Paul Walter
February 29, 2012
[Note: This article appeared as a full page ad in the Grants Pass "Daily Courier" newspaper on Saturday, January 28, 2012]
I immigrated to the United States with my family when I was 15 years-old. I was in awe to find a country where you could be anything you wanted to be as long as you were honest, moral and hard-working. This wasn't possible in the communist country from which my parents and I had escaped. There, government control was from the cradle to the grave. They kept the people poor, and controlled, while the aristocrats and politicians (gov't.) were living high on the hog with big benefits and salaries. They policed our every move and restricted our God-given freedoms.
America was the light of the world and it gave hope to the oppressed.
Now, there are forces at work destroying our nation, and our individualism for the sake of the world's collectivism. I'm not just talking about Obama; he is a minute player in the grand scheme of this fast approaching New World Order. Our very culture is being threatened; our way of life; our liberties; and the legacy that we are leaving our children, and theirs, is one of indentured servitude to a government that has wildly swung from being representative by design to being dictatorial in practice.
For the past 20 years I have been accurately predicting and fighting against what is now right around the corner. Sadly, this year, 2012, could be the last for this great nation. However, I owe a lot to this country and I will stand by my beliefs and fight to save my beloved America.
Why am I so seemingly fanatic about trying to save our country? It's simple... I know better than to let it travel down the path of socialism to communism, and if you had lived under the yoke of communism as I did, you wouldn't want it either.
Our country is teetering on a precipice about to fall completely away from the limited government upon which this country was founded, to being that of a truly communist country.
Starvation of Biblical proportions through contrived food shortages.
2. Under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA),
anyone who bucks the New World Order mentality of the government can
be considered an enemy combatant.
3. Check points on the freeways to check your papers.
We have already seen the start of this with the TSA check points - not
just at airports but on buses, trains, and highways as well.
4. Censorship of the news and internet.
5. “Smart” meters will be placed on every
home to control your utility consumption – including meters on
wells. They have already begun installing “Smart” meters
under the guise of “efficiency.” There is already a lot
of information concerning these machines – not to mention lawsuits.
Read Devvy Kidd’s column, “Update:
My fight against the ‘smart’ meter.”
6. The federal government will further control our
foods, natural medicines and vitamins. They will dictate what we can
and cannot eat, drink, smoke, say, and do. Several health-food store
owners in California already face jail time for the “crime”
of selling safe, healthy life-promoting, raw unpasteurized milk.
7. Public schools will be used to indoctrinate your
children into global citizenship as well as being used in the future
as centers to reeducate the masses.
8. Government will encourage the public to spy on and
report their neighbors for any “suspicious” behavior.
9. Those who have prepared for hard times will legally
be considered hoarders. Recent legislation establishes guidelines for
law enforcement to be sent in to confiscate their food.
10. Class and race warfare will be pushed in order
to gain further control over the population.
The socialists in government are counting on the loyalty of the police and military to enforce these draconian and unconstitutional edicts. Stalin got the loyalty of his police and army. Hitler got it, too. A good example is Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's police are following his orders killing their own citizens to keep their dictator that signs their paycheck in power. A dictator can not be a dictator by himself, he has to have loyal followers. Will the “new” America get their support?
We hope these men and women who have sworn to protect us will see that by doing what is morally right, and standing with their fellow citizens, it will help ensure the future of our country.
For most local and state elections there is only a 35-40% voter turnout. The majority of the public doesn't even bother to vote, taking freedom for granted. Good people become bad citizens when they don't vote.
Instead of doing research and selecting the best candidate most keep voting for who is the most charming, best looking and the smoothest talker, or who gets the most coverage by the biased mainstream media. We end up voting-in candidates who don’t know what it means to represent their constituents; instead they end up representing the special interests that paid for their media coverage!
As we all saw on the news recently, 100k Russian people stood out in sub-zero weather demanding honest elections. Here in America, where people are free, people tolerate injustice and keep repeatedly voting-in the same scoundrels.
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Be it Republican or Democrat at the highest levels, it makes little difference because they no longer work for the good of the American people. Instead they've all sold out to Goldman-Sachs and the Military-Industrial-Pharmaceutical complex.
Demand that our representatives hold true to their sworn oath of office,
and uphold the Constitution.
2. Educate yourself on each candidate before voting
for the most popular or best looking.
3. Get out and vote.
4. Hold all politicians accountable and get involved
in public meetings.
5. Go to the web site www.newswithviews.com
and sign-up for the free e-mail alerts.
This November’s election will go down in history as the most important our country has ever held and the hour is getting late. We only have a limited time to act, but I believe so much in this country and its people, that I know we can do it.
� 2012 Paul Walter - All Rights Reserved