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By Charlotte Iserbyt
April 11, 2014

[For those who don’t have time to read entire article, here are five important excerpts:

(1) Regarding unelected community councils. It occurred to me recently that there is a very dangerous elephant hiding in a back room, that should be taken into consideration. This elephant has been relatively silent, waiting for Americans to welcome it into the unelected school governance agenda being carried out today. Its name is “Community Education.” Opposition to this lifelong communist form of education with its unelected council system has come from respected researchers, activists and elected school board members, resulting in the elephant being locked up in the back room for over seventy years.

The elephant in the room, community education, referred to above, is waiting for all traditional schools to be restructured as “community schools run by unelected councils.” This will happen if we allow the tax-funded school choice/charter school agenda to go forward. Charter schools with their unelected councils, answering to the corporate fascist entities listed in this paper, will, without voter approval, be able to restructure the traditional public school into the community school of the future, with its unelected council form of governance, described above. Enter the elephant into the room! I know from personal experience that elected public school officials have turned down this effort to transition to unelected community school governance for at least forty years.

My recent article included the text from “Education in the Future: 21st Century Schools Will Offer Learning for all Citizens” by Kent Tempus, April 22, 1989, published in The Muscatine [Iowa] Journal. Go to American, type “Lepley” into search engine. This article covered a speech by William Lepley, Commissioner of Education, Iowa. One makes a huge mistake not taking Mr. Lepley’s comments seriously. In brief, he is calling for lifelong community education with all services controlled by the unelected school council. Such community education will include control over all aspects of our lives… lifelong: compulsory community service, health and mental health services, family planning, abortion, euthanasia (if allowed by Supreme Court), leisure, art, music, sports, taking grandma to see the leaves in the autumn, and, of course global workforce training and computerized assessment to assure not only adequate work force skills but approved global attitudes and values. All of the above will be managed by the unelected community council and the computerized data system for control of all humans lifelong, pre-birth through death.

Home schools are included in the plan and are connected by computer with the unelected council.

The grant that I leaked to the press in 1982, Project BEST: Better Education Skills through Technology, called for the following community education activities. This is verbatim text found in very small print at the very end of the promotional flyer.

“In addition, the State Team approach and the communications network with professional associations and other groups established by the project will serve as a model for the states in implementing similar efforts in other areas of education, or in such program areas as health, human services, housing, transportation, etc. “

A community educator leading a conference on community education in Washington, D.C. in the 1970s described community education as the Chinese Communist system of education and governance.

Click on following link for the State of Georgia’s piloting of lifelong community education/unelected governance plan. You can be sure this plan will be coming to your state in the near future, if your state does not yet have it. “They” will, of course, put a different label on each state’s identical project!

(2) The only authentic “school choice” is when you pay tuition to a private school with your own hard-earned dollars. Tax-funded school choice will give parents “government-controlled” school choice. Is that what parents want for their children? Parents rightfully complaining about Communist Core better be prepared to find it, in all its Marxist splendor and glory (sarcasm), in their charter school of choice or in their tax-funded private school, implemented while they were so busy fighting Communist Core. What the government funds the government controls. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Parents better be careful what they wish for. Parents better disassociate themselves from the neoconservative corporate fascist highly-funded and organized battle against Communist Core, which is the diversion to keep them from fighting the Trojan Horse: tax-funded public and private education run by unelected councils (the Soviet council form of government, aka Community Education).

(3) There was a time when Americans would understand (scream and yell about) the danger of accepting an unconstitutional proposal (tax-supported private education and charter schools with unelected boards), especially when they find out it is supported by the following pro-United Nations individuals and groups!!!!!!!!

President Obama
Carnegie Corporation
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
The Heritage Foundation and other neoconservative groups
Louis Gerstner, former CEO, IBM, who calls for pulling down all (+-) 16,000 public school districts
The globalist Rockefeller-lead one world government Council on Foreign Relations
Reed Hastings, Rocketship Education charter school network: “Kill Elected School Boards”

(4) A good start, this minute, would be to contact your elected officials at the local, state and federal level and demand that they abolish the U. S. Department of Education, including all its very important labs and centers involved in state restructuring for work force training. If you wish, send them a copy of this article.

(5) Ask yourself what our founding fathers would have said in 1783, after the successful conclusion of the Revolutionary War (which was fought over this very issue of taxation without representation) if someone had suggested doing away with their right to vote!!!!!! A lynching would surely have taken place.

Tax-funded school choice and the possible holding of a Constitutional Convention, which could take away all our freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution, are the END GAME. George Orwell said “ If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.” Think about it.]


In my recent article entitled “Parent/Teacher/Student Manifesto” the dangers of tax-funded private education, including charter schools (which are public schools without elected boards) were discussed. I expressed my shock over billionaire Netflix Executive Officer Reed Hasting’s comment that “the problem with public schools is that they are governed by elected local school boards. “

The following quotes are taken from an article entitled “Netflix’s Reed Hastings has a big idea: Kill elected school boards” which was published in The Washington Post, 3/14/14: “Hastings is also a big charter school supporter and an investor in the Rocketship Education charter school network. At a meeting of the California Charter Schools Association on March 4, he said in a keynote speech that the problem with public schools is that they are governed by elected local school boards. Charter schools have boards that are not elected and, according to his logic, have ‘a stable governance’ and that’s why ‘they constantly get better every year.’”

There can be no more important issue facing Americans today than stopping tax-funded private education and charter schools with their unelected boards. Americans must hold onto their elective form of government. Without that nothing will matter. REPEAT: Nothing means “nothing.”

If we allow the tax-funded private education agenda to go forward, Americans concerned over abortion, gun controls, UN Agenda 21, the taking of private property, sustainable development, etc. will no longer be able to vote on these issues. Americans accustomed to voting at yearly Town Meetings, the kind we have in New England, on local expenditures such as operation of the schools, fire protection, road repair, town office salaries, assistance to the indigent, etc. will no longer have that privilege since, if the unelected form of school governance is implemented (aka tax-funded school choice), those services will be subsumed into the Community School budget controlled by the unelected council. It is very likely taxpayers’ right to vote for municipal, county, state, and federal officials will ultimately be removed or very much watered down since many of the decisions presently made at those levels or by Congress at the federal level (excepting highways, defense, etc.,) will be made at the unelected community school level.

Ask yourself what our founding fathers would have said in 1783, after the successful conclusion of the Revolutionary War (which was fought over this very issue of taxation without representation) if someone had suggested doing away with their right to vote!!!!!! A lynching would surely have taken place.

Tax-funded school choice and the possible holding of a Constitutional Convention, which could take away all our freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution, are the END GAME. George Orwell said “ If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.” Think about it.

As a former elected school board member I am perhaps biased in my views regarding the importance of elected officials in general. And one can accuse me of being especially intolerant of any views suggesting that public schools, especially, should be run by unelected boards. Reed Hastings should read “River of Pollution” by the late Dr. Jacob Bean, physician and Chairman of a local school board in California in the nineteen seventies. Dr. Bean said:

“There is no more important elective office in the United States than that of elected school board member.”

I personally am scratching my head trying to understand why Americans do not understand the very serious ramifications of the major change in governance resulting from charter schools and tax-funded private education with no elected boards.

I do understand Americans utter frustration with the public schools brought about by the deliberate dumbing down of America. (Otherwise why would I have bothered to write the 700-plus page book the deliberate dumbing down of America…A Chronological Paper Trail 1999 , out of print, and updated/abridged version, 2011 at, with free download of out-of-print original at my website)?

The situation in the public schools has become so unbearable for parents, students and most teachers that it is understandable that many are saying: “I give up…give me anything outside the public school system; what could possibly be worse?” They are opting for “worse.” And “worse” is “poison.”

One should never forget that this dumbing down, over fifty years, has been deliberate. Why?

In order to impose the restructuring of education we see today (imposition of globalist limited learning for lifelong labor) “they” (those supporting tax-funded school choice/charters) had to deliberately create, over a period of 80 years, the dumbed down education system we see today. This is the use of the Hegelian Dialectic: Create the problem (dumbing down); People scream; Impose the long-sought-after solution (the shift from academics to lifelong workforce training/labor under unelected boards). DONE DEAL.

Americans would never have accepted such a radical shift had the problem not been deliberately created, gradually implemented, and federally-funded. The above tax-funded school choice solution, which is lethal, has been the goal of the internationalists ever since the late 1800s. The UN-supporting U.S. Chamber of Commerce called for it (school vouchers) in the nineteen forties, Carnegie Corporation, in its 1934 book, Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies, available at American (type into search engine “Conclusions”) called for using the schools to change America’s capitalist system to a planned economy and to “take our land”. Carnegie and other tax-exempt foundations have not deviated from this un-American communist agenda. “They” are now at the end of the road with people like Hastings mouthing off and calling for what Carnegie has not so secretly wanted ever since 1934: “getting rid of elected officials through regional government”. What good elected official would ever approve of the above plan?

