Other The Department of Homeland Control Can America Awake From The Dream World? Partial Abortion Ban - The Betrayal Is Now Complete "You've Been Living In A Dream World, Neo" The Hidden Truth: 140,000 Americans Were Killed During The Iraq war
As Condoleezza Rice made her spike-healed strut through the Middle East last week barking out commands like, "Now, we are taking a different course. We are supporting the democratic aspirations of all people," you could almost hear the click as another U-235 round was slammed into the Iranian nuclear shotgun. And it is hard to blame the Iranians for wanting to protect themselves from this new form of American terror called, �democracy.� In the twisted morality of the New World Order we are building, it is we Americans who get to decide who lives and who dies in this grand quest for global �democracy.� Because we know what is best for all the peoples of the world, and if we have to kill a hundred thousand Iraqis supporting their �democratic aspirations,� then so be it. That is the price we are willing to make them pay for their �freedom.� Of course, Bush is not about to be outdone by Condi. So while she swaggered throughout the Middle East, threatening the Iranians and just about everyone else who got in her way, GWB was back here at home firing off this classic shot of Bush doublespeak: "Today, Iran is ruled by men who suppress liberty at home and spread terror across the world. Power is in the hands of an unelected few who have retained power through an electoral process that ignores the basic requirements of democracy." What utter, hypocritical nonsense:
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! How that man can get away with spouting off such complete garbage without anyone in �conservative� leadership calling him on it, is simply amazing. Then Bush goes on in the same speech to make this rather disturbing threat to the Iranian people, "As you stand for your own liberty, the people of America stand with you." Translation: Sure, we�ll stand for your liberty all right. When you hear the sound of cluster bombs exploding in your neighborhood you will know your liberty is getting close. If we could spend even five seconds in the shoes of an Iranian patriot who loves his country just as much as we do ours, maybe we could realize that if you and I were sitting in the crosshairs of �American freedom� the way the Iranians are, we would want our government to do whatever it took to protect us � whether that meant building nuclear weapons or not. In fact, looking at this from the Iranian standpoint, the belligerence of Bush and his lying little band of merry yes-men as they swagger throughout the Middle East, threatening anyone who dares cross them - nearly guarantees that the Iranian government will pursue a nuclear protection for their people. And it will be hard to blame them when they do. � 2005 David Brownlow - All Rights Reserved Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts E-Mails
are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale David Brownlow, a regular columnist for NewsWithViews.com, is the Executive Director of Life Support, an Oregon based "No Abortion, No Excuses" anti-abortion organization that is focused on eliminating all government funded child-killing. David, an engineer, former Constitution Party candidate, and 25 year political activist, resides in Damascus, Oregon with his wife Suzanne and their four children. Web-Site: www.lifesupportoregon.org E-Mail: dave@lifesupportoregon.org
Sure, we�ll stand for your liberty all right. When you hear the sound of cluster bombs exploding in your neighborhood you will know your liberty is getting close.