The Coming Battle |
Chapter V - Efforts to Remonitize Silver and Preserve the Greenback |
I Chapter
II Chapter
III Chapter
IV Chapter
V Chapter
VI Chapter
VII Chapter
VIII Chapter
IX Chapter
X Chapter
XI Chapter
XII Chapter
XIII Chapter
XIV Chapter
XV |
After the demonetization of silver in 1873, the most disastrous panic ever known in history up to that time, swept over this country, tens of thousands of failures occurred, entailing losses of hundreds of millions of dollars of capital. The extent of the loss wrought by that great crash cannot be described by the language of man. Resource must be had to figures to convey an adequate idea of the magnitude of the disaster flowing from this wide spread ruin and wreckage of values. Hundreds of thousands of skilled and unskilled workmen were thrown out of employment, although the crops were abundant, and the number of consumers was larger than ever before known. Then, for the first time in the history of the United States, appeared that phenomenon - the American tramp - whose appearance and permanency, as an established institution in civil society, is a problem that must be solved some time in the near future. The American tramp, the homeless as they are called today, has never been solved, nor will it ever be. page 116 "The strongest of this generation wants a dictator. I say come on with your schemes of confiscation and forced loans, and graded income taxes, and irredeemable currency, under universal suffrage, and if you are sufficiently frank in proclaiming the doctrines of your ringleaders, then, under military necessity, and even here in the United States, we must get rid of universal suffrage, and we shall. Rather than allow these things we will have one of the fiercest of civil wars." Rev. Joseph Cook, of Boston, a divine and public lecturer, made these remarks in a speech. page 118