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Betty Freauf
January 17, 2003

How many times have concerned citizens attended some roundtable event sponsored by a local governmental entity to give input to the elected leaders on a certain matter? I use the word "roundtable" because often these attendees are put at "round tables."
The head of the event may be the chairman of some task force committee that the local elected leader had appointed but what is unknown by the group, a facilitator has been placed at every "round table" and his or her duty is to bring the participants at that table to "consensus", a psychological method of manipulation used to move a group of people from many different opinions to a  predetermined conclusion.
So the innocent sheep -- the well intended concerned citizens -- are led to slaughter by the use of "consensus". After the final gavel falls, everything that has been decided upon was what the "misleaders" wanted in the first place and the liberal media willingly puts its stamp of approval on the decisions so the people reading about it in the paper the next day believe this group made wise decisions. The readers do not know that some participants left those "round tables" shaking their heads at the final decisions but feeling incapable of doing anything about it.
Using Roberts Rules of Order would alleviate this shell game. Parliamentary procedure, properly used, provides the means whereby the affairs of an organization or club can be controlled by the general will within the whole membership. The "general will," in this sense, does not always imply even near unanimity or "consensus", but rather the right of the deliberate majority to decide.
The prime modern promoter of this idea was the German philosopher Georg Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) who formulated the dialectical process. This Marxist philosophy is also known as dialectical materialism. Hegel denied that God is a personality or entity apart from the universe he created - such as Jehovah of the Bible or Jesus Christ who was his divine presence on earth. To Hegel that was all mythology. Hegel saw history as an evolutionary process of dialectical idealism heading toward perfection. He considered everything in the state of flux or development. The dialectic would teach, for example, that no man can stand twice on the bank of the same river for the second time it is a totally different river. And this is why reincarnation is a part of this philosophy. Every time we die and are "reincarnated" we supposedly come back as a more perfect being. If this is was true,  why is the world growing "progressively" more evil and violent?
The Hegelian philosophy claims nothing is absolute and that man's ideas were superior to biblical principles. Hegelianism considers man an animal who can be conditioned and reshaped into the humanistic mold. For example, Pavlov's dogs you learned about in Psych 101. The same type of behavior modification is being used on children in the public schools today. Pumped full of this nonsense, our young people are pushovers for the dialectic methodology (brainwashing) of the resident campus Marxists.
Communism is a perpetual philosophy. It is not dead. While perhaps they don't carry a communist membership card, our college campuses are filled with communist hypothesizer professors which spills over onto the students who get into key governmental positions.
A dear conservative, anti-communist friend of mine (now deceased) had a son who was elected to two high-powered positions in my state from 1967 through 1984 and then was hired on Wall Street to handle pension funds. Her heart was broken about the decisions he made. She once told me her son was a good kid until he went to college and then he changed and I believe that may also be the lamentations of thousands of other parents who scarified to send their kids to college only to see them graduate completely changed. And, if the legislatures of other states, are like the ones in my state, when they are in session, the offices are filled with hundreds of college interns who may easily be in a position to help determine the fate of certain legislation.
So if some wonder why we have been losing the battles. It's called consensus -- appeasement. The facilitator offers an idea (thesis) expecting opposition (anti-thesis) and comes to the consensus (synthesis). Perhaps an example easier to understand: Capitalism (thesis) -vs- Communism (anti-thesis)= Socialism (synthesis). Communism kills with guns. Socialism kills capitalism with regulations and high taxes.
On a national level, we tried to appease Hitler and he had no respect for us. The State Department tried to appease Saddam Hussein in the early 90s. Then we have North Korea, China, Mexican illegals, environmentalists (used to be communism) and how often have we seen the Republican party help get someone elected simply because they had name recognition and later found they were R.I.N.O's (Republican in name only) and these elected representatives or senators may be that "one vote" needed to send our country into even a deeper abyss.  Those who say "Appease, Appease, are hung by those they tried to please."

© 2003 - Betty Freauf - All Rights Reserved

Betty is a former Oregon Republican Party activist having served as state party secretary, county chairman, 5th congressional vice chairman and then elected chairman, a precinct worker for many years and twice ran unsuccessfully for the Oregon State Legislature. The Republican tradition is to stay neutral in Primary races but in Betty's case. they supported her opponent. E-Mail:
