Other Divorce And Child Support Are Eviscerating Military Recruitment
R. Usher Last week, Fox New�s radical feminist Alan Colmes made the mistake of interviewing Dr. Stephen Baskerville, author of the highly acclaimed book �Taken Into Custody� on his syndicated radio show. Baskerville recently published an article titled �Do Not Marry, Do Not Have Children.� Despite the universal acceptance of Dr. Baskerville�s analysis on the state of marriage, Colmes was unable to wrap his head around even one of Baskerville�s thoughts. Alan
Colmes launched into the interview attacking Baskerville Perhaps Colmes might have come to the interview ready to intelligently talk marriage issues had he scanned Stephen�s book before careening into the interview. This should come as no surprise: house feminists are at their best when they know nothing of what they are talking about. If they knew what they were talking about, they wouldn�t be feminists. Since Colmes didn�t know enough about Baskerville�s article to have a thoughtful discussion about why men are backing away from marriage in droves, he launched into a series of half-baked questions about Baskerville�s positions on gay marriage, divorce, and other issues. Baskerville never got to finish a complete sentence in answer. Never mind that every show host who graduated from a real school of broadcasting knows that only one or maybe two items can be actually discussed in a half-hour radio segment. Expecting Colmes to get anything right is asking far too much. He backed the prosecutor in the Duke Lacrosse rape case nearly to the bitter end, just like the Gloria Allred wannabees at Corrupt News Network did. In fact, he may still be the last person alive who has not realized the world is actually real. Take Colmes position on same-sex marriage. He thinks that gay marriage will not impact the institution of marriage. [another interview] Maybe Colmes never bothered to read the latest data on AID rates in America, which are 50% higher than the CDC had estimated, or realized that gay men have 800% more sex partners than normal men do. Can Colmes imagine what would happen to marriage if any two women could marry and leave men with nothing more than child support orders and prison? Perhaps the institution of �higher education� Colmes attended only taught transcendental meditation while not inhaling? Need I mention that Colmes has not yet realized that abortion is the killing of babies? Take a look at the stoned face in this picture. Would you let your daughter go on a date with him? Or is this the spineless face of a lobotomized feminist doormat who likes to get laid a lot? Should I throw a taser party and invite him as the guest of honor? I have met ball peen hammers with more brains than Alan Colmes. In fact, I have learned several things from ball peen hammers. For starters, they are hard and I should not smack my fingers with them. I have yet to learn anything from Colmes yet.
So what is wrong with barnyard feminists like Alan Colmes? Feminists are avowed members of a cult, which by hookers or crooks became dominant in western culture. Cults indignantly believe things that are absolutely not real. That is why FOX does not let cult masculist leaders of Al Jazeera or CAIR host a talk show. And it is why Michael Savage has a very popular show. With
feminist cult prophets like Alan Colmes at Fox News, who needs Air
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David R. Usher is Legislative Analyst for the American Coalition for Fathers and Children, Missouri Coalition and is a co-founder and past Secretary of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children. E-Mail: drusher@swbell.net
Alan Colmes launched into the interview attacking Baskerville point-blank on his latest observation: there is an impromptu marriage strike by men in America. Colmes got it backwards, thinking that Baskerville was launching a marriage strike.