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Tempting God in










By Reverend David Whitney
April 19, 2015

One of the recurring questions that confronts us daily with the events taking place in our country is What could they be thinking? Have they lost their minds? One example I read of this week is

“Foster High School in Texas is the site of more Christian persecution in America due to Islam. Now a teacher is facing punishment from the school district for an 8 page handout that warned the class about the truth of Islam.

Video of the Sermon:

Though the information on the handouts were not sourced, it appears that that information could easily be documented.

Among the information in the pages were facts like:

Muhammad posed as a prophet. . .Both Jesus and Paul warned that after they were gone many false prophets would come. Muhammad is simply one of them. . .”
“Islam is more of an ideology than a religion. It is also an ideology of war. . .”
“[Islam forces] its ideology on cultures and ultimately on the world through propaganda, subversion, and even physical force when it is deemed necessary, one area of the world at a time.”
“You will either give into their demands recognizing Islam’s ‘noble’ rule, you will become a Muslim yourself, or you will die.”
“[Muslims believe] All governments – except Islam – should be overthrown.”
“. . .everyone will be brought under the yoke of Islam, willingly or unwillingly.”
“. . .even though generally Islamic followers will say that they ‘believe’ in Jesus and respect Him and the Bible, in fact, neither is really true.”

Designated Terror Group Hamas-CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) were called in by one Muslim student’s parents, who spoke to the principal. Hamas-CAIR‘s Executive Director Mustafaa Carroll, who has openly stated that Muslims are above the law, told the district, “Only a strong response to this attempt at student indoctrination will send a message that our schools must never be incubators of hate.” The District added that the teacher will face “appropriate disciplinary measures.”

So, let’s get this straight, pointing out the truth about Islam and its ideology and history demands “appropriate disciplinary measures.” However, if you teach Islam according to how Muslim Brotherhood front groups like CAIR want, then it’s just fine.’’[1]

You have to ask, what could they be thinking? Why would the school system not want the truth about Mohhamendanism to be given to their students? Have they lost their mind?

What we are witnessing in our land is the result of rejecting a Biblical worldview as regards every area of life and thought, and while we may properly lay a large responsibility at the feet of actively anti-Christian leaders in our country, there is a significant element that is the fault of Christians; Christians failing to develop a Christian world view in their own lives and in those whom they disciple.

We are moving into our next section - Building a Christian Worldview. Because Jesus Christ is King and Lord of all, so He must be King and Lord of our thinking about every area of Life.

How Should We Then Think?

The Resurrection Changes everything - as we stated last week the evidence for the truth of the resurrection is rock solid. It changes the way we look at death, knowing for those who truly place their faith in Christ, that as He rose, so we too will rise. It changes the way we deal with the trials of this life this life, knowing that our labor in the Lord is never in vain, it changes how we think about everything in this world because the resurrection affirms the reality that Jesus Christ is King over everything and over everyone. So there is no sector, no territory, no realm of thinking that is not under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. His resurrection changes everything.

It changes us: - 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” There is a radical transformation wrought in the heart, mind and soul of the newborn Christian.

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Matthew Henry describes it in these words, “The renewed man acts upon new principles, by new rules, with new ends, and in new company. The believer is created anew; his heart is not merely set right, but a new heart is given him. He is the workmanship of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Though the same as a man, he is changed in his character and conduct. These words must and do mean more than an outward reformation. The man who formerly saw no beauty in the Savior that he should desire him, now loves him above all things.”

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© 2015 Rev. David Whitney - All Rights Reserved


1. What if relativism were true? An illustration.

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Rev. David Whitney has been teaching the Christian heritage and history of our country with Institute on the Constitution for over a decade where he serves as Senior Instructor, and Radio show host on Dr. Stan Monteith’s Radio Liberty.

David is an Honors Scholar graduate from Rutgers University with a Masters Degree from Denver Seminary. A minister for 32 years he is currently the Pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church of Pasadena, Maryland.

As an member of Clergy, Activist and Radio personality David has appeared in Washington Times, on Voice of America, Fox, ABC, NBC, CSPAN, BBC, and more…


Twitter: @theAmericanView




You have to ask, what could they be thinking? Why would the school system not want the truth about Mohhamendanism to be given to their students? Have they lost their mind?