Additional Titles






Enron And The Corrupt - O'Crat's

Holy War - Holy Hell







By Roger Fredinburg

July 7, 2002

For the first time in my life as a public figure, I am afraid to write or say those things most pressing on my mind.

It�s hard to imagine that as an American and a lover of freedom, sitting here in the wake of Independence day, I am actually terrified at some level to put words and thoughts into print for fear of where it might lead.

The Bush administration which I eagerly supported and gladly welcomed as a sign of political refreshment after 8 years of lies and scandals during the Clinton years is now beginning to look more and more like a threat to our nation and all that we believe in.

Homeland Security?

I laugh at the notion that somehow the Bush folks under the Mr. Magoo style of management of Tom Ridge will make me or my fellow Americans safer.

It�s ludicrous in my view to even contemplate putting these bumblers in charge of anything really important after watching them completely blow it.

I sit here now watching the breaking news story at Los Angeles International Airport. It seems one Hesham Mohamad Hadayet determined that Independence day, 4th of July, was a good day to die, and take some innocent bystanders along for the ride.

This blood is on the hands of President George W. Bush and Tom Ridge.

I have been yelling at the top of my lungs on the radio show since September 12, that the 60,000 plus middle eastern men living in this country on expired visa�s should  be rounded up and deported to their home countries. All of those here with �legal� status but not yet citizens should be rounded up and given some specific ultimatums about their staying here. Nobody is listening and I�m afraid many more will die because of this public deafness.

The truth is, Homeland Security is a sick joke. There are no deportations of middle eastern illegals , no protection of any substance along our borders, no ultimatums being made to the Islamic world, just an attack on American liberty and personal freedom here at home.

Eighty year old great grandmothers and sixteen year old cheer leaders are the targets of airport strip searches? Baggage loaded with mock weapons and explosives make it through check in more often than are detected. It�s like the keystone cops on dope!

Regular panic announcements about possible terror attacks often put out to the media by �undisclosed sources� ? Give me a break. Someone please call me when the sky stops falling.

The Bushstapo, A Police State? attempts to lay out the �Bush Plan� in it�s article  �Inside the Bush Plan�. If you want a PC puff piece on the Bushstapo then read it and weep. Here�s the truth. Bush plans to take 22 federal �service� agencies and merge them into a single agency whose motivation will no longer be service but will be �security� instead. Keeping us free from danger and anxiety is a noble cause for a president to tackle. I find it most amusing however that Bush wants so to provide this new giant security force, yet he avoids every legitimate opportunity to make us safer. Securing our borders would be a good start.

We currently have more than 80,000 federal bureaucrats who are armed with guns and police powers.  Forest service, BLM and a variety of folks you wouldn�t normally think of as law enforcement are exactly that. Under the Bush plan the number of armed federal bureaucrats is expected to double and those police powers will not have any reach beyond our own borders, meaning we will be under the scrutiny of what is about to become the worlds largest national police force.

Who Will Be Targeted?

If the new Bushstapo is anything like it�s mock-up at the airports then we can expect that young girls with perky chests and senior citizens in wheelchairs will be the likely candidates for investigation, strip search, surveillance and prosecution for innocuous crimes like conspiracy to wear non EPA approve body lotions or maybe conspiracy and RICO charges for failing to get Big Brother's approval for the Saturday night bingo game down at the church.

Already, across America, government has neighbor turned against neighbor. Callers to my radio program from Missoula, Montana shared the fact that this small all American city offers toll free telephone numbers to turn in your fellow citizens for things like too much smoke coming out of the tailpipe of your car.

We will be turning on each other as the paranoia begins to spread and everyone begins to question their neighbor�s patriotism. I can hardly wait.

As surveillance is enhanced, cameras on every corner, microphones and wire taps in every room, maybe the average Joe will begin to catch on but I wouldn�t hold your breath waiting for that. The truth is that in the very near future everything you say and do will be recorded, analyzed, decoded, scrutinized, and filed away as evidence. People will be afraid to meet for fear of being arrested for engaging in some �conspiracy�. As these new law enforcement bureaucrats start feeding on their ego�s and discover all of that raw power, there will be no stopping them.

Why am I afraid?

I live in a world of ideas. Meaningless, unless openly discussed and useless unless shared with the masses. The problem is that I am what�s called a radical. My opinions and ideas are often more striking, more severe, more intense than those of the typical all American boy type. I make no apologies, I am quite comfortable in my deluded state of mind and have no desire to soften or lessen the thrust of my commentary. Which is why I write this with such trepidation. I am not certain where the boundaries of free speech lie anymore.

