250,000 Military in 150 Countries are at Risk of Dying for Profits
By Andrew Wallace
December 14, 2024
How can you say that our military dead were not killed defending our country? They in fact died thinking they were defending America, and this is what they were told. This was a damned lie. This fact in no way demeans their sacrifice and heroism or our appreciation of their service.
As previously noted, EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT in the last 79 years was for Corporate Profit and had nothing to do with National Security. We lost all of these conflicts, and in the process suffered the deaths of over 100,000 of our military. We also killed millions of innocents while destroying entire countries. For this we are justifiably hated around the world.
Many people with good reasons believe that we should not have been involved in WW One or WW Two (we could not be invaded, so national security was not a reason). The evidence is there for all to see, if they look.
It is a damned shame that we can learn more of the truth from our enemies than from our own government. I am referring to Tucker Carlson’s interviews of Russia’s Putin and Lavrov. I say this because I know a little history and the Russians told mostly the truth, while our government mostly lied.
Again the simple truth is that due to our geographic location, we cannot be attacked from within or by nuclear warfare. We would also need our armed forces on American soil to repel an unlikely invasion, and to defend us from the Democrat/Communist Army of Invaders. Therefore our ability to project force worldwide is only to blackmail other countries and generate profit for the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), which they will share with Congress as bribes and payoffs.
President Trump needs to enforce the Constitution to the letter to return to a Constitutional Republic. If he continues to ignore the Supreme Law of the Land, it will be impossible to “Drain the Swamp” or prevent the Greatest of all Depressions.
The federal government was totally funded by tariffs and excise taxes until 1913. Income taxes and the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank replaced tariffs so they could print money required for wars and related thefts. Eventually, they got rid of gold and silver currency because they couldn’t print it. Constitutionally-required Gold/silver money would hold down inflation, prevent wars for profit, and reduce theft of the people’s money/assets.
We should replace armed conflicts with tariffs (much more effective). There is no need to kill members of our armed forces and bankrupt the people, just to enrich the PSRRC and bribe traitorous members of Congress.
We must all agree that most members of Congress, Bureaucrats of the Administrative State (executive branch), and many judges are corrupt to the point of treason (criminal enterprise). These are the people with blood on their hands who commit our armed forces to foreign wars that have nothing to do with national security and everything to do with profits for them.
God Bless You and our Republic
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E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net