The only authentic “school choice” is when you pay tuition to a private school with your own hard-earned dollars. Tax-funded school choice will give parents “government-controlled” school choice. Is that what parents want for their children? Parents rightfully complaining about Communist Core better be prepared to find it, in all its Marxist splendor and glory (sarcasm), in their charter school of choice or in their tax-funded private school, implemented while they were so busy fighting Communist Core, trotting across the country, attending anti-CC rallies in one state and the other, all the while funded by the neoconservative tax-exempt foundations! What the government funds the government controls. He who pays the piper calls the tune. Parents better be careful what they wish for. Parents better disassociate themselves from the corporate fascist highly-funded and organized battle against Communist Core, which is the diversion to keep them from fighting the Trojan Horse: tax-funded public and private education run by unelected councils (the Soviet council form of government.) Also, Communist Core is NOT new. We have had it under the National Assessment of Educational Progress (the NAEP), given a different title in each state (in Maine it was the MEAP). NAEP began in 1964, with a grant from the Carnegie Corporation to set up the Exploratory Committee for the Assessment of Progress in Education. The first national assessments were held in 1969. It has always been 60% geared to the assessment of attitudes and beliefs, so why the hype now over Communist Core? Only difference now, and I admit this an important difference, is the installation of computers for education and assessment and the fact ALL students will be assessed, not just students involved in the state samplings as in the past.

The average concerned parent and taxpayer should also ask “what is it exactly that tax-funded school choice promoters are ultimately looking for?”

Short answer: a well-trained work force to spin off profits for the global elite. Don’t forget Wall Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution!

Long answer: At this point we must look at the political and economic landscape in the USA in the year 2014. Americans have been, since the early 1900s, under assault by the internationalists/globalists pushing their United Nations totalitarian agenda on us. This agenda has called for regionalism, aka communism (*), all of which is operated under the unelected governance system (council/soviet form of government. ) Regional governance was initially promoted by the left until 1981, when President Reagan jumped on board the bandwagon and initiated the innocent-sounding White House Private Sector Initiative which called for the corporate fascist merging of the public and private sector in order to initiate the planned economic Soviet workforce training initiative. (This writer was a liaison between the U.S. Dept. of Education and the White House Initiative. ) Such a merger of the two sectors eliminates accountability to the taxpayer and, in effect, removes local control at the ballot box. Four years later President Reagan continued his corporate fascist /communist agenda by signing the extensive United States-U.S.S.R. education and cultural agreements which merged the two education systems. Carnegie Corporation, at the same time, signed an agreement with the Soviet Academy of Science which called for cooperation related to the development of computer courseware in Marxist critical thinking for elementary education.

(*) Former President of the Soviet Union, Michael Gorbachev, referred to the European Union ( a regional entity) as the New European Soviet, during a press conference in London, in the early part of the century. Since the North American Union is modeled on the European Union, that means that the NAU, in Gorbachev’s eyes, at least, would be called the North American Soviet Union.

The above history provides the background for an understanding of the neoconservative/corporate/leftist leadership and support for tax-funded charter schools with unelected boards (the soviet council form of government) necessary for implementation of the communist lifelong polytech school to work system (quota system found in Cuba, N. Korea, and many other democratic socialist republics; communist countries.)

Until recently this writer was concerned not only with the disastrous effect of tax-funded education run by unelected boards, but with the possibility that over time Americans would accept the legitimacy of the unelected form of governance (regionalism/communism) across the board, at all levels of government, down to tax collector and town clerk (domino effect).

Although the above concern is legitimate and very, very serious, it occurred to me recently that there is also a very dangerous elephant hiding in a back room, that should be taken into consideration. This elephant has been relatively silent, waiting for Americans to welcome it into the unelected governance agenda being carried out today. Its name is “Community Education”. Opposition to this lifelong communist form of re-education (collectivist brainwashing) with its unelected council system has come from respected researchers, activists and locally elected school board members, resulting in the elephant being locked up in the back room for over seventy years! The traditional public school, with its elected school boards, would have gone down long ago had these great researchers and activists not be vigilant.

