Additional Titles









In Violation of Their Oath of Office

Our Country Coming Undone

Chilling Costs of Illegal Alien Migration









PART 2 of 2




By Frosty Wooldridge
October 10, 2005

How does Third World Momentum manifest itself in America? Again, let�s review Boatwright�s definition: �Corruption is so rampant in South America that it becomes a mechanism by which a society functions.�

Look at the corruption at the Federal level in the U.S. today. The majority of senators and congressmen refuse to uphold their oaths of office by aiding, abetting and assisting illegal aliens by the millions. Kennedy and McCain lie through their teeth with their latest guest worker amnesty bill for 20 million illegal aliens. Did Bush not lie about weapons of mass destruction to wage his cowboy war in Iraq? Has he not submitted a totally unqualified lawyer for a supreme court justice in Miers? Didn�t he learn from Michael Brown�s incompetence with Katrina? Congress supports the corruption of the H-1b, H-2b, L-1 visas affecting over one million American jobs. What about Congress� complicity in corruption of outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring over three million American jobs? How about Bush�s blatant disregard for his oath office as he allows millions of illegal aliens to invade and remain in our country? Our own president is in violation of Federal law�USC 8, 1324�274, 275, 276, 277. Bush is not alone because both sides of the aisle assist him against American citizens.

At the state level, we�ve got governors like Bill Owens of Colorado endorsing a booklet in Spanish helping illegal aliens to imbed themselves into our welfare and workforce systems. All contrary to Federal law! Governor Baldacci of Maine, Napolitano of Arizona and Richardson of New Mexico do everything in their power to help illegals�contrary to their citizens. Most other state governors say nothing! Local mayors in Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, Boulder, Detroit, New York, Miami and dozens of other cities support �sanctuary policies� that allow illegals to work and live in America�CONTRARY TO FEDERAL LAW.

These actions typify Third World Momentum: When laws of a country are not enforced and lawlessness becomes the norm. The United States races toward Third World status because of this ongoing erosion of our once lawful society.

I could give you dozens of examples from my own experiences in Third World countries, but the following constitute American citizens writing letters describing it in their own communities�so you�ll see their responses to show you what�s happening in the United States.

Dane said, �I used to live in El Paso, Texas and the same thing has happened there. Unchecked border crossings, population uncontrolled, schools trashed and litter everywhere. El Paso used to be a city you could brag on, now it is just the opposite. I left, as many have done and do not intend to return. We are even looked down on if we can't speak Spanish. These people are taking over and crime rules the streets of El Paso. I also foresee a huge water shortage some day. Before long El Paso will hit one million for a population and by then the place should be a complete nightmare.�

Dirk of Nevada said, �Even more dangerous than the incoming disease, crime and even terrorism is the fact that most immigrants don�t have an appreciation for the freedoms outlined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Illegals are being taught in public schools with taxpayer money. The fact that Bush supports the illegal invasion; opening our country to possible terrorist attack, and NEVER remarks about the importance of learning the Bill of Rights, proves that he is a traitor.�

Guy of LeHigh, OK said, �I am NOT racist, so understand please, I am NOT knocking anyone, but I am stating FACTS.

�I live in southern rural Oklahoma, and I can say that even legal immigration is bad here. Local large scale companies have NO problem hiring illegal aliens at all. We have a plastics producing plant 40 miles from where I live, and they have been busted NUMEROUS times for employing over 50 percent of their workforce, who are illegal aliens from Mexico. The reason they were caught the last time was easy as this: The Social Security Administration noticed that the workers who were illegal were sharing social security numbers of dead residents near where I live.

�Oddly enough, the company (Solo Cup) somehow did NOT notice the 100 illegal aliens had the same social security numbers. You worked four twelve hour shifts a week, sometimes five days a week, and I got paid on the upper scale of a respectable $7.00 an hour. By allowing them to work there, the company kept their payroll wages down. Of course, almost NO ONE WANTS to work there anyway, a job of last resort one might say. Long hours, bad pay, no benefits. But then again, that is true for many Oklahoman communities now.

�For example, did you know that besides Arkansas, we have one of the lowest high school graduation rates? We have a very high teen pregnancy rate. And that in the county I live, we have the HIGHEST unemployment rates in the USA, coupled with the highest welfare rates. Not only that, not one but over five companies locally have left to go overseas because of the cheap labor, and one of the companies (Wrangler Jeans) up and left for Mexico.

�Why pay us $5.00 an hour when you can pay $5.00 a day in Mexico and India?