Can I advise people to establish a close knit small cell of family and friends with which one should plan and strategize for all sorts of possibilities? Failure in the economy, a total attack on freedom and loss of liberty even possible insurrection. Can we talk about insurrection, rising up against the forces that have taken our country away from its moorings? Or is that hate speech? Conspiracy? I just can�t tell anymore. Is it alright to explore the boundaries of thought regarding the many way�s in which one might restore the people of these United States to their rightful place on the throne ahead of the politicians and bureaucrats? Can I advise for example that I believe a revolt must be more surgical and geared toward eliminating individuals who threaten our republic? That thoughtful and well planned assassinations, I think, would serve the country better than all out civil war? Is giving that opinion going to cause a legal challenge and courtroom test of my First Amendment right to free speech? Or, is it now a form of terrorism to suggest such a thing might someday be required of our people? And heaven forbid, what if I wrote it outright, demanded that Americans rise up and eliminate the obvious threats to our liberty before it�s too late. Surely, as the world's largest national police force is being developed while America is under duress and will soon be evident in every former private place in America, shouldn�t the thought be allowed to flourish on the outside chance that I might just be right?

If I can�t say it can I even think it? With  �hate� crimes laws, and the new PC thought police,  Big Brother has us pinned down. Can�t say it,   can�t think it,  better to put a sock in it for all our sakes,  shut up or else.

Click Your Heals!

A recent caller to my radio show from Saint George, Utah made a compelling story out of his family's day trip to Zion National Park.  Un-suspecting sight seers were met by an Armada of federal buses at the park entrance and driven to and off-loaded at a processing station. There they were charged 10 bucks to enter their own park. After walking through the processing gate they were met by more government operated buses, loaded up and given escorted tours of Zion National Park. Essentially they were put on a leash and dragged around the federally approved fire hydrants by armed federal goons. This outrage alone should have people marching in the streets. But�It doesn�t.

I have noticed recently that many republicans are angry with me for exposing the Bush administration. I am still hopeful that the president will pull his head out of the deep dark crevasse and surprise me, However, I won�t hold my breath. We have lost our property rights, parental rights, speech rights, etc. They are all gone, replaced by political correctness and the thought police,  soon to be everywhere, watching everything. Armed and sworn to keep us all safe from even freedom itself. Yep, I said keep us safe from freedom. You see, the enemy of the new Bushstapo is freedom. The very premise of its design is to limit the dangerous side effects of freedom and to monitor and detect those internal forces that would actually fight and die for freedom.

We saw it with the �War On Drugs�, and this is many times worse. But I don�t envision many standing up until it�s too late. Par for the course in modern America, too little, too late, by to few. Like the Germans in Hitler�s day, people are too afraid that one of Big Brother's agencies will come crashing down on them and rock their selfish little materialistic world. We�ve been conditioned to watch the swat teams wipe out our neighbors without asking why. We gladly accept Big Brother's word that so and so was a bad egg and deserved to be shot down in the driveway for such crimes as failing to pay taxes. We allow the storm troopers to march into our neighborhoods and rip crying children from their mother's arms and ruin families because anonymous phone callers suggest a problem. We sit idly by as every connection to freedom is cut away. We do nothing, say nothing, see nothing, hear nothing. We hide our heads, turn our backs on friends and family. We do this because it makes us feel secure. That�s right, keep your head down, your mouth shut, don�t ask questions, just shut up and pay your taxes. Secure.

This is the new Bushstapo security plan: Stay below the radar, be nothing, do nothing and in return you get secure. Hide there in your shell, but remember that in order to make any move even a turtle has to stick its  neck out. How long can America stay there motionless except for the shaking effects of that fear which is the price of government sponsored security? Longer than any of us think, I�m afraid.

Last Words?

This may or may not be my last column. I haven�t decided yet. The point of leaving a legacy is overshadowed by the counter point of  leaving a paper trail and therefore evidence for the new gargantuan police state. As a conservative and a true believer in Jesus Christ I am an obvious target. I have given my all over the years to inform and enlighten people. My 10 years as a syndicated radio host has given me great joy and I hope it lasts forever. But I can�t sit by and do nothing while this country is taken over by forces which obviously want to erode our concept of LIBERTY. Liberty is the core value that united our founders and it was the single unanimous desire shared by all of our founders that we pass on from one generation to the next a deep understanding of the principles of liberty. We have failed. Our public schools teach nothing, they train our children like we might train a dog or a horse. No knowledge, just general trivia and lot�s of socialization skills. Like teaching dogs to get along in a kennel, outcome based animal training for the dumbed down people of tomorrow.

As long as everybody is too tired and too busy to make changes happen at the local level then the powers of centralized tyrannical big government will prevail and our grand experiment in freedom and liberty will be the example of failure used by all future tyrants as evidence of our inability to govern ourselves. 

God save the Republic.

� 2002 - Roger Fredinburg - All Rights Reserved

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Roger Fredinburg is a syndicated radio host heard in more than 140 markets nationwide and worldwide on the internet at or  The show airs from 7PM till 10PM Pacific and 10PM till 1:00 AM Eastern M-F and Sunday nights from 9:00 PM till Midnight PST Midnight till 3:00 AM Eastern. The call-in number to his show is 1-800-510-8255 or E-mail 








"The truth is, Homeland Security is a sick joke. There are no deportations of middle eastern illegals , no protection of any substance along our borders, no ultimatums being made to the Islamic world, just an attack on American liberty and personal freedom here at home."