Betty Freauf
January 13, 2002
NewsWithViews.comI learned a new word today - Imbroglio. I had to look it up in the dictionary. William F. Jasper in the 1/14/2003 New American had an article titled: Behind The Lott Imbroglio and asked "Who killed Trent Lott, and why?" He said the postmortem is still in progress, and the list of suspects and motives grows longer and more sordid.Ironically, as I read who he blamed, I remembered an e-mail I sent to Oregon's GOP chairman, Perry Atkinson on December 23, 2002 making similar statements.By the way, Atkinson was replaced yesterday (Jan. 11th) as Oregon GOP chairman by former Democrat and an attorney in Salem by the name of Kevin Mannix. About all I can say about Kevin is that he's pro-life but he's never met a spending bill he didn't like and I can still remember him extolling the virtues of the SB 275 "Hearsay" bill on the Oregon House floor in 1989 which has further helped to destroy Oregon families under the guise of "helping the children." And he's the author of Oregon's 'One Strike And Your Out' fill the jails Measure 11.Democrat Governor Neil Goldschmidt signed SB 275. Goldschmidt was a civil rights worker in Mississippi, marched with Martin Luther King and was the first gubernatorial candidate in Oregon's history to make a direct appeal to gay and lesbian voters by advertising in the gay press. At one time, at least, he was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).Has child abuse declined? No, because of the law, it's gotten worse. Parents are "guilty" until being able to prove themselves "innocent" (which rarely happens) and then their children are being adopted out to homosexuals and lesbians.Mannix is a perennial candidate. He ran for Attorney General and when he lost, he got himself re-elected to the legislature again. A few years ago he switched to the Republican party and ran for Governor and lost in November 2002 against a Democrat in the tightest gubernatorial race in Oregon history. And now, because the GOP is so fragmented and many are jumping ship for the Constitution party, Mannix said he's the person who can unite the party. In that position, he'll also be able to make contact with the powerful and monied people in Washington, D.C.In my e-mail to Atkinson I said I knew it was politically expedient of spineless Republcians to abandon Lott for a few words that were blown out of proportion by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Senator Tom Daschle.Giving the declining credibility of Jesse Jackson since the book Shakedown, Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson, was published in 2002, and Al Sharpton, who was stubbornly unapologetic about his part in the 1989 hoax committed by the New York city jogger, Tawana Brawley, who claimed she was raped by four white men and nearly beaten to death, the flak over Lott may have quietly gone away except, writes Jasper, "that President Bush dignified and enlivened them with his comments."Instead of attacking their colleague causing him to resign his Senate majority leader position, the Republicans missed an excellent opportunity to teach a piece of history about the Tenth Amendment and state's rights. Until this "imbroglio" even I did not have a clear understanding of the Civil War and the Tenth Amendment connection.Alan Stang was writing about the ridiculous forced bussing in the 1970s and government control of our children way before the Internet. But now you can see what he has to say about education on and the United Nations being controlled by communists on This journalist has been around a long time calling out the warnings.I heard him on on December 16th and he was talking about the Lott "imbroglio." He went so far as to say Abe Lincoln was no hero and his "Civil War" to free the slaves (as I'd believed all these years) wasn't really about that at all but rather the first attempt at dismantling our constitution by taking away the Tenth Amendment - state's rights. From what I can see a century and a half or so later, it sure makes sense to me. Today we have a centralized government about which President Washington warned dictating policies from Washington, D.C. and revenue sharing keeps the boys and girls in our state legislatures enslaved.On another talk show I heard a black woman from Mississippi say how disappointed she was in the Republican party for taking a stand against Senator Lott.Emanuel McLittle was on talk radio one evening and he was going after the Republicans for their lack of spine. Emanuel is an articulate, outspoken, ultra conservative black man and a writer for He says segregation is natural.I began to think about his remark and I thought, "Yup, Emanuel is right!" That's not being racist or bigoted. That's being truthful. I can only speak of a few instances about which I am aware but how about China Town in San Francisco? How about the little town of Bethlehem, a little north of Salem, Oregon where Russian immigrants fleeing communism built homes and their church in the 1960s and then there is neighboring Woodburn, Oregon where the Mexican community is becoming more and more dominant. How about the Amish, the Gypsies. Indians, German Lutherans, Irish Catholics, children in private religious schools, and the list goes on. While all of them work and play in the community, many live in neighborhoods with similar backgrounds. But if you really want to get a chuckle about segregation, go see the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Although it has a politically correct ending, there are lots of laughs in the meantime for if we are honest, we can all see ourselves in that movie.But Jasper makes an interesting observation when he says there definitely was an agenda behind the high-powered, slow-motion, public execution of Trent Lott as he compared it to the infamous show trials of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin or the "struggle sessions" in Mao Zedong's Communist China. Millions of victims perished in those hideous Orwellian exercises; millions more were allowed to survive the ordeal, but only after confessing their "crimes" and being completely "re-educated." Jasper goes on to say how these Communist regimes caused friends, co-workers and even family members to be coerced to join in denouncing the designated victim. He said one unidentified Republican "close to Bush" in a December 17th Washington Post described Lott as "a walking piñata for Democrats" but the attackers landing the most damaging blows were Lott's fellow Republicans and President Bush gave credence to their baseless charges.Jasper said at the time in question, then-Governor Thurmond was running against Democrat Harry Truman, a former member of the KKK. So who was the real racist? asks Jasper. Is it not possible that Sen. Lott was referring, rather, to candidate Thurmond's pro-Constitution, pro-defense, anti-tax, anti-spending, anti-Communist, anti-Big Government platform that, if enacted, could indeed have spared our nation many problems? Yes, said Jasper, the president could have and should have pointed this out and then let the matter die. But he and his handlers had another agenda, said Jasper. Trent Lott had already abandoned most of his conservative principles and was compliantly supporting most of the Bush internationalist, big government agenda but apparently he was not compliant enough and so it is in the life of a politician in Washington, D.C. who either gets debased, assassinated or "commits suicide" when they step out of line so why would anyone campaign so hard for the job? See the new NBC series to start on January 18th called "Mr. Sterling." I saw a preview on January 11th. As T.V. goes these days, I think it might be a winner.
© 2003 - Betty Freauf - All Rights Reserved
Betty is a former Oregon Republican Party activist having served as state party secretary, county chairman, 5th congressional vice chairman and then elected chairman, a precinct worker for many years and twice ran unsuccessfully for the Oregon State Legislature. The Republican tradition is to stay neutral in Primary races but in Betty's case. they supported her opponent. E-Mail: