Other In Violation of Their Oath of Office Chilling Costs of Illegal Alien Migration
Frosty Wooldridge Anyone understand why Mexicans fail at a successful civilization? Ever wonder why millions of them invade the United States in search of a better life? Have you noticed that once they arrive, they create the same kind of �society� in the United States? Unconsciously, they recreate the same condition that they left behind. Have you ever heard of the expression, "You can take the boy out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the boy"? For example, in Denver in December, illegal alien Navi dragged his girlfriend to death behind his car. Illegal alien Cruz shot his girlfriend dead in the back because she wouldn�t reconcile with him. Illegal alien Ruizz ran over and killed Justin Goodman, but Ruizz drove away from the scene leaving Goodman to die. In Greeley, Colorado they suffered 270 hit and run accidents in one year. Over 80 percent of hit and run wrecks in Denver involve illegal aliens. Denver boasts the drug smuggling capital of the West as well as the people smuggling mecca of the country. Illegals cheat, distribute drugs, lie, forge documents, steal and kill as if it�s a normal way of life. For them, it is. Mexico�s civilization stands diametrically opposed to America�s culture. Both countries manifest different ways of thinking and operating. With George Bush�s push to create the �Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America� by dissolving our borders with Mexico, he places all Americans at risk. Would you become friends with neighbors who throw their trash on city streets and parks, create ghettoes wherever they enclave their numbers, promote corruption, deal in violence, encourage drug use, manifest poverty, endorse sexism and downgrade education? America�s culture and Mexico�s culture remain diametrically opposed to one another. America�s fought Mexico and won. Today, Mexico invades America with sheer numbers of their poor. However, cultures rarely change and neither do their people. As you can see from the ten points below, everything about Mexico degrades everything about America. For further information, you may visit www.immigrationshumancost.org and www.limitstogrowth.org where you will find a plethora of information by a brilliant journalist Brenda Walker. Her original report may be viewed on www.Vdare.com on January 17, 2007 under the title: �Ten Reasons Why America Should Not Marry Mexico.� I suggest you read more of her work. She exemplifies incisive, sobering and shocking information. These ten point stem directly from Brenda Walker�s work. Let�s examine why America must not entangle itself by merging with Mexico.
As we allow millions of Mexicans to colonize our country, we can�t help but be caught up in these ten deadly cultural traits of Mexicans. With over 12 million Mexicans here today, the predictions grow to as many as 20 even 40 million Mexicans in a few decades as they come here for a better life.
The fact remains, as they come to America for a better life, they make our lives a living nightmare. Speaking of violations of our laws: Bank of America goes too far by giving credit cards to illegal aliens! This endangers everyone in this country. All they care about is profit. If you bank with them, stop it and tell them why. The word is boycott. I guarantee you will have an effect. Bank of America selling out Americans safety, etc. This is an open invitation to fraud and TERRORISTS. Why are US citizens held to a higher standard than illegal aliens? TELEPHONE RALLY Bank of America www.bankofamerica.com is offering credit cards to customers without a social security card (illegal aliens). *Read at end of this mail. CALL:
CORPORATE AFFAIRS Bank of America; 415.717.0195 Write
a postcard/letter to: Bank of America offering credit cards to illegal immigrants [*]NEW
YORK (MarketWatch)
-- Bank of America (BAC: BAC Last: BAC) is offering credit cards to
customers without Social Security numbers in an effort to pursue illegal
immigrants and grow its business, the Wall Street Journal reported
Tuesday. While checking accounts and mortgages have been offered in
the past, it's been difficult for undocumented workers to get major
credit cards and therby develop a credit history. The bank has been
quietly testing the program to provide credit cards to customers who
hold a checking account for three months without an overdraft. Last
week, the bank rolled out the program in 51 branches in Los Angeles,
with plans on the books for national expansion later this year. Bank
of America charges a higher interest rate and an upfront fee for the
cards. What you can do for a better future for your country: A republican form of government is not a spectator sport. It means you must jump in, roll up you sleeves and take personal and collective action. Of course, you could let a dictator take over and do everything for you, but that path would give you Cuba, China, North Korea and other unsavory examples. To stop Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid from giving an amnesty, take action. Call for a full 10 year moratorium. CALL
Harry Reid George
Bush We must 'sour the milk.� Bring out your points in the call: 1,
America cannot support another 100 million people added to our
country in 34 years, i.e., water crisis, resource depletion, air
pollution, gridlock, loss of quality of life, etc.
To stop illegal aliens in your community, you may follow the course of action by Mayor Louis Barletta of Hazelton, PA. He offers a bomb proof ordinance that takes business licenses away from those who hire illegals. He legally halts landlords from renting to illegals. Without work and without housing, illegals cannot stay in your community. Check out his web site for instructions: SmallTownDefenders.com Visit D.A. King at the www.thedustininmansociety.org to see how Georgia created the best laws to stop illegals at the state level. Please check out William Gheen at www.alipac.us. He�s a mover and shaker. He will direct you to specific actions that make you more powerful and impactful. To stop this invasion locally and nationally: join www.numbersusa.com for free and you can join www.fairus.org and www.thesocialcontract.com Wooldridge presents a 45 minute program to colleges, high schools, civic clubs, church groups and political clubs across America titled: �COMING POPULATION CRISIS IN AMERICA: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.� Go to his website for further information on booking the program. www.frostywooldridge.com
Would you like to support the PRR? Send
donations to: 21st Century Paul Revere Ride at POB 207, Louisville,
CO 80027. www.21stCenturyPaulRevereRide.us;
www.numbersusa.com; www.thewakeupamericafoundation.com.
Also, check out www.alipac.us
at 1 866 329 3999; www.theamericanresistance.com;
www.ccir.net; www.theByteShow.com;
www.projectusa.org; www.borderguardians.org;
Call: 1 888 280 7715. www.TiANews.com
� www.victimsofillegalaliens.org;
USBorderAlert.com; SanDiegoBorderAlert.com;
www.LaurieRothShow.com � 2007 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved
new book "Immigration's
Unarmed Invasion" E-Mails are used strictly
for NWVs alerts, not for sale
Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His published books include: "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" ; �STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE�; �IMMIGRATION�S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES�; �MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE TO ALASKA: INTO THE WIND�A TEEN NOVEL�; �BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD: TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION�; �AN EXTREME ENCOUNTER: ANTARCTIA.� His next book: �TILTING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP.� He lives in Denver, Colorado. His latest book. �IMMIGRATION�S UNARMED INVASION�DEADLY CONSEQUENCES.� Website: www.FrostyWooldridge.com
Last, but not least, Mexico Mexicans (not Americans of Mexican descent here for generations) are Marxists. They promote a one party government. As with any kind of Marxism, brutal totalitarian rule keeps the rich in power and everyone else subservient.