“The charter school experiment has resulted in the United States being the only country in the world where the Gülen Movement has been able to establish schools fully funded by the host country’s taxpayers.” -The Joke’s on US!

The world should never forget “Islam is a Human time bomb ignited by a hair trigger called hatred – them toward us”.

The Gulen Charter schools and the Gulen Movement must be removed from the United States. I recently wrote an article regarding the CIA’s role in allowing Sheikh Mohammed Fethullah Gulen into this country and put all the blame for their invasion into our school systems upon the CIA and uninformed and unquestioning state and local school boards. Now they are invading our military bases. It is time for parents to understand the full danger involved in this Jihad. For the 2015-2016 school year we have 155 Gulen Charter schools in 25 states with Texas (52) and Ohio (17) having the most. In 2011, Texas only had 33.

All Americans must take the time to read “Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and its Contributions to the Civilization Jihad Volume 8” by Christopher Holton and Clare Lopez. Read a little bit every night, but read it! [Link]

Since February 1997, the National Security Council, the all-powerful institution which includes the civilian and military leaders of the country, has repeatedly placed political Islam at the top of its list of threats to this nation and vowed to “refuse all compromise” in its fight against religious radicalism. A few months later, the net was widened and the list of potential suspects grew longer: investigations have been launched against hundreds of civil servants, teachers, governors and local leaders, accused of being too close to the “forces of reaction”

I would like to remind the readers that it was the CIA who supported Gulen being allowed to come into this country supposedly because he was ill with the endorsement of Graham Fuller, now former CIA agent. Sorry CIA but diabetes can be treated all over the world. The FBI had started several investigations against the Gulen operation for numerous reasons, one of them to prevent Gulen from being granted permanent residency in America and to have him deported. Even though the FBI had determined Gulen to be a “Radical Islamist”, the Islamic angels in Obama’s White House, CIA and Clinton’s State Dept. reigned in the FBI preventing them from indicting and deporting Gulen and his whole operation. Hum!

Taking a look back in history in case you weren’t aware, the Brennan’s CIA is and has been supporting the Islamic indoctrination of our U.S. children and the whole program here in the U.S. was fundamentally developed by George Soros Center for American Progress and Gulen. The object is to “force feed” our children “Radical Islamic” educational programs and incentives.

Talk about your own government supporting working from inside to ruin YOUR country!

The past and present governors of Texas told their citizens they were protecting their children by not participating in the Common Core ruination of our education system, but instead they have allowed the Gulen movement to grow within the state and also allowing the Gulen Institute to be at home on the grounds of the University of Houston.

The Institute website talks a good talk as does Fethullah and all his mouthpieces, but the research that has been done is undeniable. With speakers like this how could anyone go wrong?

Even if you don’t have any children currently in school or a Gulen Charter school, Americans need to understand the damage being done here to our children and the internal conversion to Jihad being paid for by YOU!

Gulen Charter schools are disguised by several different names: Concept, Horizon Science Academy’s, Paragon, Sonoran, LISA Academy, Magnolia, and many, many more. Florida for example has 7 Gulen schools all with different lead names.

Something most Americans don’t know is that Gulen and Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan were best of friends with the same objectives until the Turkish government announced a plan to shutter private schools — many owned by the Gulen movement that help Turkish students prepare for college entrance exams. Two men with big ego’s! They both want to be in charge!

Gulen loves to claim he is all about fighting “poverty, disunity, and ignorance, but his underlying actions tell another story. The use of H-1B visas to bring teachers to America for their schools is also a farce. Local teachers are being passed up for teaching jobs within the Gulen schools with the schools claiming America’s teachers are not smart enough or they don’t have enough education to teach at their STEM schools. No one else in this country applies for more H1B visa’s than Gulen.


The U.S. taxpayer dollars being gained by the Fethullah Gulen operation is undeniable. In 2011, Truebright Science Academy alone received more than $3 million from the Philadelphia School District for its 348 pupils.

