By Frosty Wooldridge
July 27, 2009
Undermining Black employment
Each week, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, majority leaders of the U.S. House and Senate of the United States—shout grandiose proclamations about their efforts to make woork, housing and education better for all Americans.
Unfortunately, for the past 20 years, both individuals failed Black America. Reid and Pelosi encouraged, without batting an eye, the slave labor invasion from Mexico. Both voted for insourcing, outsourcing and offshoring of jobs that displaced and undermined millions of Black Americans. Both watched Chinese manufacturing usurp American jobs in steel, auto and, welding and ancillary jobs attached to Detroit, former “Automobile Capitol of the World.”
Yes, Reid gave us Wal-Mart with 90 percent Chinese products that put the Chinese to work, but cut the throats of American workers. Every time you save money at Wal-Mart, you put thousands of U.S. workers in unemployment lines—that includdes millions of Blacks.
As a college student in Michigan, I witnessed the Detroit riots in 1967 that burned much of the Black inner-city into cinders. The riots in Watts illustrated seething anger among Blacks. The U.S. Army drafted millions of poor blacks to fight in Lyndon Baines Johnson’s Vietnam War. Tens of thousands died without a clue as to why they departed this life so early. Dr. Martin Luther King tried to bring equality for people of color and stop ‘separate but equal’ drinking fountains and restaurants.
Johnson engineered the “Great Society” in order to give Blacks a chance at the American Dream. Schools upgraded, scholarships flourished, and even Louis Armstrong and Nat King Cole could eat and stay in the same hotel as whites. Top Black athletes commanded millions of dollars in sports and Black entertainers became millionaires like the Supremes, Richard Pryor and Sammy Davis, Jr.
With the power of the auto industry and manufacturing, Blacks entered—in greeater numbers—the middle class of America through the 70s and 80s.
But in the 90s, something happened. Tyson Foods, Hormel, McDonald’s, Swift, Amour and dozens of companies found they could undermine and undercut wages of America’s working poor by adding unlawful immigrant workers. At first, a trickle, but soon, a deluge! Bush I winked. Clinton nodded. Bush II declared, “But they do the jobs that Americans won’t do!”
Today, Detroit suffers 76 percent dropout/flunkout rate from high schools according to NBC’s Brian Williams. Similar rates apply all over America. Jobs for Blacks dwindle as America’s manufacturing base, supported by Pelosi and Reid, offshores to other countries. Black teens cannot find a ‘fast food’ job to save their lives. But unlawful Mexican workers can! Drugs and pregnant teen mothers explode. The Black prison population in America stands as a national disgrace.
While we blow up Iraq and Afghanistan, every day for the past eight years, at a current expenditure of $667 billion, our own citizens languish in hopelessness. A phenomenal 32.2 million Americans subsist on food stamps. Can anyone imagine what that kind of money would do for job training?
All the while, Reid and Pelosi support 20 million unlawful immigrants and unlawful workers in this country—at the expense of America’s Black ccitizens. Neither of those two ranking politicians represents the rule of law, but in fact, both continue to undermine Black America.
In a recent article, Roy Beck, “Moon Landing, Milton Berle, Soup Kitchens and Lost Dreams” 7/20/09, said, “Forty years ago this morning, I was visiting with Milton Berle in his hotel room near Grand Rapids, Michigan, sharing our reactions to watching the moon landing in the middle of the night. That evening, we met again over a giant bowl of potato salad at a backyard picnic as Congressman Gerald Ford dipped along with us and excitedly recounted his phone call from Nixon minutes after the moon walk.
“This is why kids aspire to be news reporters. You never know what you might be doing when something big happens. The moon landing inspired big dreams in lots of people. The year 1969 for my emerging generation was a time of big dreams about a world at peace, the end to racial conflict and disparities in America, and the beginning of a sustainable lifestyle. If we could put a man on the moon after only a decade of work, why couldn't we achieve these other goals?
“That was a summer when I donned riot gear to accompany police during a few nights of race riots. The northern ghettos of the Black underclass no longer were content with promises; they wanted full access to the middle-class economy.”
“Waking up to NPR's report on the 40th anniversary this morning, I instantly felt myself back in that time, and thinking about what I thought the United States would be like by now,” Beck said. “It wasn't the U.S. that I know today. Once again this weekend, Shirley and I spent several hours at a soup kitchen, assisting 250 people in our community for whom the dreams of 1969 have not happened. As usual, most of the recipients of a meal, groceries and bus passes were Black Americans both recently and chronically out of the labor force. Nobody has been more devastated by federal policies of flooding the labor market with foreign workers than Black Americans. Their unemployment rates are through the roof.
“Visiting with them for hours Saturday, we couldn't conjure much hope at all that their lives had a chance of being transformed by a job. As I have said repeatedly for 20 years, there are many key ingredients to why the Black underclass has remained so large, but one of the most important has been congressional insistence at blocking their participation in the labor force by substituting foreign workers.”
“There are many reasons for this continuing rape of our nation's natural heritage, but the most important one is that federal immigration policies have mandated massive, unrelenting growth,” Beck said. “About 40 years ago, Nixon suggested at the time the country's population reached 200 million that we might do well not to add more.”
Beck added, “Anniversaries can be sad reminders of how badly we've screwed up. The Baby Boom generation with all of our high ideals has let environmental sustainability and racial egalitarianism slip from our grasp because as a whole we have never confronted the insistence of Big Business and Big Government for unrelenting immigration.”
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Today, our Black President Obama, Pelosi and Reid propose, not only to grant amnesty to 20 million unlawful immigrants that will further decay Black American jobs, but the all voted to double legal immigration from 1.2 million to 2.4 million annually (June vote S. 1639, 2007).
Thus, Black America faces an uncertain.
Part II: Social, housing, medical implications for Blacks.
Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.
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