By Marsha West
September 19, 2010
On July 18, 2010, Bob Schieffer, host of Face the Nation on CBS, interviewed Attorney General Eric Holder. During the 30 minute interview, Schieffer neglected to ask Holder about the former Department of Justice Attorney J. Christian Adams’ allegation that the DOJ declined to pursue cases involving minority perpetrators and their white victims. Thereafter the journalist appeared on CNN to defend himself, saying he was unaware of the New Black Panther controversy in Philadelphia because he was on vacation and "it just slipped by me, my batteries were low."
What did not slip by the veteran journalist is that House Minority Leader John Boehner (R) has the (gasp) smoking habit.
On September 12, 2010 Bob Schieffer blindsided John Boehner with the burning question:
“Do you still smoke?”
The chain smoker replied:
Schieffer huffed:
“You have taken $340,000 from the tobacco industry. They`ve been
the largest contributor to your political campaigns over the year. How
do you square that with the fact that cigarette smoking is the leading
cause of preventable deaths in this country; 435,000 people -- their
deaths are linked to cancer. That`s one in five. How do you -- how do
you justify that in your own mind?”
Boehner puffed:
“Bob, tobacco is a legal product in America. And the American people have the right to decide for themselves whether they want to partake or not. There are lots of things that we deal with and come in contact with every day, from alcohol to food to cigarettes, a lot of things that aren`t good for our health. But the American people ought to have the right to make those decisions on their own.”
Schieffer persisted:
“Well, I mean, they have a right to shoot themselves if they choose to. But, I mean, shouldn`t we do something to try to encourage them not to? I mean, do you think that`s a good example?”
Boehner admitted:
“Well, listen, I wish I didn`t have this bad habit. And it is a bad habit. You`ve had it. You`ve dealt with it. But it`s something that I choose to do. And, you know, at some point maybe I`ll decide I`ve had enough of it.”
Schieffer lectured:
“Well, I mean, if you should become speaker, you could set a good example for the country by saying, I`m going to try to stop smoking. Maybe you could get the president--I understand he smokes too--maybe the two of you could find a way to try to stop smoking. That would be kind of a good thing, wouldn`t it?”
Boehner fibbed:
“Bob, I appreciate your suggestion.”
Now imagine if you will that John Boehner is gay (for the record he is not “gay”) and the exchange went something like this:
“Are you gay?”
“You have taken $340,000 from the Gay Lesbian Straight Education
Network. Homosexuals have been the largest contributor to your political
campaigns over the years. How do you square that with the fact that
same-sex sex is the leading cause of HIV-AIDS in this country? As a
person with HIV-AIDS, I’m sure you’re aware that 82% of
all known sexually-transmitted HIV cases in 2006 were the result of
male-to-male sexual contact and that gay and bisexual men account for
over 60% of all syphilis cases. How do you - how do you justify that
sort dangerous behavior in your own mind?”
“Bob, sodomy is not a criminal offense. And the American people have the right to decide for themselves whether they want to partake or not. There are lots of things that we deal with and come in contact with every day, from alcohol to food to cigarettes, a lot of things that aren`t good for our health. But the American people ought to have the right to make those decisions on their own.”
“Well, I mean, they have a right to shoot themselves if they choose to. But, I mean, shouldn`t we do something to try to encourage them not to? I mean, do you think continuing to have unhealthy, even dangerous, sex is a good example?”
“Well, listen, because of my sexual orientation, I live with the consequences of having risky sex. We all do risky things. You were a smoker. You didn’t stop until you chose to. Having risky sex is something that I choose to do. And, you know, at some point maybe I`ll decide to stop gambling with my life.”
“Well, I mean, if you should become speaker, you could set a good example for the country by saying, I`m going to try to stop playing Russian Roulette. Maybe you could get the president--I understand he smokes, and that’s risky--maybe the two of you could find a way to try to stop your risk taking. That would be kind of a good thing, wouldn`t it?”
“Bob, I appreciate your suggestion.”
Interview ends.
The above conversation never took place and, again, John Boehner is NOT a homosexual.
The following is excerpted from Mike S. Adams article, My Hate Speech Conviction:
“No sane person could ever posit that the act of rectal sodomy is safe, normal, or healthy. The rectum is a one-way street. It is a sewer meant for the expulsion of poison. Treating the rectum as a sex organ is damaging to the health – especially for the recipient of such abuse. That is why it is an act of hate, regardless of whether some choose to call it “love.”
“But the gay lifestyle has never been about love. The average number of lifetime sex partners is four for a heterosexual, fifty for a homosexual. Monogamy is the norm (82%) among heterosexuals, and an aberration (2%) among homosexuals. This promiscuity is routed in the pairing of similar traits, which is an inevitable result in homosexual relationships.
“It should go without saying that women have greater emotional needs than men, while men have greater physical needs than women. They need each other to balance one another out. And that is why when two men are together the physical aspects of the relationship spiral out of control to the point of compulsion. That is why estimates show that anywhere from 21-43% of homosexual males have had several hundred sex partners.”
This may explain why more than 50% of new HIV infections in 2009 occurred among homosexuals. In the 19-25 age bracket the infection rate was even higher.
More from Mike:
“Even pseudo-conservative Andrew Sullivan knows that homosexuality is about unbridled sexual pursuit rather than love. He openly claims that homosexuals need more than one sex partner and that heterosexual relationships are too restrictive. But he refuses to see succumbing to sexual temptation as a weakness. Instead, he calls it a sign of ‘honesty’ and ‘flexibility.’
“Andrew Sullivan thinks we should all become more like gays. In his calls for the majority to conform to the minority he reveals the fundamental narcissism that is at the core of the gay lifestyle. From Andrew Sullivan’s perspective, homosexuality is all about self-gratification.
“But love, by definition, seeks the ultimate good of the loved one by forsaking all others. That is why we must steer our loved ones away from the homosexual lifestyle and suffer the slings and arrows of the true perpetrators of hate speech.”
Here are a few more facts to mull over:
Fact: There is no gay gene. In an APA brochure called, "Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality it says:
"There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles..."
Moreover... psychologist Dr. Scott Hershberger (who is a philosophical essentialist on questions of sexual orientation) conducted a Guttman analysis on Dr. Robert L. Spitzer’s study and declared:
"The orderly, law-like pattern of changes in homosexual behavior, homosexual self-identification, and homosexual attraction and fantasy observed in Spitzer's study is strong evidence that reparative therapy can assist individuals in changing their homosexual orientation to a heterosexual one."
Fact: Those who practice anal sex are far and away more likely to contract anal cancer, as well as hepatitis B and C, than those who practice sex the normal way. In other words, the way God intended. No illustration is necessary, as we all know how the human body functions. It’s obvious (to most of us) where the entrances and exits are.
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Fact: Those who practice anal and oral sex are also more likely to end up with esophageal or stomach cancer and hepatitis A.
Fact: Anal and oral sex may result in the transmission of STDs such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea. These diseases will not be detected in urine tests.
Fact: Homosexual sex is far worse for a person’s health than smoking cigarettes.
- National Association
for Research and Therapy for Homosexuals
2 - Americans
for Truth
3 - On
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