Mark from Ocean Shores, WA said, �As merchandiser I travel about in the coastal towns of Washington. I have seen first hand an intensification of illegals. They are taking the few jobs we have here in an already depressed economy--those that aren't roaming the streets in gangs. Now, Washington is a long ways from the Mexican border. I see the congress and senate as being totally corrupted. I can't help but feeling the golden era of the USA is over and done. However, we got to give them hell.�

George of Sacramento, CA said, �There are so many ways that we're being taken advantage of. When a lot of people come over here and become legal, they send for their parents who come here, haven�t worked a day in their lives here, and apply for SSI at $700 per month. So, just because Mom and Dad are seniors they make about $1400 per month together. And they laugh up their sleeves at us all the way to the bank! I know that some of them go back to their country of origin and because of their SSI being deposited directly into their bank accounts, they can spend that money from anywhere. I'm sick of it. Talk about Third World corruption in our own country!�

Shelli of Glendale, CA said, �I'm a payroll auditor who audits a lot of construction companies, ranging from sole proprietor to corporation. I see so much underground economy it makes me want to scream. Contractors are constantly using illegal immigrants for their slave labor. Contractors pocket all the money. For example, it's not unusual to see a business owner's wife on the payroll making more in a week than an illegal employee in their employ makes in a month.

�What angers me is when a business owner hems and haws about the high cost of workers compensation insurance, but then hires illegals and doesn't report their payroll. "They only worked for a day or two" or "They're not a regular employee, they only worked a few weeks." Yeah, a couple weeks like that and a hardworking LEGAL American could've used the money to help support his family. Let's talk about watering down wages! These guys are working for $10/hr in jobs that used to start at $18 -- and that was years ago.�

George of Fountain Hills, AZ said, �I have been teaching part time at both the Maricopa Community Colleges and Arizona State University for the past five years. The discipline that I teach is mathematics. For the past five years I have been telling students and friends that the United States is the new emerging third world nation. Few people understand what this nation faces. Fewer people care what is happening.

�What I would like to tell you is my experiences in the higher educational system here in Arizona. I can frame the whole attitude by the statement of Chuy Carreon, Mathematics chair of Mesa Community College. Chuy once said that MCCD is NOT here to educate, just here to give out information.

�It should be noted that the remedial courses represent about 50 per cent or more of all the mathematics courses taught at the community colleges here in Arizona.

Jack of Denver, Colorado said, �We have sanctuary cities in Denver and Boulder. Last spring, Officer Don Young was killed by an illegal alien, Raul Gomez, who had been stopped for three traffic violations. He had no license or insurance and was NEVER arrested, before he killed Young with a shot to the back of the officer�s head. It shows two levels of law enforcement and one is corrupt. Last month, an illegal alien, Francisco Montero of Boulder, driving on a revoked DUI license and having been arrested nine times with three phony ID cards, killed a Lafayette motorcyclist, Dale Englerth, by turning into the cyclist. Montero should have been deported long ago, but now, he�s killed a father and husband.�

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You can multiply these examples of Third World Momentum by millions of cases of rape, fraud, burglaries, stealing jobs, loss of IRS income taxes, prison costs, judicial costs, schools bankrupting, language chaos, spreading diseases and worse. How can continued illegal alien migration serve this country when it creates so much harm?

Go back to part -----> 1

To order my CD report from the border: �ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION�OUR TROJAN HORSE��PH. 1-800-248-3061.

Write for that 28-point action letter to stop this nation-destroying madness at Check out Mark Edwards' "Wake Up America" talk show on 50,000 watt KDWN-Am-720 10:00 PM to midnight PT, or on the worldwide Internet at Also, check out at 1 866 329 3999;
To order my CD report from the border: �ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION�OUR TROJAN HORSE��PH. 1-800-248-3061

� 2005 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved

Frosty's new book "Immigration's Unarmed Invasion"

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents in the past 26 years.

He has written hundreds of articles (regularly) for 17 national and 2 international magazines. He has had hundreds of editorials published in top national newspapers including the Rocky Mountain News, Denver Post, Albany Herald and Christian Science Monitor.

His first book, "HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS" by Falcon Press is available nationwide. His second book "STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE" by the Brookfield Reader published in January 2002. His bicycle books include "BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD."


Frosty Wooldridge has guest lectured at Cornell University, teaching creative writing workshops, magazine writing at Michigan State University, and has presented environmental science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver and Regis University. He also lectures on "Religion and Ethics" at Front Range College in Colorado.












You can multiply these examples of Third World Momentum by millions of cases of rape, fraud, burglaries, stealing jobs, loss of IRS income taxes, prison costs, judicial costs, schools bankrupting, language chaos, spreading diseases and worse.