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The Trashing of The American Dream









Carole "CJ" Williams
February 24, 2012

President Reagan pulled America out of United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1984 because he believed it was totally corrupt. George W. Bush returned our country to UNESCO in 2002, stating he was doing so as a symbol of our commitment to human dignity. “This organization has been reformed,” he said, “and America will participate fully in its mission to advance human rights and tolerance and learning.”

Because “we” rejoined UNESCO, it’s Man and the Biosphere Program, which has never completely halted since its inception in the early 1970s, has been moving full speed ahead in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (U.P.). It’s gathered considerable traction in the Northern Lower Peninsula, too. Biospheres, however, are listed only at the request of the country in which they’re located and can be removed from the biosphere reserve list at any time by a request from that country. The National Park Service is typically the government agency to make such a request.

A U.N. Biosphere is a designated core area, generally federal public land. They’re managed by a government agency, most usually the National Park Service, which may take on a management partner through a “memorandum of understanding.” The same is true of the U.S. Forest Service Agency that’s in charge of at least thirteen U.N. Biospheres.

A Biosphere might encompass a National Park, National Forest, National Seashore, National Monument, National Wild and Scenic River, Scenic Highway, Heritage Site, Historical Park, Wilderness Area, Designated Wetland, or Wildlife Preserve, among other things.

The core Biosphere is “buffered” by surrounding it with more public land, including state and local municipality land, as well as land owned by nature conservancies or land trusts. The “buffer zones”, which also stretch across rivers and lakes and even international boundaries, are commonly referred to as “bioreserves”. Ontario, Canada’s “Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve” can easily share its border with Michigan. See the escarpment map here.

Through the acquisition of more and more public land and subsequent control of how it may and may not be used by the human species, the bioreserves’ perimeters expand. They can overlap on a “landscape” scale into great swaths of highly controlled land, hundreds of miles in all directions. Most are connected with one another through buffered “migration corridors”. Like a malignant cancer, they’re never stagnant, and as they metastasize, they leave a path of industrial destruction and poverty in their wake.

The object of the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) truly isn’t to preserve “biodiversity, but rather to gain jurisdiction over the Earth’s entire surface and control resources - air, water, land, timber, minerals - and all forms of life, including human beings and their pets. Most, if not all forty-seven known UN-US Biospheres sit atop America’s most valuable underground resources, which in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan includes uranium and the world’s richest deposit of native copper, among many other precious commodities. In the northern Lower Peninsula, it’s primarily gas and oil.

Biospheres act like “living laboratories” for the “scientific” testing of targeted bio-geographical ecosystems, guaranteeing the conservation of biodiversity through research, monitoring, and “training” activities, or so it’s claimed. In truth, the conglomeration of international MAB land-grabbing thieves’ end goal is to hold the Earth’s entire land and air surface hostage as Gang Green manipulates people into cooperating with their scheme, one way or another.

To control bioreserve integrity and restore land to pre-European settlement (pre-Columbian) condition, land use must be severely restricted or halted altogether because eco-environmentalists consider human activity to be the greatest stress factor that purportedly destroys the essential wholeness of various ecosystems within the Bioreserves. The denial that humans will not be severely affected by activity abatement, as more land control is exerted, will ultimately prove to be a lie should this be allowed to continue. See the US Biological Diversity Map here.

UNESCO’s MAB Program is a world network of Biospheres controlled through the partnership of international and national governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) collaborating to keep the manipulative scheme rolling at the national, state, and local level. Some NGOs involved with the scheme are The Nature Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, and the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), which consists of affiliated conservation clubs, one per state. In Michigan, the NWF’s affiliate is the Michigan United Conservation Clubs, comprised of more good old boy sportsmen’s clubs than conservation clubs.

The World Bank supports the grandiose MAB scheme, as does the UN Environment Program, the UN Development Program, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), Conservation International, and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).


The U.S. government agencies and NGO supporting-partner list of the IUCN is exhaustive. Several can be identified as threads of a tangled partnership web, most involving the Nature Conservancy, now very busy at work controlling or helping to control U.P public land while trying to convince one and all that its heart is pure. The IUCN partnering government agencies include the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The MAB scheme involves many individual “rewilding” projects, such as the landscape-scale Great Lakes Basin Project. This effort began in 1995 at the instigation of the National Park Service, which requested that the Isle Royale Biosphere be elevated to fully functional status. The project is now an internationally directed bi-national plot to control land use and water resources in each of the eight states and Canadian provinces surrounding the Great Lakes and the tributaries running into each.

