Other Guest Articles: Constitutional The Road to a The Road to a Constitutional
By Jack Allis August
8, 2004 I'm thrilled at the popularity of Michael Moore's movie Fahrenheit 9/11, and that the American people appear to waking up to the fact that there is something very fishy about the mainstream version of 9/11, and the entire war in Iraq. At the very least, this single event just might play a seminal role in turning the tide of the presidential election against George Bush. However, in the furor that Fahrenheit 9/11 is stirring up, and the crippling revelations it makes about the President, it is critically important that we don't lose sight of the big picture, and get distracted from the real issues. Let's not forget that Michael Moore is a liberal democrat, in the tradition of Clinton, Carter, JFK and FDR, and his primary objective is getting Mr. Bush out of office. I have read that Mr. Moore is ambivalent about the candidacy of John Kerry, who himself is clearly fuzzy about where he stands on the war, and definitely does not favor doing the right thing: admitting it was a horrific blunder, putting an immediate end to it, and begging the forgiveness of the people of Iraq. As many Americans are coming to realize, the choice between Bush and Kerry is no choice at all. It's tweedledum versus tweedledee. The two major parties are indistinguishable. From a philosophical point of view, they both stand for precisely the same thing: an elitist big government, whose primary purpose is collecting revenue, and which operates on the assumption it has the moral duty to rule its subjects, and control every aspect of their lives because they are too helpless and stupid to do it for themselves. I think I can hear the Earth rumble as our Founding Fathers role over in their graves. In this context, Michael Moore completely misses the big picture, and he is, in fact, part of the problem. What is the big picture? The key lies in understanding the truth about who really controls the world, and what their goals and strategies are. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the governments of the major nations or their leaders who are in charge, which puts George Bush in his true light. He is the puppet leader of a puppet government, albeit the most powerful one in the world. The source of real power rests with a handful of people who control our money, and who in turn control the information we have access to. Real power is in the hands of an alliance of the largest international banking families and the owners and chief executives of the huge multi-national corporations, which also own all the major media outlets. With the capability to create money and control the supply of that money, the banking establishment, at its highest levels, has practically unlimited power to control world events. And with this group's monopoly of information through the mainstream media, they have the ability to shape the thinking of the people of the world. This group, let's call them the global elite, operates primarily behind the scenes, and uses highly secretive international organizations like the Royal Institute of International Affairs out of London and the Council on Foreign Relations out of New York to coordinate its plan. And what is that plan? Simply stated, it is world government, with one army, one currency, and a central data bank that would know virtually everything about everybody. Obviously, they are doing a superb job of bringing this about right now. Their primary tactic to achieve this goal is to keep the world in a constant state of crisis, and to keep the people of the world in a constant state of fear. If the problems are catastrophic enough, people will be more willing to give up their freedom to big government, and to believe that the solutions, ultimately, are beyond the scope of any single nation state, and can only be provided by the international organizations that are popping up all over the place, such as the UN, NATO, the World Bank, the IMF, GATT, the EU - the list goes on and on, all of which are creations of this global elite, and which operate outside the authority of any government. It is a tragic irony that the more problems they create, the better it is for them, and the more power they can grab. With this as our backdrop, the events of 9/11, the war in Iraq and Fahrenheit 9/11 fit perfectly into the big picture. For obvious reasons, a tragedy like 9/11, regardless of who did it, comes in very handy, and is very useful to the global elite in moving toward their desired goal of world government. To the Bush people, the real purpose of the war might be about oil and/or strategic positioning in the Middle East, but not to the global elite. Like Vietnam, the US finds itself in a war it cannot possibly win, which will seriously drain its money and resources, and damage its credibility and reputation around the world. This happens to be precisely what the global elite wants. A critical part of their agenda is eroding the sovereignty and power of the US. A strong US are more likely to stand alone, and resist the emerging world government. And if John Kerry is elected, it will be with a mandate to correct the blunders of George Bush. A probable way he will do this is to come up with a peace plan for Iraq that will expand the role of the UN and NATO, and other international organizations, enhancing their presence in the Middle East, and taking yet one more step in the march toward world government. Stratia Corporation is a producer of alternative educational programs. One of the primary focuses of this education is establishing the truth about how the world really works, and corroborating, beyond any reasonable doubt, the validity of what you are reading here. We realize this is shocking for most people, but we believe we are far better off knowing the truth than allowing ourselves to be manipulated to stay in the dark. Ultimately, the truth is our most important weapon in the struggle to create a better world, and it is the truth that will set us free. � 2004 - Jack Allis - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale
Jack Allis is one of several speakers for Stratia Corporation, which is a producer of alternative educational programs, dealing with topics such as personal and financial freedom, alternative and natural health, the truth behind the headlines of the mainstream news, and taking complete responsibility for our own lives. Jack also hosts a weekly Tele-seminar series for Stratia, and writes articles for their monthly newsletter, The Stratia Perspective. He is also the author of two novels, Infinity's Children and Masters of Destiny. Jack Allis is the Director of Educational Resources, Stratia Corporation www.stratia.com/stratia. E-Mail jallis@stratia.net
As many Americans are coming to
realize, the choice between Bush and Kerry is no choice at all. It's tweedledum
versus tweedledee. The two major parties are indistinguishable.