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Global War On Your Guns
By Wayne LaPierre
Wayne LaPierre's
The Global War on Your Guns takes you inside the U.N. plan to destroy
the Bill of Rights by attacking the one right that makes any right
possible, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
well-researched chapters outline the threat itself, how the U.N.
works, and the phalanx of international forces determined to eliminate
the basic human right of self-preservation through elimination of
all private firearm ownership.
$24.95 + $6.00 S/H
270 p. Hard Cover #21
The U.N. Plan to Rule the World
Cliff Kincaid
The United Nations
is now openly laying plans for a World Government to go along with
its already functioning World Army. These plans include global taxation
and an International Criminal Court that could prosecute American
citizens. Kincaid also exposes U.N.’s support for forced abortion
and forced sterilization, efforts to destroy the traditional family,
transformation of U.S. soldiers into the U.N., etc.
+ $6.00 S/H 208 p. Paper back #22

and Pickpockets:
Our Government Gone
By William P. Hoar
Each day in America,
people are conned and victimized by their own government - the very
government created to serve them. Traditional family and way of
life are under constant attack by out-of-touch politicians. For
30 years, Hoar has served as writer, editor, and consultant with
a variety of prominent organizations and publications, including
Conservative Digest, etc.
$12.95 + $6.00 S/H
207 p. Paper back #23
Fluoride Deception
By Christopher Bryson
Fluoride Deception unearths the mystery of how a grim workplace
poison and the most damaging environmental pollutant of the Cold
War was added to our drinking water and toothpaste. A chronicle
of the abuse of power and of the manufacture of state-sponsored
medical propaganda, The Fluoride Deception reveals how a secretive
group of powerful industries, all of which faced extensive litigation
for fluoride pollution, collaborated with officials from the National
Institute of Dental Research to launder fluoride's public image."--BOOK
$24.95 + $6.00 S/H
374 p. Hard Cover #24
Also available
in Soft Cover for $19.95

Hidden Dangers of The Rainbow
Constance Cumbey
This book exposes
the New Age movement and our coming age of Barbarism. The New Age
Movement uses Rainbows to signify their building of the Rainbow
Bridge between man and Lucifer. New Agers place small rainbow decals
on their automobiles and book stores as a signal to others in the
Movement. Some people, of course, use the rainbow as a decoration,
unaware of the growing popular acceptance of its occult meaning
and the hidden dangers.
$12.95 + $6.00 S/H
268 p. Paper Back #25
The Invisible Invasion
By Thomas R. Horn
Since the 1930's,
the values promoted by the liberal left have changed our country
dramatically. The highest courts in the land have ruled with contemptuous
decree against God, morality, and the free expression of religion,
while Hollywood has denigrated the traditional family and mocked
moral virtue. The results of this cultural upheaval are clear: the
United States has become the most profane and morally corrupt society
in the industrialized world.
+ $6.00 S/H 201 p. Paper Back #26
Deliberate Dumbing
Down of America
By Charlotte T. Iserbyt
interested in the truth will be shocked by the way American social
engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect
of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the
American people into a socialist world government controlled by
behavioral and social scientists.
635 p. Paper Back #27
and Death of the American Dream
By Robert
Thomas Raming
The two-party system
in America is dysfunctional. It has degenerated into a group of
career politicians by and addicted to the power of their office.
The US Government, once a beacon of light for liberty and justice,
has embarked on a course of war and inflation that threatens to
destroy the American Dream forever.
There is a very
small and secret group of power brokers that is intent on destroying
the Constitutional liberties that we cherish as they establish a
New World Order. They hide among us in plane sight, using deception
and propaganda techniques first employed by Lennin and Trotsky.
This global elite will stop at nothing to increase their power.
+ $6.00 S/H 203 p. Paper Back #28