Government agencies, including certain tribal agencies, and partnering organizations are using the “Watershed Approach”, attorneys well versed in environmental law, and increasingly restrictive environmental mandates to force humans to accept land use restrictions. Those who balk at the land grabs and use restrictions are purposely made to feel guilty of not wanting to protect the environment and fresh water resources. This is generally done at public meetings by using the “Delphi Technique.”

The partners are marching inward around the Great Lakes, watershed by watershed, using, as core areas, Michigan’s two known designated Biospheres at Isle Royale (headquartered in the U.P. city of Houghton – home to Michigan Technological University, which now churns out environmental engineers instead of mining engineers) and the University of Michigan’s Biological Research Station near Petoskey in the Northern Lower Peninsula. They’re using some other UN Biospheres just across the border in Canada, too. Almost every Biosphere from coast to coast is situated where there’s an important water resource, and more Biospheres will be designated unless citizens become irate enough to force their U.S. legislators to halt the whole U.N. Biosphere business in America.

In 1968, just prior to Richard Nixon’s election, there was a UNESCO “Biosphere Conference” and the Biosphere Reserve concept was laid out. The Nixon administration gave birth to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is now under the gun for issuing more and more restrictive environmental regulations. The agency has become a handy tool for rabid eco-environmentalists who don’t want industrial smokestacks mucking up their pristine ecosystems.

In 1970 the UN’s Man and the Biosphere program surfaced to set the bioreserve scheme in motion. The U.S. joined the MAB Program in 1974 when the State Department signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” (not a treaty) and pledged that the U. S. would adhere to Biosphere conditions and limitations laid down by UNESCO.

There’s no national law mandating that Biospheres be designated in the United States. Regardless, through a “Memoranda of Understanding”, and at last count, there are forty-seven known UN-US Biospheres in America. Twenty-seven were designated in 1976. Oddly, another eleven were designated during the Reagan years.

Although I could find no concrete information about who specifically nominates Biospheres, it’s purported that locally established committees usually coordinate the initial planning and prepare the nomination. Letters of concurrence from local interest groups and local and state government representatives are attached to each nomination package. Landowner approval is required for a property to be included. The package is then submitted for approval to the U.S. Man and the Biosphere Program, based in Washington, D.C at the U.S. Department of State headquarters. Although there’s supposed to be community involvement during the nominating process, few citizens even know that such an initiative is underway.

U. S. MAB Bulletin, July 1997, Vol. 21, #2, contains the following information: “The long-term goal of the U.S. MAB Program is to contribute to achieving a sustainable society early in the 21st Century.” (Agenda 21) It also includes a farewell from the US-MAB Committee Chairman, Dean Bibles, who at the time was director of the U.S. Dept. of Interior’s policy on land tenure and also special assistant to Interior Secretary, Bruce Babbitt.

More intriguing info in that bulletin is the introduction of the new National MAB Chairman, David Hales, who was appointed to a three-year term as Chairman of the U.S. National Committee for the MAB Program. Previously, Hales had been Director of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources from 1988 -1991 and had also served as a board member of the Michigan Chapter of the Nature Conservancy.

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As more and more research is done, the tangled and deceitful webs of scheming partners and inter-relationships of those putting the U.N.’s Agenda 21 in place in Michigan is becoming much easier to follow. Even the partnering EPA is now suspected of skewing scientific data used to shut down or punish more and more industries. It really might not be a bad idea to get in the face of all of our U.S. and state legislators and demand accountability for what they’re allowing to happen, not just in Michigan, but also throughout our Sovereign United States of America.

� 2012 Carole "C.J." Williams - All Rights Reserved

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C. J. (Carole) Williams, who grew up in the “Thumb” farming area of Lower Michigan, pulled up her roots almost fifty years ago and gladly replanted them deeply in the Upper Peninsula’s northwestern Copper Country. She’s often heard to say, “Other than my children, grandchildren and hubby, the greatest gift I’ve ever received is to be thought of by true ‘Yoopers’ as one of them.”

C. J. has been tracking the eco-environmental movement for years, and using any means possible to educate like-minded, concerned citizens about what Gang Green is up to in Michigan and elsewhere. She’s currently writing for a local conservative monthly newspaper, the Yooper Spectator, and is a frequent guest of online radio talk-show hosts, as well as an invited speaker for Grassroots Activists’ group meetings and TEA Party rallies in the western U.P.











A U.N. Biosphere is a designated core area, generally federal public land. They’re managed by a government agency, most usually the National Park Service, which may take on a management partner through a “memorandum of understanding.” The same is true of the U.S. Forest Service Agency that’s in charge of at least thirteen U.N. Biospheres.






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