By Professor
Steven Yates
September 24, 2016
Just recently my wife and I took a brief sabbatical from our respective work, hers for a private firm and mine from writing and editing. She’d had a work-related personal crisis, and I was weary of the dozens of disingenuous mainstream articles in which GOP empty suits or their shills called on Donald Trump to “step aside for the good of the party” or some such rubbish; others featured the usual SJW namecalling (“racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic” etc. ad nauseam); and a few saying he could cost the Republican Party an entire generation. Although Trump has Hispanic supporters who are U.S. citizens and want laws obeyed, his critics are playing the changing-demographics angle for all the mileage they can get out of it. It is true, the “brave new generation” of millennials has never known a world without political correctness, and also has no idea how things looked before the NAFTA / Bill Clinton era. I predicted the rise of their mindset (here and here).
The bottom line: those intent on destroying America and establishing corporate-controlled world government have never been this scared, that someone they didn’t select has come this close to upending their applecart; especially since even if Trump loses this election, the forces that led to his rise are not going anywhere.
A few years ago I published a book, Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic. Its purpose was to document the main long term tendencies that led to the country’s present decline, some traceable to specific events, others less so. Reviewing quickly: (1) the first generation of U.S. leaders failed to secure sufficient economic sovereignty to prevent foreign banker meddling. (2) The next generation to come along allowed the creation of a school system based on European, not American, first principles. (3) Over ensuing decades the country’s Christian ethos was replaced by a materialist one. Basic moral valuation began to slide accordingly. (4) No one noticed the influence of the British Fabian Society (founded in 1884), prime movers of British-American collectivism.
This article will pinpoint specific blunders, as opposed to trends. These are, of course, blunders given a perspective which sees the rightness or beneficence of maintaining economic freedom, sound money, and Constitutionally limited government based around a Christian ethos. Globalists have never shared this perspective, of course.
1- 1787 — The “three fifths compromise” accepted slavery and for all practical purposes wrote the “peculiar institution” into the Constitution. Importing slaves and maintaining slavery, originally in every state, was a recipe for disaster, as well over a century and a half after slavery’s end, only a small minority within the minority of blacks has fully assimilated into the success ethos that drew European immigrants and built the nation. Their contributions have mainly been to the arts and entertainment, and while these are not negligible they are not what keeps a civilization running. Efforts to integrate the black masses into the white mainstream, whether by “affirmative action” preferences, “set-asides,” or other means, have clearly failed, as can be seen in major cities turned into racial powder kegs. Multiculturalist ideology coming out of academia has further justified non-assimilation, whether of blacks or other groups including more recent immigrants.
2- 1791 — With the ink barely dry on the Constitution, President George Washington allowed Alexander Hamilton the new nation’s first Secretary of the Treasury to create a European-style central bank on U.S. soil, the Bank of the United States. This was done over the explicit objections of Thomas Jefferson who warned anyone who would listen of the dangers posed by foreign bankers whom he’d seen first-hand during his time there in the 1780s. U.S. history still might have been a struggle between Hamiltonian mercantilists-industrialists who would centralize the economy and the country, and Jeffersonian agrarians who would try to keep it decentralized, but it would not have been a struggle the Hamiltonians won so easily, opening the door to European globalism of the sort the Rothschild octopus was quietly instituting.
3- 1852 — Horace Mann was granted permission by the State of Massachusetts to create the first public (government) school system, based not on American thinking but a Prussian model in which the individual person belongs not to himself and to his God but to the state. Prior to this, education had been essentially private and local, with literacy rates near 100%. Public school systems have been hubs of social engineering and dumbing down ever since, whether to produce obedient workers for corporations or compliant taxpayers and mindless consumers. Literacy has fallen over time, since maintaining literacy beyond an ability to read and follow instructions was never the primary aim of public schools. Liberal arts learning in particular has gradually been destroyed, since the historical knowledge and thinking skills it imparts are by their very nature threats to power and systems of domination.
4- 1861–65 — When President Abraham Lincoln went to war to end the Confederacy and bring the seceded states back into the Union by force, subjugated and impoverished under Reconstruction, he permanently destroyed genuine federalism and its core concept dual sovereignty. The latter had defined the existing relationship between the federal government and the states, as implied in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. This was also the source of states’ rights (not a defense of slavery). The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, unlike their predecessors, presumed a federal supremacy which has been maintained ever since. In a sense, the word federal became a misnomer. Central government would have been closer to the truth. Writers did cease to speak of “these United States” in what was on its way to becoming an empire.
