nation.
NOW! These programs have been in place for years under a variety of new names. The current name is Common Core Standards. These programs follow cradle to grave implementation. "Starting in pre K students are being forced to accept:
Sustainable Development
• Environment comes first
• The Earth Charter out of the United Nations
• Social justice
• Re-distribution of wealth,
• Man-made global warming
• American citizens are being replaced by global citizens
All these programs are based on LIES! LIES! LIES!
If we don't stop this the children will all be slaves to the UN Elite of the "New World Order" replacing America with the UN, God with Government and Family with school.
This is the United Nations Sustainable Development, Agenda21. Loss of God, Private Property, Liberty, and Life! WHAT'S LEFT?
America stand up! Research representatives before you Vote. Does your prospective candidate stand for the original constitution? Vote for the person NOT the PARTY!
The fight has just begun. Together we can win.
God Please Bless America.
© 2013 Karen Schoen - All Rights Reserve
Karen Schoen originally from New York currently resides in the Florida panhandle, a former teacher, dean and business owner who became an activist and devotes her time speaking to groups throughout the United States educating Americans to the communist United Nations takeover of America called UN Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc. Should you need a speaker on any agenda 21 issue, contact Karen.
Karen has a Bachelors Degree in Education, minor in History and a Masters Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where she was trained in psychological manipulation now applied in schools. Putting the pieces together and connecting the dots is her specialty. Karen is one of the founders of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21) writes for blogs, newsletters,,,, and
Karen co-hosts her radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on and has numerous videos on, and youtube, and she is often a guest on other radio and TV shows. Karen heads the team of AgEnders dedicated to educating Americans about Agenda 21. Karen hosts The AgEnders webinars series designed to expose the truth, by providing education and conversation and action against UN Agenda 21. UN Agenda 21 calls for the inventory and control of every aspect of human activity while indoctrination into global governance. The Elite are using environmental issues to control the population, destroy American exceptionalism, individual rights, private intellectual and real property family values, religious values and nationalism. School programs like IB and Common Core are designed to transform Americans into accepting collectivism and social justice.
Karen has testified in front of the Florida Legislature on many occasions, is a Director of Panhandle Patriots, a founder of the AgEnders, (Americans ending Agenda 21) , Co- chair of the Florida Assessment Committee on Education and Director of the Save America Foundation.
Karen has just decided to run for office FL State REP Dist 5. Look for