Underground Lawyer
By Michael Louis Minns
Louis Minns is known as a defender of the downtrodden, and is lovingly
referred to as The Underground Lawyer. Over the past 25 years Minns
has built a reputation as a fearless legal advocate and crusader
for the underdog, representing hundreds of clients, from all over
the United States, who have been wrongly charged by law enforcement
officers, accused by the IRS, or other government officials. Minns
does not hesitate to take on anyone who has taken advantage, misrepresented
or abused the rights of his clients.
Underground Lawyer chronicles actual cases, courtroom proceedings,
and some of the history-changing appellate decisions, that are the
result of overturned overturned, and thus establishing precedent-setting
case law. Attorneys and clients across the country have found Minn's
book a helpful tool in preparing for trial or appeal proceedings.
The underlying theme in The Underground Lawyer is that despite power
and authority, no one is beyond our system of justice.
+ $6.00 S/H 625 p. Hard cover #29
Medusa File
Secret Crimes and Cover-Ups
of the U.S. Government
Craig Roberts
From World War
II until the present, there has been hidden within the highest levels
of government secrets that you are not suppose to discover. During
the period of 1940-1996 the power brokers, working from their positions
of trust have committed and then covered up the most heinous of
crimes known to mankind.
+ $6.00 S/H 487 p. Paper Back #30

Road to Socialism
and the New World Order
Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D
Many today are
looking for a "conspiracy" behind the movement for world
government, but they may not find it in the usual sense of s secret
cabal meeting clandestinely. Rather what is a type of "networking"
of like minded individuals. For years, leaders in education, industry,
the media, banking etc., have promoted those with the same world
view as theirs.
+ $6.00 S/H 140 p. Paper Back #31
by Modern Medicine
By Dr. Carolyn Dean MD., ND
by Modern Medicine” identifies the tragic aspects of a medical
system that in its short history of about eighty years, has managed
to kill tens of millions of victims. It goes beyond the statistics
of deaths due to drugs. It shows how the medical monopoly that
created the system in the first place, is allowed to control health
care, propaganda,
bureaucracy, the business of cancer, our own personal addictions
to sugar and drugs, and the denial we all harbor.
+ $6.00 S/H 360 p. Paper Back #32
The most important
constitutional issues of this generation concern the meaning of
the rule of law and the ability of the people to enforce true
law by restraining runaway activist judges. For decades, such
judges have been simply making up law. What is worse, liberal
and conservative lawmakers have been reinforcing such behavior
by treating such rulings as if they are legitimate.
+ $6.00 S/H 328 p. Paper Back #33
For Your Health:
Exposing the FDA'S Betrayal of America
Byran J. Richards
expose into the secret world of the FDA, Wall Street, and drug companies.
Adverse reactions, even deaths, are hidden while dangerous drugs
are pushed on Americans simply for profit. The FDA is actively attacking
health freedom and seeking to eliminate natural health options.
This book contains powerful information you want to know!
$17.99 + $6.00 S/H
273 p. Paper Back #34
Do You Have Any?
Phil Hart
this book to discover how our civil leaders have defrauded you and
the rest of the hard working people of this great nation of their
hard-earned wages. They have squandered the money on social programs
that have fostered laziness and bred criminals -- all for the sake
of political power. You need to read the rest of the story in this
Hart is currently serving in the Idaho State Legislature
+ $6.00 S/H 438p. Paper back #35
Birth of World Government
Michael S. Coffman
The vast majority
of Americans refuse to believe that world government is being formed
right before their eyes. Even Christians and Jews who are warned
in the Bible to look for such a government are being deceived. Through
never before experienced global delusion, many people, pastors,
churches, rabbis and synagogues are helping to promote the agenda!
They refuse to believe that an absolute totalitarian government
steeped in mystic pantheism will soon dictate the actions of every
human being on earth.
$10.00 + $6.00 S/H
84 p. Paper back #36
Health Screening:
How Will it Affect Your Children?
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
impetus for this book has been the recommendation of President George
W. Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health that all
American, and especially children, receive mental health screening.
the past, whenever there was controversial congressional legislation
regarding children, it was easy to introduce and pass provisions
in the bills requiring parental consent. However, recent attempts
by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul to require parental consent for, and prohibit
funding of, mental health screening failed. This leads many to wonder
whether there may be a larger agenda at work here, and it is in
this book that this larger agenda, its background, and its future
implications are explored.
+ $6.00 S/H 112 p. Paper Back #37
Up and Sold Out:
Find Out What Green
Really Means
By Holly
below the radar … a subversive movement is hijacking public education
to politically indoctrinate America’s children. This movement is
targeting our children, changing the purpose of public education
and politicizing the curriculum to dictate how our children will
think, live and VOTE.
- the party
and movement behind the plan to use education to indoctrinate
our children
- the name
of the programs designed to change our children’s cultural, religious,
social, economic and political beliefs
- the solution:
what we can do to expel these political indoctrination programs
$19.95 + $6.00 S/H
463 p. Paper Back #38
