September 18, 2006 NewsWithViews.com �The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the na�ve forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.� --Thomas Szasz Who is Ambassador Leo Wanta? If only half of what can be found about him (with little effort) is true, he should be a household name, investigated, interviewed, and 60-Minutesized.' Time and Newsweek would have dueling covers and Mike Wallace would be announcing his return�.However, most people never heard of him, and the mainstream media is conspicuously avoiding him, and what could be a huge story. Wanta is a cacophony of questions.
According to multiple sources Wanta is attempting to repatriate $4.5 trillion back into the U.S. economy. Yes, TRILLION is not a typo. As of my writing this, our National Debt was $8-Trillion-532-Billion-356-Million-592-Thousand-155-dollars and 72-cents. The National Debt has continued to grow an average of $1.70-Billion PER DAY since September 2005. So where did all these trillions of dollars allegedly come from? No thanks to the either lazy or complicit mainstream media, search engines provide a lot of data worth either reporting or debunking�but the silence is deafening. I often note that �It is not a question of WHO is right or wrong but WHAT is right or wrong that counts.� In researching the �Wanta Trillions� several of the most prolific sources are admittedly on the Internet �fringe.� Many are gadflies and provocateurs. However, there are also substantive, credible sources supporting the �even a broken clock is right twice a day� axiom. Meanwhile the mainstream media (that spent months on the debunked Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame kerfuffle) hasn�t done �Jack� about Wanta. The International Currency Review�s Christopher Story claims to have gotten the �Ambassador of a major foreign power to deliver to every New York newspaper� his reports on the Wanta story. Reportedly, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, et al, have the information and have chosen to ignore it? Why? The International Currency Review reports, �On the assumption that, as originally planned, the 'win-win,' above-board, taxable, transactions had started up with effect from 1st July 2006, and that the US Treasury would have earned around $200 billion of windfall taxes per banking day from that date forward, we calculate that the Treasury has so far deprived itself of on-the-books windfall taxes amounting to an estimated $10.6 trillion (= 53 banking days @ $200 billion tax receipts per banking day).� If true, THAT would wipe out our national debt AND put us in the black. Two major U.S. law firms reportedly helped negotiate the significant settlement that constitutes only a portion of the $27-Trillion offshore fund established at the end of the Cold War. The New York Times or the Wall Street Journal could easily vet Wanta�s story and either reduce it to the trash heap of Internet Urban Legends, OR launch an investigation that would make Enron look like a small yellow hole in a Montana snow bank. Is the White House is getting pressure from foreign banks and heads of state to release the $4.5-Trillion? One source reports (in May 2006), �Wanta verbally agreed to the distribution of the $4.5-trillion with President Bush along with the assistance of one Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) court judge and two U.S. Supreme Court Justices.� Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of the company formed specifically to distribute the money, claims the Chinese have already taken $5-Trillion of the alleged $32-Trillion they are owed. To paraphrase P.J. O�Rourke, �Giving $5-Trillion to the Chicoms is like giving whiskey and the car keys to a teenage boy.� Wanta drops names (big names) like a New York City pigeon decorates statues. If you subscribe to the �strangeness� of the �suspicious death lists� floating through cyberspace during the Clinton years, Wanta should top the lists for someone as a candidate for a �heart attack� or �car accident.� Some of the names Wanta references are dead (Vince Foster, Bill Casey�). However, many are still around (President George H.W. Bush, Jim Baker�).
I confess I don�t know what I don�t know. I also concede some of the stuff surrounding the Wanta story doesn�t pass the �smell test.� However, the lack of reportage on what potentially could be gargantuan fuels even more questions. � 2006 Geoff Metcalf - All Rights Reserved E-Mails are used strictly for
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"Geoff Metcalf is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host for TALK AMERICA and a veteran media performer. He has had an eclectic professional background covering a wide spectrum of radio, television, magazine, and newspapers. A former Green Beret and retired Army officer he is in great demand as a speaker. Visit Geoff's Web Site: www.geoffmetcalf.com. While you're at it - pick up a copy of Geoff's latest book! E-mail: geoff@geoffmetcalf.com
We need to learn from the mistakes, correct them, not repeat them, and NOT cover them up with C.Y.A. obfuscation.