Other Freauf Articles: Most Powerful Governor in Oregon History Becomes a Castaway Seek For Sex Education And You Shall Find The Giant
Sucking Sound Is "The Giver" On Your Horizon? Is The Chamber of Commerce an UN Front? Oregon State Supplies Our Vices Earth Day, May Day And Watermelons Are We Destined For Selective Reduction? Robbing Peter To Pay Paul In Oregon
By Betty Freauf July 21, 2005 NewsWithViews.com Hannah Rossen, a Washington Post reporter recently wrote a human interest article for The New Yorker on the conservative Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia which opened its doors in the fall of 2000. It is the nation's first higher-education institution with a student body comprised mostly of home schoolers and has already become recognized for its exceptional new debate program. Patrick Henry knew no equal as an orator, he could spell-bind his audience so these debaters are living up to his name. Like the conservative neocon's Council for National Policy is supposed to be a counter to the liberal elite's Council on Foreign Relations, Patrick Henry College is supposed to be a counter to such elite institutions as Harvard and others. The article seemed to be fair. She described the students as being really attentive, ambitious, structured and competitive, which probably explains why in its first year, the debaters captured eight trophies at the 2001 National Education Debate Association (NEDA) tournament and the college received a special recognition award from the NEDA. But she did not agree with separate dorms for the boys and girls, as it was prior to the sixties, and she poked fun at the girls getting such an education and hinted in a later interview with Jon Stewart that most would end up housewives and mothers and "careerless"-- as if a Mrs. degree today is of no value to the politically correct crowd. Jon Stewart, of the Daily Show, must have read the article and he thought it would be an interesting interview to have Hannah Rossen on his program. Hannah says she spent about three months at the college designed for conservative, home educated Christian students where they are supposed to train for "careers of influence" which she says means "Politics." Then the college tries to find internships for them in Washington, D.C. where they work in Congress and at the White House. Stewart questioned the accessibility to the current Bush administration and I was shocked at Hannah's response. If she is to be believed, she said it was "extremely difficult" and that the college gets a very "hostile treatment from the Bush Administration and from Karl Rove in particular. Very difficult, yes!" President Bush is supposed to be conservative, so why wouldn't he be interested in helping build a younger generation of Constitutional scholars? Not wanting to give too many accolades to Patrick Henry College and its students, Stewart worried because of the work ethic of the students described earlier which they both thought was "weird," he said an article like Hannah's, which "humanized" the students in many ways by praising them, could open up a Pandora's box - the worst of the liberal's fears realized - that America is becoming more conservative and patriotic. And Hannah replied, "They are human. Yes they are" as if some of the "animals" at other liberal elite higher education institutions with their sub-human activities such as rape, drunken parties and hazing were rated at a higher level in the human race. In an article written by Professor Kay Haugaard, a creative writing teacher at Pasadena City College, in the CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION publication, she writes about her class's reaction to Shirley Jackson's story "The Lottery," and she, like a few other professors, are shocked at how "tolerance" has desensitized students. This story describes a village that holds an annual lottery that all are obliged to enter. Each year the loser of the lottery is stoned to death. The villagers, who are otherwise moral and decent people, continue this practice because they sincerely believe it brings good fortune to the community as a whole. This is reminiscent of the book THE GIVER read to public school children in the primary grades which glamorizes infanticide. What shocked Haugaard was that her students did not condemn the villagers. Instead they strained to understand them, to defend them and, in the end, to exculpate them. Haugaard wrote that she sought in vain to find even one student who would react with moral indignation to the villagers' grisly custom of stoning an innocent person, but she failed. "At this point I gave up. No one in the whole class of more than twenty ostensibly intelligent individuals would go out on a limb and take a stand against human sacrifice," she stated. (P. 43 Book: ONE NATION UNDER THERAPY (c) 2005) What can explain the moral timidity of today's students? Students equate adverse moral judgment with intolerance and insensitivity. And the authors of ONE NATION UNDER THERAPY go on to say though some professors are dismayed by their students' "no-fault" ethic, few appear to be doing anything to discourage it. They write in July 2002, Zogby International released the results of a poll on moral education on the American campus. In a survey of four hundred randomly selected college seniors, Zogby found the overwhelming majority (97%) said that they expected to be ethical in their future undertakings. However, 73 percent said they had learned from their professors that "what is right and wrong depends on differences in individual values and cultural diversity." Translated this means infanticide, euthanasia, cannibalism and other pagan "cultural diverse" standards should be acceptable. So it seems we've come full circle. It started out with teaching "values clarification," which included no right and no wrong, to a captive audience of children in the early years three or four decades ago. These children graduated and went on to college and became educators and now other college-educated "experts" are asking for more money to help those who are "mentally sick" to get well. But, once again, their definition of the mentally ill is not what a prudent man would believe. The "mental health" industry, according to Harvard Professor, Chester M. Pierce, addressing 2000 teachers in Denver, Colorado in 1973 said "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our Founding Fathers, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity... It's up to you teachers to make all of these sick children well by creating the international children of the future." Textbooks have been carefully monitored by the sensitivity police and written to erase and undermine a student's capacity for empathy and true history and then we wonder why so many "ostensibly intelligent, morally and decent young people" are committing violent crimes today and yet liberals like Jon Stewart will poke fun at the mentally balanced students at Patrick Henry? Stewart and Hannah discussed what they believed to be the adverse affect on home educated children being "cloistered" but fail to look in the mirror at their "cloistered" industry. Myrna Blythe, in her book SPIN SISTERS, accuses the liberal media journalists of the very same thing. They meet at the same places to eat. They attend the same social events and they surround themselves with liberal friends. Hannah said these "cloistered" home-schooled kids think of New York as one big constant Gay Pride Parade. There are others who might think of New York as one big sort of coven of Satanists and then there are others who at least think of New York as just not Christian, which she found insulting. "And then there are others who will dig it, you know," Hannah says. "Go to the clubs - Cool!" She goes on to call others outside of the "cloistered" New York night club scene "Ralph Reedy freaks" and she's insulted? What she's done with her careless remark is to call all the people in the red states that voted for Bush "cloistered freaks." Ralph Reed, as many of you will recall, got his start as head of Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition. If some conservative talk show host, journalist or politician would have said something like that about the liberals, the liberals would be calling for their head on a platter. But the silence is deafening when it comes to crude remarks by the liberals which once again clearly illustrates the double standard. And what about the dysfunctional Hollywood crowd? And all the dedicated members in the two-party political system who would vote the party line no matter what? Oh, it gets even better. Stewart asks Hannah, after spending time with the students at Patrick Henry, is she encouraged by their "humanity" or is she frightened by their cloistered nature? Peer pressure is an amazing thing to both the young and the old. While I feel Hannah wanted to remain somewhat objective, Stewart carefully led his guest to conclude that the "cloistered" Patrick Henry crowd was scary and that they needed a reality check. Is it possible she got confused at this point? Maybe some of these "cloistered" New Yorkers, many who do not even own a car and cannot drive, the Hollywood crowd and others in the blue sections of our country should visit the red states. Maybe they'd learn something from the people in the Heartland and that they aren't a bunch of country bumpkins after all. The people who need a reality check live in the blue states. In my contacts with home schooled children, I have found they are able to communicate well with both old and young alike on a variety of issues in which they are well versed, whereas public school children are only able to parrot the "cloistered" tunnel vision of the left-wing Communist agenda. [Read] The home schooled children are very active in the world. They participate in a variety of outside activities, do community service and are becoming well-rounded patriotic citizens. So why do you think Stewart was finally able to convince Hannah that the world these kids live in will soon crumble and when their particular worldview collapses they will "weep slowly over Jesus on the dashboard."? The world that has crumbled around their liberal necks are all those cry babies on Prozac and a psychiatrist's couch from the blue states that lost the election in 2004 and I believe it is Jesus weeping over their sorry, lost souls.
Patrick Henry said "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death." The liberals have chosen the latter. It's called "Free Choice." Thank God for home schoolers who just very well may be our last hope for this country. [Read] � 2005 Betty Freauf - All Rights Reserved E-Mails are used strictly for
NWVs alerts, not for sale
Betty is a former Oregon Republican party activist having served as state party secretary, county chairman, 5th congressional vice chairman and then elected chairman, and a precinct worker for many years but Betty gave up on the two-party system in 2004 and joined the Constitutional Party. Betty is a researcher specializing in education,
a freelance journalist and a regular contributor to www.NewsWithViews.com
Patrick Henry said "Give Me Liberty or Give me Death." The liberals have chosen the latter. It's called "Free Choice." Thank God for home schoolers who just very well may be our last hope for this country.