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Joan Veon DAVOS, SWITZERLAND -- The World Economic Forum that opens on Wednesday in Davos Switzerland has chosen "Partnering for Security and Prosperity" as its theme. In light of America's war in Iraq, the war on terrorism and the falling dollar, this week will be a zinger. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton opens the five-day conference that will offer its 2,280 participants more than 190 workshops and sessions. Later in the week, Vice President Dick Cheney will address the audience. The participants include 1,000 CEO's from the world's foremost companies, 31 heads of state, 75 cabinet ministers, 48 ambassadors and 32 heads of or senior officials of international organizations. Furthermore, there are 52 heads of non-governmental organizations, 18 union leaders, 24 religious leaders of different faiths and 164 members of academic institutions and think tanks. The "Seven Threads" that comprise the agenda to be considered include: Ensuring Global Security, Promoting Global Growth, Managing New Risks, Harnessing the Diversity of Values and Building Corporate Resilience. Under the first thread of global security, questions to be debated include "The Future of Global Interdependence," "The Future of Transatlantic Relations" and "Building a New Security Paradigm." For the last 34 years, the World Economic Forum has been forging its place in history and in world events. They are a global facilitator. Their conference and the ideas put forward are on the cutting edge as to where the world is headed. The reality of today's world is one without economic, political, trade or communication barriers. The program offered to those participating reflects a deeper understanding of the interdependent world of the 21st century, also known as the "open society" and "the global village." Several years ago when Bill Clinton was president, he joked about the fact that "no one was home because most the Cabinet is here." Besides President Clinton, there are four former members of his Cabinet: former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers who is now President of Harvard University; former Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Laura Tyson; former Undersecretary of State for Economic, Business and Agriculture Affairs and Assistant to the President Stu Eizenstat who is now with a leading international law firm; former Ambassador-at-large and Special Adviser to the Secretary of State Strobe Talbott who is now president of The Brookings Institution and former governor of Colorado and former Undersecretary for Global Affairs Timothy Wirth who is now President, United Nations Foundation. All of these will participate in 13 various sessions. Other fellow democrats taking part include Congressmen Sander Levin, Barney Frank, Edward Markey and Howard Berman who will participate seven times. Not to be outdone, the republicans will be headed up by Vice President Dick Cheney who will discuss Iraq, Attorney General John Ashcroft who will deliver a closed briefing to key business leaders and a workshop for all on "Why Victory Against Terrorism Demands Shared Values." Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson will discuss global health issues while Secretary of Commerce Don Evans will participate in two sessions, one which is entitled, "Managing Risk and Growth in an Open Economy." U.S. Undersecretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs, Alan P. Larson will participate in workshops on growth in emerging markets and recovery in the U.S. Senators Gordon Smith, Orrin Hatch, Richard Shelby and Saxby Chambliss also will be participating in more than one workshop with Senator Hatch participating in four. Others who will participate in workshops and sessions include the Security and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson and Congressmen Jim Leach, James Kolby, Robert Portman and Dennis Hassert. All total between the democrats and republicans, they will participate in 53 workshops and sessions out of the more than 190 or almost 28%. Session topics that indicate where the world might be headed include, "Does it Matter if Economies Converge," "The Future of Global Interdependence," "Rethinking the Corporation" and "Why All Financial Regulation is Now Global." Lastly the session on the Korean Peninsula and East Asian stability features two interesting participants: Jim Leach, Congressman from Iowa and Maurice Strong who is Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Interesting combination. James Leach spearheaded the repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act with the Sarbanes-Oxley Bill that basically allowed banks to own insurance companies and brokerage firms. It is widely felt that by taking away the walls between banking, brokerage and insurance that it helped to contribute to the collapse of the Nasdaq because we had analysts telling people to hold stocks when it was proven they left those they told to hold, holding the bag while they sold high. Furthermore, Mr. Leach served as vice-president of Parliamentarians for Global Action, a group supporting an open or interdependent world. Maurice Strong is a globalist who served as secretary-general of the world's first environmental conference in 1972 and the two follow-up environmental mega-conferences in 1992 and 1997. Lastly, a session on conspiracy theories is on the program. The title, The Conspiracy behind Conspiracy Theories" will examine how these theories are formulated and why people are attracted to them. One participant is a psychiatrist. Bottom line, this report does not constitute in any way, shape or form, a conspiracy! � 2004 Joan Veon - All Rights Reserved Sign
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"For the last 34 years, the World Economic Forum has been forging its place in history and in world events. They are a global facilitator. Their conference and the ideas put forward are on the cutting edge as to where the world is headed."