5- 1913 (December 23) — With much of Congress gone for the holidays, President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill creating the Federal Reserve System, a state-sponsored private corporation “independent within the government” according to its own literature and not a branch of the government. The growing superelite of globalist bankers led by Rockefellers and Rothschild agents had secretly convened on Jekyll Island, Ga. just a couple of years before, knowing that a central bank would enable them to seize control of the U.S. economy, a control they have maintained ever since. Federal Reserve actions, chiefly credit expansion, would be responsible for the Crash of 1929, as Ben Bernanke recently admitted. The federal government’s panicked response led to the Great Depression and all that followed, including the Rooseveltian New Deal, the first triumph of Fabian-style socialism that “saved capitalism from itself.” One can only wonder how much smoother history and economic development would have been had the superelite not been allowed to have their central bank.
6- 1913 — In the same disastrous year, we saw the creation of the personal income tax, which as a direct and unapportioned tax had previously been rejected by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional (Pollock v. Farmer’s Loan & Trust Co., 1895). The Sixteenth Amendment reversed this. Whether this Amendment was properly ratified is an issue scholars of the income tax have periodically raised, their efforts typically being shut down as “frivolous.” The income tax had superelite support, as the elites knew most tax dollars would end up in their swelling bank accounts. Those gullible enough to believe that a tax on personal incomes is needed to support legitimate, Constitutional federal functions need only ask how the federal government was kept in business from 1791 through 1912. This said, the income tax clearly gave central government expansionism a green light.
7- 1917 — In yet another superelite-backed move by Woodrow Wilson, the U.S. involved itself in what had been a European conflict. It was the beginning of the foreign policy of interventionism, eschewed by George Washington in his Farewell Address. Had the U.S. not entered into the Great War on the side of the British, Germany would likely have won, and Europe would have been better off. I am sure there are lefties who will read that and shoot me angry emails calling me a Nazi-who-wants-to-kill-six-million-Jews, but absent the British-American victory there would have been no Treaty of Versailles calling for destructive reparations, no hyperinflationary depression in Germany, no Weimar culture, no rise of a Nazi Party, and no World War II (also no Bank for International Settlements, another huge superelite institution).
Adolf Hitler would likely have remained an obscure German artist. The future would have looked entirely different. Assuming the Russian October Revolution happened on schedule, Germany would have served as a powerful bulwark against Leninism. There might never have been a League of Nations in Europe, or a Council of Foreign Relations in New York, or later a UN and its many satellites and products including the artificial Bretton Woods system. Human nature being what it is, different conflicts would doubtless have erupted, but globalism, understood as a political economy of advancing corporate-controlled world government (“global governance”), would have slowed to a crawl rather than advancing by leaps and bounds. There would have seemed to be no point to it.
8- 1953 (August 19) — a CIA-led coup brought down the democratically elected government of Mohammed Musadegh in Iran, in response to the latter’s nationalization of the oil industry. Musadegh had wanted the Iranian people to benefit from the expropriation of an important national resource on Iranian soil, as opposed to its profits being taken out of the country to line corporate coffers. The Shah, Reza Pahlavi — Western educated, with Western values — was instilled, and proceeded with a quarter century of brutality, while extractive business as usual continued. Terrorism began to incubate underground. When the Shah was finally overthrown late in 1979, the first Islamic fundamentalist regime came to power. Iran has been an avowed enemy of the West ever since, and a hotbed of international terrorist sponsorship.
9- 1964 (August 7) — Following the green light provided by the Southeast Asia Resolution passed by Congress, President Lyndon Johnson ordered troops into Vietnam in response to the Gulf of Tonkin false flag (August 4). The War in Vietnam became the first war fought not only on the battlefield but on millions of television screens that had appeared in living rooms all across middle class America, inspiring a generation to rebel against it. Martin Luther King Jr.’s increasing attention to antiwar efforts in the late 1960s was probably a contributing factor in his assassination (April 4, 1968). The Vietnam War, fought for corporate interests in the region, crippled Johnson’s presidency (in 1968 he declined to run for reelection), and later, under Nixon’s continued mishandling, eventually became the first war in which the U.S. Empire was handed, not entirely figuratively, its rear end.
