After the death of Senator John McCain, most members of the mainstream media, right and left, who lately do not seem to agree on anything, surprisingly agreed in their opinion that, despite some minor character flaws, John McCain was a true American hero.

Well, I am sorry, but I have to express my humble dissenting opinion.

I am not going to refer here some stories circulating on the Internet about McCain’s expertise in destroying several million dollars of U.S. property. Nor I am going to mention his behavior as a privileged guest of the Hanoi Hilton, which gained him the nickname “songbird” McCain, much less at his role in the cover-up to abandon American POWs in Vietnam.

Also, I am not going to try to rationalize why he fought so hard to destroy the Tea Party or why he facilitated the victory of impostor Barry Soetoro and betrayed his running mate Sarah Palin in an effort to destroy her political career as a potential presidential candidate. I have not studied these allegations in detail and I have no strong proof to offer. What I am going to do, though, is to show a series of easily verifiable facts, so you can reach your own conclusions.

As a member of the U.S. military, and later as an elected member of the U.S. Congress, John McCain took at least twice an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Nevertheless, during his political career, he not only worked hard to destroy the Constitution but, since 2001, he officially appeared in the Council on Foreign Relations’ membership rosters as an active member.[1]

If you still don’t know it, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is one of the most anti-American organizations in the world, whose members have consistently advocated the cancellation of the Constitution, the opening of the U.S. borders, the elimination of U.S. sovereignty, and the fusion of the U.S. into a community of nations they call the New World Order.

But don’t trust my words. See for yourself. I could provide dozens of pages of this organization’s betrayals but, due to space limitations, I will only quote the most blatant ones.

The Council of Foreign Relations was created in 1921. Bankers Otto Kahn and Paul Warburg were on the original board of CFR directors. Funding for the CFR was provided by bankers John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn and Paul Warburg. Firms Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the Rothschilds contributed to the project through their front agents, the Rockefellers.

In 1922, the CFR began the publication of its official theoretical organ, the magazine Foreign Affairs. Soon after, the magazine became a sort of crystal ball, forecasting the direction in which the U.S. and the world were heading. In its very first issue, Foreign Affairs published an attack on the U.S. sovereignty, an article by Philip Kerr stating: “Obviously there is going to be no peace or prosperity for mankind as long as the earth remains divided into 50 or 60 independent states and until some kind of international system is created.”

On November 8, 1924, in a speech at the International House in New York, CFR member John D. Rockefeller Jr. stated “… some day … no one will speak of ‘my country,’ but …. of ‘our world.’” On October 28, 1939, CFR member John Foster Dulles [later U.S. Secretary of State], proposed in an address that America must lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign states bound together by a league or federal union. He proposed that this could be reached by laws, propaganda, and education.

In 1941, CFR agents Lewis Mumford, Reinhold Niebuhr and Herbert Agar published The City of Man: A Declaration of World Democracy, in which they expressed their belief that, “Universal peace can be founded only on the unity of man under one law and one government. … All states, deflated and disciplined, must align themselves under the law of the world-state … the new order … when the heresy of nationalism is conquered and the absurd architecture of the present world is finally dismantled.”

In 1942, Chairman of the National Council of Churches and CFR founder John Foster Dulles, issued a report claiming that “a new order of economic life is both imminent and imperative,” and calling for … “a world government, strong immediate limitation of national sovereignty, international control of all armies and navies, a universal system of money, world-wide freedom of immigration, progressive elimination of all tariff and quota restrictions on world trade and a democratically controlled world bank.”

On May 2, 1943, Supreme Court Justice Owen J. Roberts (CFR), told the Philadelphia Enquirer: “An international government, with police power over every individual citizen in the nations belonging to it … is the only way.” The next year, a confidential CFR memorandum to the State Department reads: “The sovereignty fetish is still so strong in the public mind that there would appear to be little chance of winning popular assent to American membership in anything approaching a superstate organization. Much will depend on the kind of approach which is used in further popular education.”

In 1945, Saturday Review editor Norman Cousins (CFR) published Modern Man is Obsolete. In his book, Cousins states: “We even debate the question of ‘surrendering’ some of our sovereignty — as though there is still something to surrender. There is nothing left to surrender. There is something to gain. A common world sovereignty … would mean that no state could act unilaterally from the central authority as a method to achieve its aims. … There is no need to discuss the historical reasons pointing to and arguing for world government.”

In 1947 CFR agents James P. Warburg and Norman Cousins established the United World Federalists, to endorse “the efforts of the United Nations to bring about a world community favorable to peace.” They also expressed their goal to expand the U.N. into a world-government, the establishment of an international “peace force” and a world income tax. On February 7, 1950, testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Paul Warburg (CFR), son of CFR founder James Warburg, prophesied: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it —by conquest or consent.”

