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In Mexico, The Body Count Continues to Mount










By Allan Wall

December 3, 2009

The death of a famous person calls forth discussions over his legacy. One of the most famous persons to pass away during 2009 was Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy who died on August 25th.

Kennedy was called “the lion of the Senate” and was possibly the most influential member of that governing body. In fact, he had served there since 1962, which is quite a spell.

I have no intention of attempting to pass judgment on Senator Kennedy’s soul, since he is now in the hands of God, who has the final say in the matter. Nor will I deny that his family misses him.

Kennedy was involved in a lot of legislation, but where it really counted, the influence the senator wielded was too often destructive to our country, our constitution and our very identity as a nation.

Kennedy got his first start in politics as a member of the Kennedy clan, with which America has held a decades´ long fascination. Teddy outlived his three older brothers, Joe Jr. (who died in World War II) and John and Bobby (who were each assassinated).

Ted Kennedy’s chance to become president was probably dashed by the Chappaquiddick incident of 1969, in which he drove off into the water and left Mary Jo Kopechne to die in his car. Kennedy failed to call the police until the following morning, after her body had already been found. It appears that Mary Jo did not actually drown, but suffocated in an air bubble in the sunken car.

So how do Kennedy fans deal with Chappaquiddick? Adam Clymer, the senator’s biographer, had the gall to write that Kennedy’s “achievements as a senator have towered over his time, changing the lives of far more Americans than remember the name Mary Jo Kopechne.” And Melissa Lafsky wrote at the Huffington Post that Mary Jo “would have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history – Who knows – maybe she’d felt it was worth it.” Of course, Mary Jo Kopechne never had any choice in the matter, did she?


Although Chappaquiddick probably prevented Kennedy from gaining the presidency, it sure didn’t end his political career. Teddy received a two-month jail sentence which was suspended, and went on 15 months later to be re-elected to the U.S. Senate by the people of Massachusetts. Go figure. Of course Kennedy used his long career to make the U.S. a more socialist country.

Socialized medicine was a long-time dream of Kennedy, for which he worked for years. It looks like that under President Obama,the Kennedy dream may come to fruition.

Back in 1986, President Ronald Reagan nominated Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Bork was fiercely opposed by Kennedy. Speaking in the Senate, Teddy launched into a rhetorical attack on Bork, proclaiming that “Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit down at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution.” The Bork nomination was scuttled, thanks in large part to Senator Kennedy.

Nor was the “lion of the Senate” averse to dealing with America’s archenemy of the time, for partisan political advantage. In 1983, Kennedy communicated with Soviet leader Andropov, offering to help Andropov deal with Reagan in exchange for Andropov’s help in beating Reagan in the 1984 presidential election.

And way back in 1965, near the beginning of his career, Kennedy supported and spoke for the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

Debating on the Senate floor in favor of the Act, Kennedy confidently assured the Senate and ultimately the American people that,

“First, our cities will not be flooded with a million
immigrants annually….Secondly, the ethnic mix
of this country will not be upset….[the bill] will
not inundate America with immigrants from any
one country or area..”

The rest, as they say, is history. The 1965 Act passed, and both legal and illegal immigration have multiplied our population . These changes are drastically transforming the American ethnic mix. English-speaking whites are well on their way to becoming a minority. This transformation, which the American people never voted for and which Kennedy assured us wouldn’t happen, is a major factor in the leftward drift of our nation.

The recent election of Barack Obama, a radical socialist bent on politically transforming our country, was made possible in great measure by the ethnic transformation of recent decades.

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So yes, Senator Kennedy was an influential senator, maybe the most influential senator of our time. Kennedy used his great influence to help transform the United States into a multicultural socialist state. Unless enough Americans wake up in time to turn things around, future U.S. history books (most of which will probably be in Spanish) ought to give Senator Kennedy a lot of credit.

� 2009 Allan Wall - All Rights Reserved

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Allan Wall recently returned to the U.S. after residing many years in Mexico.











Kennedy was called “the lion of the Senate” and was possibly the most influential member of that governing body. In fact, he had served there since 1962, which is quite a spell.