About Constance Cumbey

Constance Cumbey is an active Michigan lawyer. Constance practices her profession primarily in, Southeastern Michigan, USA. Sometimes she also works in what she calls her "old stomping grounds" of Michigan's State Capital, Lansing, Michigan where she practices administrative, state law related matters. She's enjoyed active and stimulating careers in government, politics, law and as a published and translated author. In the past she served as a national officer of the National Association of Women Lawyers and chaired the Family Law subcommittee of the General Practice Section of the American Bar Association. Before beginning her legal career, she worked as a legislative analyst for the Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives, and while in law school as a consultant to the Appropriations Committee of the Michigan State Senate. She also served as the first charter position Executive Assistant to the May or of the Detroit enclave City of Highland Park, Michigan. Seven years into her legal career, she went on to become the author of the first major critical book about the New Age Movement, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW: The New Age Movement and our Coming Age of Barbarism (1983); A PLANNED DECEPTION: The Staging of a New Age Messiah (1986). Currently, she's completing a volume about Javier Solana, the Barcelona Process, Israel and the European Union. E-mail: cumbey@gmail.com Blog Spot: www.cumbey.blogspot.com

Is The Maurice Strong Davos Secret Society Out To Destroy Donald Trump’s Administration?

Global governance is and always has been the main game of the Davos crowd and its organizing body, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM.  Donald Trump has been perceived as doing much in his power to shut down global governance – climate control measures and all.   The Davos crowd of politicians, high financiers, “scholars” and industrialists viewed Trump with neither affection nor favor.

By |2021-11-30T01:29:35-05:00November 30th, 2021|

John E. Fetzer And Constance Cumbey – Fighting Either For Or Against The “New Age Movement”

Maybe there was far too much emphasis in the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the writings and “visions” of Ellen G. White and too little on the plain wording of Scripture. I am thinking that I remember little emphasis on Deuteronomy 18 that contained an explicit list of spiritual practices forbidden to the Israelites as they entered the land that the Lord took from others for pursuing those practices.

By |2019-05-10T05:16:22-04:00May 10th, 2019|
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