My recent article included the text from “Education in the Future: 21st Century Schools Will Offer Learning for all Citizens” by Kent Tempus, April 22, 1989, published in The Muscatine [Iowa] Journal. Go to American, type “Lepley” into search engine. This article covered a speech by William Lepley, Commissioner of Education, Iowa. One makes a huge mistake not taking Mr. Lepley’s comments seriously. In brief, he is calling for lifelong community education with all services controlled by the unelected school council. Such community education will include all aspects of our lives… lifelong: health and mental health services, family planning, abortion, euthanasia (if approved by a Sup. Ct. decision), leisure, art, music, sports, taking grandma to see the leaves in the autumn, and, of course global workforce training and computerized assessment to assure not only adequate work force skills but approved global attitudes and values. All of this will be managed by the unelected community council and the computerized data system for control of all humans lifelong, pre-birth through death. This unelected council will be connected to and will control home school education as well. A community educator leading a conference on community education in Washington, D.C. in the 1970s described community education as similar to the Chinese Communist system of education and governance.

What the above actually means is that all activities of government which at present require voter approval, from transportation to education, to health and mental health services, to workforce training, to leisure, to approval of bond issues for buildings, to fire department services, etc., etc., etc. will be decided by the unelected community school council!!!!!!!

You will have absolutely NO say in your lives. Zero.

Community education, which is international, has been on the drawing board ever since the 1940s, supported by the U.S. Department of Education, the Mott Foundation and other tax-exempt foundations. It was on a roll in the seventies but alert Americans caught on and it went underground. We killed it in Maine. A very important, well-researched paper on Community Education, written by the late Ruth Feld and Jil Wilson is available at American Type “Feld” into the search engine. This document is also included in “Exposing the Global Road to Ruin through Education”, Disc 8, as a written submission. This 8 DVD disc set is available at

The elephant in the room, community education, referred to above, is waiting for all traditional schools to be restructured as “community schools run by unelected councils”. This will happen if we allow the tax-funded school choice/charter school agenda to go forward. Charter schools with their unelected councils, answering to the corporate fascist entities listed in this paper, will, without voter approval, be able to restructure the traditional public school into the community school of the future, with its unelected council form of governance, described above. Enter the elephant into the room! I know from personal experience that elected public school officials have turned down this effort to transition to unelected community school governance for at least forty years.

There was a time when Americans would understand (scream and yell about) the danger of accepting an unconstitutional proposal (tax-supported private education and charter schools without elected boards), especially when they find out it is supported by the following pro-United Nations individuals and groups!!!!!!!!

Do we really want to put our children’s education in the hands of these people of globalist persuasion, none of whom, with exception of Arne Duncan, who supports paying students for good grades, are educators?

President Obama
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
The Heritage Foundation and other neoconservative groups
Louis Gerstner, former CEO, IBM, who calls for pulling down all (+-) 16,000 public school districts
Council on Foreign Relations, headed up by #1 globalist David Rockefeller
Reed Hastings, Rocketship Education charter school network: “Kill Elected School Boards”

I plead with Americans to stop this totalitarian agenda and to support the restoration of pre-1965 public education which gave our people the finest education system in the world which in turn gave our children upward mobility (freedom).

How to accomplish the return of pre-1965 academic education is explained in “Exposing the Global Road to Ruin through Education” available at We are between a rock (the lethal globalist/corporate supported/ tax-funded school choice agenda necessary for school-to-work training) and a hard place (returning education to its former academic excellence, at the local level, under “elected” school boards).

A good start, this very minute, would be to contact your elected officials at the local, state and federal level and demand that they abolish the U. S. Department of Education, including all its very important labs and centers involved in state restructuring for work force training. If you wish, send them a copy of this article.

We must, in our conversations with our elected officials at the state and local level ask them to vote NO on ALL tax-funded private education and charter school proposals and insist that ALL charter schools be dismantled and/or returned to locally-elected governance.

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Our nation is at a critical juncture. We still have the freedom, through our representative/elective form of government, to decide between freedom or slavery. We are engaged in a war more serious than any war in which our nation has ever been engaged. A war for the souls, minds, consciences of our children; a war which will take away our rights to decide the future for our children and future generations. Many Americans have fought and died and been injured in other wars to preserve the constitutional freedoms being taken away in this war.

We cannot allow the following persons and their ilk to win this war.

Obama, Duncan, Heritage, CFR, Gerstner, Hastings, Carnegie Corporation, et al who are counting on you to do NOTHING!


Your children and grandchildren and future generations are counting on all of us to hold onto our constitutionally guaranteed right to vote in order that they may continue to live in a free country and enjoy the fruits of liberty.

George Orwell said “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.” Think about that.

God bless America.

� 2014 Charlotte T. Iserbyt - All Rights Reserved

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Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa.

Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad which  covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings.








We must, in our conversations with our elected officials at the state and local level ask them to vote NO on ALL tax-funded private education and charter school proposals and insist that ALL charter schools be dismantled and/or returned to locally-elected governance.