Additional Titles









In Violation of Their Oath of Office

Our Country Coming Undone

Chilling Costs of Illegal Alien Migration














By Frosty Wooldridge
May 26, 2008

Thirty years ago, Miami, Florida flourished as an All-American city. Mothers strolled along palm-shaded sidewalks while tourists basked on beaches filled with white sands and sunshine. Americans spoke English and communities sported Old Glory in their yards while the Dolphins reigned as one of the NFL’s finest teams.

Today, after the Cuban refugee invasion, drug gangs and unending illegal immigration, Miami may as well be Dakar, Senegal the rectum of the world.

The following interview gives you an idea not only what happened in Miami, but what every city in the United States faces with our third world immigration invasion sponsored by our U.S. Congress.

“I used to live in Miami,” Mary Johnson said. “It was a beautiful, sunny, clean little town, with soft trade winds, and golden shell beaches lapped by warm, gentle waves. When I was a little girl, the downtown was safe enough for my grandmother to comfortably take me there on the city bus to shop, be treated to a chocolate soda and catch a Haley Mills movie.

“All that changed in Miami in the 60s and 70s. Miami suffered an onslaught of “immigrants”. I was born in Miami, and my great-grandmother’s boarding house had the first residential telephone. The change in our lives was both extraordinary and unalterable!

“Suddenly, we were overwhelmed with Cuban immigrants. These people looked, spoke and acted differently. It was as if a giant tidal wave had crashed upon Miami Beach, and when it receded, it had deposited a different people. Hispanics including Haitians, Nicaraguans, Colombians, and others from Latin America and the Caribbean quickly followed and altered the city's ethnic composition. In an amazingly short time, our American town metamorphosed into a curious mixture of part Miami, part Cuba, part Hispanic and wholly unhappy.

“Many of the Hispanics we knew did not want to learn English. Those who could speak English would often converse only in Spanish in front of Americans, or insist that Americans speak Spanish. Signs went up in the windows of businesses: “Habla Espanol”. When Hispanic businesses opened, Hispanics would only patronize other Hispanics, and many American small businessmen had to close their doors. By the time we left Miami in 1980, one would not be hired for a job unless bilingual, resulting in one of two outcomes: if you were an American, you had to learn a foreign language to work in your hometown, or alternatively, the Spanish-speaking Hispanics got the jobs.


“Many Cubans told us how their families owned plantations in Cuba, with great wealth and social position, which they left behind when they came to America. Conversely, some historians have painted a picture of Cuban refugees as being from a middle class lifestyle, but this, if true, only serves to highlight the differences between Cuban and American middle classes.

“Hispanics in general wanted to keep their own customs, their own holidays, their own culture and language, not in addition to American ways, but rather in place of American ways. Neighborhoods grew shoddy, multiple families dwelt in single family zoned homes, whole sections of Miami became Spanish only, the most familiar being Little Havana. The crime skyrocketed.

“Miami thrived on tourism. We were not unused to people from out of town, out of state, and out of country. During the "season", I think Miamians were in the minority and visitors the majority. Many considered Miami a second home for six months of the year, a home-away-from-the-snow-home. We learned to drive behind out of town drivers who had no idea whatsoever where they were going, and we became skilled at giving directions by eight years old. We were used to accents from New York, New Jersey, Quebec, and places we couldn’t begin to identify.

“In spite of those sympathies, Miami was no longer the Miami we knew and loved. In fact, Miami did not even seem like a part of the United States. It seemed we had suddenly been transported to Oz. We felt as if we did not belong in our own home. Our government had taken it and given it to someone else. Miamians left in droves. Most of the people I grew up with or knew moved out, to different cities, different states. Many of those who stayed still talk about wanting to leave, or are, even now, leaving.

“My grandmother’s house was made of coral rock and the grounds took up a small city block. I spent many a happy and safe summer day playing there. When I visited Miami last, I wanted to see it again, but the neighborhood is now so dangerous that I was adamantly advised against it. I did drive through the neighborhood where I grew up, which in the 50’s boasted the best elementary school in the county. Gone where the cheerfully colored Hibiscus hedges that ringed our yards. In their place were six-foot-high chain-link fences encircling the houses in relative safety.

“I know I speak for many Miamians when I say that our government took one of the most beautiful places in the United States, and gave it to Hispanic immigrants, many of whom wanted to live in America but be Hispanics, not Americans. We were American citizens, and our politicians forfeited us, disenfranchised us, and betrayed us for money and a political agenda.

“If you have not lived through an immigrant invasion, you cannot imagine what it is like. The current illegal alien problem, with it’s multiplied millions of Mexicans will be just what happened to Miami all over again, but this time it will be played out in cities and villages all across America, and to the hundredth power. Your town’s crime rate will soar, joblessness will increase, small businesses will close, and dropout rates rise. You will not recognize your town, your culture, or your life if you allow the illegal immigrants to stay.

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“This issue is not about Hispanics or Mexicans, or brown people or white or black. It is not a judgment about whose culture is more desirable, every culture has intrinsic worth because every person in it was created in the image of God. Americans who are concerned about the consequences of this issue are not racists, nor isolationists, nor ungenerous nor unkind. They simply have a vested interest in doing what is best for America. This issue is about our home and about a group of people who have come to our home uninvited and illegally, and how that will change our home, both immediately and into the future. It is equally about treacherous politicians who would exploit one group and sellout the other. Deja'vous all over again!”

To take action:

Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Tuesdays and Thursdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show �Connecting the Dots� at at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.

� 2008 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved

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Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His published books include: "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" ; �STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE�; �IMMIGRATION�S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES�; �MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE TO ALASKA: INTO THE WIND�A TEEN NOVEL�; �BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD: TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION�; �AN EXTREME ENCOUNTER: ANTARCTIA.� His next book: �TILTING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP.� He lives in Denver, Colorado.













The following interview gives you an idea not only what happened in Miami, but what every city in the United States faces with our third world immigration invasion sponsored by our U.S. Congress.