The Coming Battle

Chapter X - National Banking Money Power Brings on the Panic of 1893

Chapter I
Origin of the Money 
Power in America

Chapter II
Origin of the Present National Banking System

Chapter III
National Banks and Silver

Chapter IV
Conspiracy of New York and London Bankers
and Bond Holders to Demonitize Silver

Chapter V
Efforts to Remonitize Silver and Preserve the Greenback

Chapter VI
The National Banks Wage War Upon the Credit of the United States

Chapter VII
National Banks Secure a Continuation
of Their Existence

Chapter VIII
The National Banking Money Power Secures
Complete Control of the Treasury

Chapter IX
Money Power of England and United States Combined to Annihilate Silver

Chapter X
National Banking Money Power Brings on the Panic of 1893

Chapter XI
Special Session of Congress Repeals
The Sherman Law

Chapter XII
Senate Votes for Repeal

Chapter XIII
Efforts of Administration to Force Carlisle Bill Through Congress

Chapter XIV
National Banks and the Administration
Combine to Issue Bonds in Time of Peace

Chapter XV
Campaign of 1896

Coming Very Soon...
Under Construction..

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