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John Loeffler
June 28, 2003

Freedom is under attack! But not from terrorists; terrorists have never come close to threatening our freedoms. Terrorism does not change the principles upon which a country was founded.

Freedom is under attack because Americans have forgotten what freedom really is and what vouchsafes its existence.

Freedom is under attack because Americans have forgotten that freedom is a fluke of history, something hard won, taken piece by piece amid much bloodshed over a thousand years. It is not the norm.

Freedom is under attack because Americans have forgotten that freedom is greatest when government is least; that history�s most important lesson demonstrates that unrestrained, unaccountable government is the greatest threat to life, prosperity and freedom; ever more so than any attacking army ever was.

Freedom is under attack because Americans have allowed their schools to revise America�s history, making her the Great Satan instead of one of the grandest experiments on the face of the earth, providing the greatest good for the greatest number, despite all her faults and sins of the past.

Freedom is under attack because political correctness seeks to suppress the speech of some groups while exalting the speech of others.

Freedom is under attack because America�s parties have assaulted the Constitution to achieve their own agendas. Liberals have bludgeoned the Second Amendment to death, making it impossible to bear arms, never dreaming that once the Devil had trampled to death one right, he would whip �round on them as well. On America�s liberal college campuses, free speech need not apply; dissenting voices are not welcome.

Now conservatives, while proclaiming themselves �strict constructionists� cheer the trampling of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, habeas corpus, the right to confront accusers, prohibition of the seizure of property without due process, the right to a quick and speedy public trial and to be informed of the charges against one�s self, all in the name of defending liberty. Shame on them, the hypocrites!

Freedom is under attack because the branches of government are rapidly merging into one sprawling unaccountable bureaucracy as the Congress becomes irrelevant, never reading the bills it passes, and as the courts become subservient to the will of the administrative branch.

Freedom is also under attack because activist judges are allowed to make law by �finding� in the Constitution all sorts of rights, which are never mentioned, while failing to defend those rights, which are explicitly stated.

Freedom is indeed under attack because we have transformed freedom of religion into freedom from religion.

Freedom is under attack from political correctness as it seeks to suppress the ideas of some groups while mandating the opinion of other groups as compulsory for all, all in the name of freedom.

Freedom is under attack because Americans are harassed by oppressive regulation and taxation in every area of their lives, far in excess of those levies which occasioned a tea party just two centuries ago and for which Patrick Henry refused to barter liberty or death.

Freedom is under attack because private property, the mainstay of a free society, is under duress, largely from government and its private sector cohorts in the name of saving the environment or saving us from our drugs or ourselves.

Freedom is under attack because Americans have forgotten what freedom truly is; that it must be guaranteed; that there is no �delicate balance� between freedom and security; that civil rights � not civil �liberties� � are impenetrable lines across which accountable government dare not pass, not even for a good purpose.

You see freedom is under attack because Americans have forgotten that freedoms once forgone, even for a good purpose, never return.

Freedom is under attack because those seeking to uphold the Constitution are vilified as haters of America, traitors, or anti-government extremists, where even an appeal to the document itself serves to cause tacit ridicule, especially in the courts and the nation�s capitol.

How could those who love freedom posit themselves to be anti-government? A lack of government produces only anarchy, chaos and tyranny. Indeed we are most assuredly supportive of government: of the people, by the people and for the people.

But as freedom is assaulted, unopposed by Americans in the name of many things, even upholding freedom itself, we must wonder along with Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg, shall such a government long endure?

� 2003 John Loeffler - All Rights Reserved

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 John Loeffler is host of the nationally syndicated news program Steel on Steel, which is produced by his wife Carol Loeffler.  Both are career broadcasters, who met working for a major television network.  Steel on Steel can be heard anytime at on the internet.  Tape subscriptions are available from (800) 829-5646 or (208)765-8337.







"Freedom is under attack because those seeking to uphold the Constitution are vilified as haters of America, traitors, or anti-government extremists, where even an appeal to the document itself serves to cause tacit ridicule, especially in the courts and the nation�s capitol."