Charlotte Iserbyt
March 10, 2012
[NOTE: This article, written in February 2004, relates to what is going on across the nation today. When written in 2004 regionalism, consolidation of schools, etc. was being promoted by our socialist governor Baldacci. What is important today is that this very same agenda is now being supported by Maine's new "conservative?" Governor Paul LePage, with direction and support from the neoconservative Heritage Foundation's state affiliate Maine Heritage Policy Center. What more proof do we have than fact the left and phony right (neoconservatives...former Trotskyites) have the same agenda? Maine's state government is being dismantled piece by piece, by the likes of these traitor groups. Legislation is in the works to reduce Maine's counties by 50%, legislators by 50%, implement unelected tax-supported charter schools (necessary for Soviet-style school to work), all of which is the end of free market capitalism and representative government in the USA.
Is it any wonder that when, in 1975, I asked William Rusher, the former Editor of National Review "why don't conservative organizations and media ever deal with the dangers of regional government?" the answer was "Oh, I guess they just don't think it is very important." Oh, really? They thought it was so important they didn't want anyone to know about it; that it is the system of governance supported by the left and the right, completely necessary for international socialist government, with its planned economy using charter schools, and use of unelected councils (soviets) to run not only our schools but all of us lifelong (UNESCO agenda).
Wake up to the dangers of REGIONALISM, which, as you will read below, is defined as "communism" in an article in The Communist Daily World, 1975.
Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education]
An article in The Times Record, Brunswick, Maine, dated 2/1/04 entitled "Regional Efforts Taking Root" says "About 50 elected officials, planners, natural resources advocates and economic development specialists gathered from every town in Sagadahoc County, Brunswick and Harpswell Thursday to talk about regionalism, a concept that is being encouraged statewide by Governor John N. Baldacci." (Note: Maine's Governor Baldacci had one of the most, if not the most, socialist voting record of any Congressman during his tenure in Congress. Shouldn't that be adequate warning to our elected officials to at least keep this concept of regionalism at arms length and not to embrace it without studying its origins, unless they themselves are socialists?)
The article goes on to quote an elected official on the Town Council as saying: "A first step will be to educate the public about the importance of regionalism so citizens will support these efforts. We need to shock people a little bit."
Well, she sure shocked me with that comment. She has also given us fair warning that resistance to this change in governance willl not be tolerated; we must be educated to see the benefits of failed socialism (regionalism) over those of our highly successful republican form of government which is designed to protect the rights of the individual rather than those of the group (state).
This article was a reminder I'm really getting old. I feel great and never think much about my age until I run across articles such as this one which covered a meeting during which well-meaning "younger-than-I" elected or unelected officials casually discuss changes in government which will spell economic, political and social ruin for our cities, towns, and nation (which means "us").
These well-meaning individuals who are recommending regionalism to solve financial and planning problems, have, through no fault of their own, been deliberately dumbed down (denied an education in the workings of our republican form of government which is the antithesis of the form of governance they are considering. I know "maleducation" is a fact due to an incident in 1974 when my son's 11th grade public school teacher, a so-called "conservative" Republican, by the way, gave his class an assignment to write a paper on different forms of governance. My son wrote his paper on regional government and received a D for his politically incorrect effort. His conclusions, which were based on the scholarly research of the late Jo Hindman (The Metrocrats, Blame Metro, and Terrible 1313 Revisited, Caxton Printers, Ltd.) were that regional governance cannot coexist within a republican form of government since regional governance does away with or dilutes local representation and eliminates borders between towns, counties, states, and even countries. The latter can be observed in Europe with nations ceding their sovereignty and distinct cultures to the European Union (region), which former Soviet President Gorbachev enthusiastically refers to as the "New European Soviet". Gorbachev also said in a speech to the Soviet Central Committee on November 2, 1987 "We are moving toward a new world, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road."
Regional Governance emanates from the United Nations, which was formed in 1945 by a majority of communists, and it is essential for United States participation in the world government (international redistribution of wealth socialist state) being implemented right now under our very noses. Example: European Union, NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, (the Central American Free Trade Association which Congress will vote on shortly, etc. Contact your congressman and tell him to vote no on CAFTA!)
In "The Globalists,The Power Elite Exposed", page 304, Denis L. Cuddy, Ph.D, says "Most members of the European Union are already members of The Socialist International, and if other nations around the world can be moved toward socialism and regional economic arrangements, then these regional groupings can be more easily merged into a world socialistic government. This scenario is quite similar to the three-stage plan outlined by Stalin at the 1936 Communist International. At that meeting, the official program proclaimed: "Dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries," after which there would be federal unions of the various groupings of these socialist countries, and the third stage would be an amalgamation of these regional federal unions into a world union of socialist nations.
Readers of this article are surely asking: "But she's talking about Stalin and international regional government...what's going on at the local county level has nothing to do with that. Anyway, Communism is dead." The most incriminating evidence regarding regional government being communism is found in "Planning is Socialism's Trademark" by Morris Zeitlin which appeared in the Communist Daily World, November 8, 1975. Zeitlin says "We (U.S.A.) have no regional government and no comprehensive regional planning to speak of. Regional government and planning remain concepts our urban scholars and planners have long advocated in vain...In socialist countries, metropolitan regions enjoy metropolitan regional government and comprehensive planning. Of the many regions on the vast territory of the Soviet Union the Moscow Region commands special attention, for it has been, since the 1917 Revolution, the country's economic and political center. The economic and functional efficiencies and the social benefits that comprehensive national, regional and city planning make possible in socialist society explain the Soviet Union's enormous and rapid economic and social progress. Conversely, our profit-oriented ruling capitalist class makes comprehensive social and economic planning impossible, causing waste and chaos and dragging the entire nation into misery and suffering as its rule deteriorates and declines."
In January of this year "a new world organisation, United Cities and Local Governments, (certainly a regional government association if ever there was one! ed. ) was launched which will be the interlocutor between local government and the United Nations and will ensure the political representation of local government to the international community. It will progress (sic) local government policies in the key areas of decentralised cooperation, sustainable development, urbanisation, social inclusion and poverty eradication. IULA's Founding Congress will take place in Paris in May of this year." Go to for this press release and more information.
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I'm glad I'm getting old and won't have to live too many years under this "failed" socialist system which for some reason unknown to this writer is being accepted by persons on the right as well as the left. President Bush is one of its greatest supporters! I question how our elected officials at the local, state and national level who are implementing this totally alien FAILED system of government, can, in good conscience, pass it on to their children and grandchildren.
Thomas Babington Macauley, London, England, writing to an American on May 23, 1857, said "...Your republic willl be...laid waste by barbarians in the 20th Century..."
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