The respected German weekly ‘Der Spiegel’ also raised serious questions about Fethullah Gulen and his worldwide movement in a pair of highly critical articles published in 2012 and 2014. The magazine cited individuals who broke ties with Gulen and who characterize Hizmet as an ‘ultraconservative secret society’ and Gulen himself as an ideologue who tolerates no dissent,’ is ‘only interested in power and influence,’ and ‘dreams of a new age in which Islam will dominate the West returning to the ways of the Ottoman Empire.” This description has been repeated over and over again.

Besides the American taxpayers making the Gulen Movement rich, their followers and teachers give as much as 40% of their earnings to the following, yet the Movement has no headquarters, no address, is not registered anywhere, and has no central bank account.

Collectively the Gulen “movement” and the Gulen schools are under their own Charter School Management Co., Charter Educational Services & Resourcesformerly known as Grace Institute for Educational Research & Resources. 

When I first began investigating Gulen and his schools, what I found so painful was finding the government of this country so twisted that we have the CIA bringing Fethullah Gulen into this country and the FBI looking into their fraud and Jihad activities and our government is once again taking the lead on ruining America. 

Look what it got us: The CIA coming up with this less than brilliant idea, believed they could control Gulen and at the same time abuse the religious structure in America as a cover to advance their design of global control. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped in the establishment of the Turkish Gulen Charter Schools in the US, and brokered a deal to split the revenue from the sale of the oil captured in Iraq by ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists, between Prime Minister Erdogan’s and Sheikh Mohammed Gulen’s factions in Turkey (the captured oil was subsequently driven to the Turkish border in oil truck caravans to be sold by Prime Minister Erdogan’s son).

For using her good offices to help Sheikh Mohammed Gulen, Clinton was paid an estimated $1 million; payment was made to both the Clinton Family Foundation and the Clinton Presidential Campaign (payment to a political campaign by a foreigner is in violation of US Federal Campaign Laws). If we were to remind Mrs. Clinton of this I am sure her response would be, “What difference does it make”.

This makes me question if our State Governors are getting a stipend for allowing the Gulen school’s within their states. What say you Rick Perry and John Kasich?

In 2008 Bill Clinton made a speech praising Gulen at the Third Annual Friendship Dinner organized by the Turkish Cultural Center of New York (a Gulenist organization). The website Citizens Against Special Interest Lobbying in Public Schools (CASILIPS), later confirm Hillary Clinton’s involvement:

“However, the most probable reason for Bill Clinton’s attendance was the Gulenists’ numerous contributions to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Clinton Foundation. A sampling can be seen in this Table. All these contributions came from individuals identified as Gulenist based in their affiliations with Gulenist organizations or schools.”

Not only the Clinton’s, but education’s main destroyer Bill Gates has used his foundation to also fund the Gulen movement. They are after all Charter schools and that is the road to ruination. In 2007, through the Texas (again) High School Project, the Gates Foundation shelled out $10,550,000 to the Cosmos Foundation, another Gulen enterprise which operates several publicly funded Gulen Charter schools in Texas.

One teacher from the South stated, “the Gülen movement’s ultimate goal is to open charter schools in the U.S. to funnel U.S. tax dollars back into the Gülen movement in Turkey. They skim just enough off the public taxpayers from these charter schools so it won’t look suspicious.” She stated this after her class had won a free cultural trip to Turkey through the Atlantic Institute. The Atlantic and Peace Islands Institute’s, are both Gulen enterprises. 

Both of these Institutes claim they are supporting “shared values” and send out press releases claiming they are against the killings (Paris) and offer dinner’s celebrating Gulen, Ramadan, Table of Abraham and Interfaith principals. Peace Islands Institute website is a must read.

Were you aware the United States has an Institute of Peace in D.C. and that Fethullah Gulen is recognized by that Institute to be a “spirited advocate for peace”?

Anyone wishing to form a national coalition to remove all Fethullah Gulen activities from the U.S. may contact me at info@americaismyname.org

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