10- 971 (August 15) — President Richard Nixon “closed the gold window” ending the restrictive Bretton Woods system and what remained of the ties between currencies and gold. The dollar became fiat money, backed by nothing except legal tender laws and public acceptance. Printing presses turned on and never turned off. The shift began from an economy based on production to one based on financialization and credit, and on massive indebtedness rising eventually to its present unsustainable level. When Nixon killed the gold standard the official national debt was around $400 billion. It crossed the $1 trillion threshold under Reagan. By the Clinton years it had risen to over $6 trillion. At the end of Bush the Younger’s reign it was over $11 trillion. It may reach $20 trillion before Obama leaves office. This does not include total federal liabilities, which are magnitudes higher. The dollar, we should note, has lost roughly 83% of its purchasing power since 1971, and roughly 97% of its purchasing power since 1913. (As a sidebar: in 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski published a book entitled Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era which laid out a specific framework envisioning a globalist future and its stages of development from nationalism through Marxism to globalism. David Rockefeller Sr. read the book, and three years later, the two of them plus Henry Kissinger created the Trilateral Commission to begin coordinating corporations within the U.S., Japan, and Europe, with an eye to furthering the book’s ideas.)
11- Late 1980s–1994 — Bush the Elder and his CFR and Trilateralist allies pushed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on the country. Bill Clinton would sign it without hesitation, indicating how both parties were fully under superelite domination, Reagan’s appearances of difference notwithstanding (his VP had been Bush the Elder, ex-CIA and CFR member in good standing). Between them, NAFTA, the creation of the World Trade Organization the next year with the admission of China, would export over 5 million manufacturing jobs in the U.S. and, alongside the economic factors implied in (10), began sending the largest financially independent middle class in history into a tailspin. The middle class continued to shrink following the Meltdown of 2008, as globalism continued to advance in the hands of the “one percent” (it was more like .01%).
12- 2003 (March 20) — Bush the Younger launched the Iraq War, a war of choice. The “shock and awe” campaign easily destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular regime, but neocon-inspired notions of “nation building” proved another matter. They led instead to an insurgency and paved the way for the spread of radical Islamic terror — all this on top of the attack launched against the Taliban in Afghanistan (October 2001) which has continued unabated. Then, in 2009, the Obama-Clinton team mishandled an attempt to withdraw from Iraq. Since then, the secular Mubarek government in Egypt has fallen (2011), Libya (also a friendly secular regime under the Reagan-neutered Khadafy) was destroyed (2012), Syria has been turned into a war zone (2012 – present), Turkey (a NATO member) has increasingly become involved (2014 – present), and — most disastrously — we’ve seen the rise of ISIS (2014 – present), with its grotesque spectacle of mass beheadings, people burned alive, drowned, thrown off buildings, thrown into acid, etc.
ISIS is easily the most dangerous terror network in existence. Iran is one thing; I do not want to think about the scenarios conceivable if one or more of these lunatics got their hands on nuclear weapons. What matters is that they did not exist as an identifiable group prior to the Obama-Clinton era. A massive Muslim refugee crisis has overwhelmed Europe, and while most of the refugees doubtless just want to get out of the killing zone, they have been infiltrated by ISIS loyalists as recent mass shootings and bombings in France and elsewhere demonstrate: the consequences to Europe of open-borders. This existential threat to civilization is likely to spread to the homeland of their blood enemy, what the Iranian imams called the Great Satan, if Donald Trump is not elected president in November 2016 and cannot move quickly to prevent it.
President Hillary Clinton will clearly keep the U.S. border open, and you will see several hundred thousand Muslim refugees resettled in middle-sized American cities and towns. Most will be unable to speak English, and will overwhelm state-level, county-level, and city-level institutions. A few in their midst will be sympathetic to the main goal of ISIS, which is to establish and spread Sharia Law across the world. The U.S. will begin to look more and more like Europe every day.
A thirteenth blunder, therefore, would be allowing an elite-directed “rigging” of the November election in swing states to ensure a Hillary Clinton victory. Yes, with manipulated polls, the relentless media propaganda against Trump I mentioned at the outset, and paperless electronic voting machines, it is possible. If something like this happens, is allowed by the powers-that-be to stand without challenge, and Her Royal Clintonness enters the White House in 2017, I dare say it will be America’s coup-de-grâce.
© 2016 Steven Yates - All Rights Reserved
Steven Yates has a Ph.D. in philosophy and is the author of Four Cardinal Errors: Reason for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) and Philosophy Is Not Dead: A Vision of the Discipline’s Future (ebook, 2014). He blogs occasionally at He lives in Santiago, Chile with his wife and two spoiled cats, and is working on his own online education project, the New Lyceum Academy for Philosophical Studies (website forthcoming).