Investigative Journalist, Barry R. Clausen
January 2, 2015
During the last several months there has been frequent acts of violence in Ferguson, Missouri, New York Cityand many other cities in the U.S. against police as local protestors and out of town anarchists flood the streets with acts of both peaceful and destructive demonstrations.
Inmost instances many have accused the police for using violence against unarmed citizens. While many of those are legitimately angry at police, anarchists are actually promoting the killing of police officers and in some cases, officers have been assassinated. In many cases there are appropriate protestors but the anarchists in many cases, travel from different parts of the country to deliberately create acts of terrorism as shown in parts of this story.
Past History
The following pictures are in one anarchist publication. They show a pistol with an anarchist symbol on the handle pointed at a police officer’s head. Another shows police officers lying in the street while four anarchists dance around the scene holding rifles. One other describes how to make bombs designed to blow up police cars with fire bombs and one shows an anarchist smiling while holding an automatic weapon with a forty round clip while an upside down police car burns.
One of those advocating police assassinations killed a Red Bluff Police officer. In the clear but chilly early morning hours of Tuesday, November 19, 2002, David Frank Mobilio, a Red Bluff, California Police Department D.A.R.E. officer was shot and killed when he was ambushed by a cowardly gunman after the officer stopped at the Department’s fueling station sometime between 1:30 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. presumably to fuel up his cruiser.
Mobilo was shot two times by the suspect who had secluded himself in a nearby ditch as the unsuspecting officer exited his patrol car. Fellow officers began franticly searching for Officer Mobilio when he failed to answer their repeated radio calls. They located his body next to his patrol car with his gun nearby.
Hampton Mickel was apprehended in Concord, New Hampshire, on November
27, 2002, after numerous authorities that included federal, state and
local agencies learned his location. Internet postings just 6 days later
responsibility for the murder lead to the identity of the person posting
the claim. Mickel had used one of his aliases, Andy McCrae in a post that
read, “Hello everyone, my name’s Andy. I killed a police officer
in Red Bluff, California in a motion to bring attention to, and halt,
the police-state tactics that have come to be used throughout our country.
Now I’m coming forward, to explain that this killing was also action
against corporate irresponsibility.” Murderer Andrew Mickel was
found to also be an anarchist and a member of Earth First from Evergreen
College in Olympia, Washington.
Mickel stated that he killed Mobilio because he hated police after he, in his words;was unfairly abused by police when he was involved in rioting at the November, 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Seattle, Washington. Officer Mobillio was in no way connected to the WTO police involvement. The beloved husband and father of a toddler had been originally not scheduled to work the night he was gunned down by this shameless coward.
Mickel, who insisted on representing himself at his death-penalty trial, was convicted of one count of first-degree murder in April of 2005 and sentenced to die for his crime. He will live out the rest of his life on Death Row at San Quentin State Penitentiary in California. Interestingly, Mickel’s parents have stated that they believe their son is like Theodore Kaczynski, guilty but sick.
Anarchists Attack Cops and Starbucks on Astor Place, Police Say
By DNAinfo Staff on April 15, 2012 5:22pm | Updated on April 15, 2012 5:52pm
By Chelsia Rose Marcius and Tom Liddy
MANHATTAN — Two cops were injured Saturday night when police clashed with a throng of anarchists, who attacked them with metal pipes and wreaked havoc at a NoHo Starbucks during a wild, hours-long spree, police said.
According to cops, the suspects, Eric Marchese, 23, of Brentwood, LI, Alexander Penley, 41, of the Upper West Side and Nicholas Thommen, 30 of Salem, Ore., were among a group of 25 individuals who fought with cops and tried to smash the windows of the Starbucks on Astor Place using 8-foot galvanized metal pipes around 8:45 p.m.
Earlier, members of the group, some of whom were wearing masks, had attended an anarchist book fair at Judson Memorial Church, on Washington Square South and then took to the streets around Washington Square Park, marching against traffic, chanting "f--- the NYPD," "cops are murderers" and "all pigs must die," police said.
Current Anarchy
“Tear Gas, Windows Broken, Clashes With Police As Anarchists Hijack Peaceful Protest March Through Berkeley” were the headlines in Berkley, California on December 6, 2014. In addition to Berkley and dozens of other locations throughout our country were infiltrated by anarchists’hell bent on committing acts of terrorism.
The FBI’s definition of terrorism is, “The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coercea government the civilian populationor any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
“Two more NY men arrested for threatening police after officers killed” CREDIT: REUTERS/CARLO ALLEGRI
An NYPD logo is pictured on wall above a makeshift memorial at the site where two police officers were shot [by anarchists] in the head in the Brooklyn borough of New York, December 22, 2014.
(Reuters) - Two more men have been arrested for threatening New York police, including one who called the precinct headquarters of two officers killed as they sat in their patrol car and asked to speak to one of them, a police spokesman said on Thursday.
The arrests bring to six the number of those detained for threats against the New York Police Department since officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot on Saturday by a gunman seeking revenge for unarmed black men killed by police.
Tyrone Melville, 41, of Manhattan, was arrested on Wednesday after he allegedly called the switchboard of Brooklyn's 84th Precinct, where the slain officers were based, said Sergeant Carlos Nieves, a police spokesman.
Requesting to speak to Ramos, Melville asked if the bullets had been removed from the dead officer's head so "he could kill more cops," Nieves said.
Melville was charged with making terroristic threats, a felony, and aggravated harassment, a misdemeanor.
As news reports show on December 28th in Dade City, Florida shots were fired by anarchists at police and again on December 28th in Los Angeles California shots were fired at two police officers who returned fire. There were no injuries but one suspect was apprehended.
� 2015 Barry R. Clausen - All Rights Reserved
Mr. Clausen’s new book: FBI, Murders, Conspiracy & ATF Contrived Charges - The Peltier case [Kindle Edition] is available at Amazon.Com
Mr. Clausen has been a guest on over 250 U.S. and Canadian radio talk shows and TV news shows including ABC, CBS, NBC and repeatedly on FOX News. He has been featured or quoted in over 800 books, magazines and news articles including the San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, Vancouver Province, Canada’s B.C. Report, New York Times, Newsday, Seattle Times, Oregonian, Sacramento Bee, Christian Science Monitor, The Dallas Morning News and a lengthy article beginning on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.
Mr. Clausen’s information has been translated and used by publications in many foreign countries including Japan, Ireland, England, Turkey, Germany, France and Chile. In 1994, a film crew from Danish TV-2 flew to Seattle to interview Mr. Clausen for a television documentary about international and U.S. extremist organizations. The documentary, A MAN IN THE RAINBOW, was subsequently aired in several European countries.