In 1952, commemorating the 30th anniversary of its creation, Foreign Affairs published “Reflections on Our National Purpose,” a leading article by CFR member Kingman Brewster Jr. In it, he expressed his idea that the U.S. national purpose should be to abolish the American nation. That same year, in response to growing concern regarding the illicit, conspiratorial activities of the CFR, the U.S. Congress created a Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee). The final report in 1954 stated that the Committee found that the CFR controlled most of them and its aim was to abolish national sovereignty and “overly propagandizes the globalist concept.” Its two main objectives are world government and global banking.

In a July, 1958, article entitled “School for Statesmen,” Harper’s columnist Joseph Kraft (CFR), wrote: “The CFR was founded for the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government.” The next year, CFR agent James Warburg published The West in Crisis. In it, he proclaimed: “A world order without world law is an anachronism … a world which fails to establish the rule of law over the nation-states cannot long continue to exist. We are living in the perilous period of transition from the era of the fully sovereign nation-state to the era of world government.”

In 1962 Nelson Rockefeller (CFR) gave a series of lectures at Harvard University in which he called for a world federation of countries, a new world order to shape the events. According to him, “The nation-state, standing alone, threatens in many ways to seem as anachronistic as the Greek city-state eventually became in ancient times.” In April 1971, Bryn Mawr College president Harris L. Wofford (CFR), said: “Is there any greater anachronism than the so-called sovereign nation-state?

In 1975, a majority of Senators and Representatives of both Republican and Democrat parties, among them CFR members George McGovern, Clairborne Pel, Christopher Dodd, Les Aspin, and Patricia Schroeder, signed a Declaration of Interdependence written by historian Henry Steele Commager (CFR), which proclaimed: “Two centuries ago our forefathers brought forth a nation; now we must join others to bring forth a New World Order. … Narrow notions of national sovereignty must not be permitted to curtail that obligation.”

In his 1984 book The Power to Lead, James McGregor Burns (CFR) recognized the fact that to carry out their plans the CFR conspirators needed to get rid of the Constitution: “Let’s us face reality. The framers [of the U.S. Constitution] have simply been too shrewd for us. The have outwitted us. They designed separate institutions that cannot be unified by mechanical linkages, frail bridges, tinkering. If we are to “turn the Founders upside down” — we must directly confront the constitutional structure they erected.”

In The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change, a 1987 book sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, Arthur S. Miller stated what the CFR conspirators really had in mind: “Nationalism should be seen as a dangerous social disease. A new vision is required to plan and manage the future, a global vision that will transcend national boundaries and eliminate the poison of nationalistic solutions. A new Constitution is necessary.”

The July 20, 1992, issue of TIME magazine published “The Birth of the Global Nation,” an article by CFR Director Strobe Talbott. According to him, “All countries are basically social arrangements. No matter how permanent or even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary. Perhaps national sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”

In his 1996 memoirs, A Reporter’s Life, CFR member Walter Cronkite stated: “If we are to avoid a catastrophe, a system of world order — preferably a system of world government — is mandatory. The proud nations someday will … yield up their precious sovereignty.”

On April 2001, President George W. Bush (CFR) attended the Quebec Summit of the Americas, accompanied by CFR agents Secretary of State Colin Powell and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick. Amazingly, New York Times writer David E. Sanger (CFR) let the cat out of the bag in an article about the Summit entitled, “News Analysis: Biggest Obstacle to Selling Trade Pact Is Sovereignty.”

In 2005, a CFR Study Commission, which included William Weld (CFR), Doris Meissner (CFR), and Robert Pastor (CFR), produced a document entitled “Building a North American Community.” It detailed a 5-year plan for the establishment of a common security perimeter around Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and the eventual fusion of the three countries into a single one, the North American Union, with a common currency, the Amero. This would be the initial step for the creation of the American Union, which would extend from Alaska to Patagonia.

On June 20, 2011, CNNWorld published an article by CFR mouthpiece Fareed Zakaria with the revealing title “Is it Time to Update the U.S. Constitution?” In it, Zakaria expressed his masters’ opinion that the U.S. Constitution does not reflect the new times in America and needs to be updated.[2]

A September 5, 2018 anonymous editorial piece published by the New York Times (a.k.a. The Toilet Paper of Record), shamelessly called John McCain  “A lodestar for returning honor to public life and our national dialogue.” Adding, “Mr. Trump may fear such honorable men, but we should revere him.”

Obviously, the Council on Foreign Relations is an organization of traitors, not honorable men, and John McCain was for many years one of its proudest members. So, he may have been a lodestar, though not for the American people but for the anti-American traitors at the CFR

Now, was he a true American hero? Reach your own conclusions and make your own judgment.

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  1. The CFR has acknowledged the fact that they have secret members, so I don’t discount the possibility that McCain joined the organization at an earlier date.
  2. For more detailed information about the CFR’s treasonous activities see Servando Gonzalez, I Dare Call It Treason: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of America.